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Risk assessment on life safety and financial loss for road accident of fuel cell vehicles 2017 Conference Paper Ke Sun, Zhiyong Li 169.pdf (2.43 MB)
Response time measurement of hydrogen sensors 2017 Conference Paper Thomas Hübert, Jacek Majewski, Ulrich Banach, 211.pdf (836.64 KB)
Residual performance of composite pressure vessels submitted to mechanical impacts 2017 Conference Paper Pierre Blanc-Vannet, Olivier Bardoux, Noémie Alexandre 1_ID136.pdf (1.31 MB) , 136.pdf (606.01 KB)
Research and Development for Safety Improvement of Hydrogen Refueling Stations in Japan 2017 Presentation T. Ikeda, T. Abe 6_ID215.pdf (2.02 MB)
Regulations, Codes, and Standards (RCS) for Multi-Fuel Motor Vehicle Dispensing Stations 2017 Conference Paper C. Rivkin; R. Burgess; W. Buttner Paper-110.pdf (425.4 KB) , Presentation-ID110.pdf (773.82 KB)
Regulations, Codes, and Standards (RCS) for Large-Scale Hydrogen Systems 2017 Conference Paper C. Rivkin; R. Burgess; W. Buttner Paper-111.pdf (303.75 KB) , Presentation-ID111.pdf (2.1 MB)
RBD-fast based sensitivity and uncertainty analysis on a computational hydrogen recombiner test case 2017 Conference Paper Bingxu Hou, Jiyang Yu, Zhanjie Xu, 112.pdf (1.28 MB) , 1_ID112.pptx (9.35 MB)
Prevention of hydrogen accumulation inside the vacuum vessel pressure suppression system of the ITER facility by means of passive auto-catalytic recombiners 2017 Conference Paper Paul-Martin Steffen, Ernst-Arndt Reinecke, Stephan Kelm, 130.pdf (1.05 MB) , 4_ID130.pptx (9.18 MB)
Pressure effects of an ignited release from onboard storage in a garage with a single vent 2017 Conference Paper Sile Brennan, Harem Hussein, Dmitriy Makarov, 251.pdf (3.96 MB) , 2_ID251.pptx (10.59 MB)
Polymer behaviour in high pressure hydrogen, helium and argon environments as applicable to the hydrogen infrastructure 2017 Conference Paper Nalini Chulliyil Menon, A.M. Kruizenga, A. Nissen, B.E. Mills, 299.pdf (828.93 KB) , 4_ID299.pptx (7.81 MB)
PIV-measurements of reactant flow in hydrogen-air explosions 2017 Conference Paper Knut Vaagsaether, André Gaathaug, Dag Bjerketvedt 164.pdf (470.49 KB)
Performance evaluation of empirical models for vented lean hydrogen explosions 2017 Conference Paper Anubhav Sinha, C. Madhav Rao Vendra, Jennifer X Wen 155.pdf (653.66 KB) , 2_ID155.pptx (2.79 MB)
Observation of the hydrogen dispersion by using Raman scattering measurement and increase of measurable distance 2017 Conference Paper Yuta Segawa, Masahiro Inoue, Akihiro Nakamoto, 295.pdf (1.26 MB) , 3_ID295.pptx (39.23 MB)
Numerical study of the release and dispersion of a light gas using 3D CFD code GASFLOW-MPI 2017 Conference Paper Han Zhang, Jianjun Xiao, Yabing Li 138.pdf (493.28 KB)
Numerical prediction of forced-ignition limit in high-pressurized hydrogen jet flow through a pinhole 2017 Conference Paper Makoto Asahara, Nobuyuki Tsuboi 193.pdf (1.34 MB)
Numerical modelling of hazards of hydrogen storage 2017 Conference Paper Pratap Sathiah, Chris Dixon 216.pdf (446.17 KB) , 4_ID216.pptx (362.88 KB)
Numerical Modelling of Flame Acceleration and Transition to Detonation in Hydrogen/Air Mixtures with Concentration Gradient 2017 Conference Paper R. K. Azadboni; A. Heidari; J. X. Wen Paper-163.pdf (857.97 KB)
Numerical Investigation on the Self-Ignition Behavior of High Pressure Hydrogen Released from the Tube 2017 Conference Paper H. Watanabe; A. Matsuo
Numerical investigation of hydrogen leakage from a high pressure tank and pipeline 2017 Conference Paper Yuri Nagase, Yuka Taira, Yuta Sugiyama, 2_ID170.pdf (14.36 MB) , 170.pdf (7.29 MB)
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of H2-Air and H2-O2 Detonation Parameters in a 9 m Long Tube, Introduction of a New Detonation Model 2017 Conference Paper K. Malik;, M. Zbikowski; P. Lesiak Paper-195.pdf (842.62 KB)
Non-steady characteristics of dispersion and ignitability for high-pressurized hydrogen jet discharged from a pinhole 2017 Conference Paper Kazuki Okabayashi, Kenji Tagashira, Kohei Kawazoe, 4_ID209.pdf (933.04 KB) , 209.pdf (567.72 KB)
Non-adiabatic blowdown model: a complimentary tool for the safety design of tank-TPRD system 2017 Conference Paper Mohammad Dadashzadeh, Dimitry Makarov, Vladimir Molkov 186.pdf (460.51 KB) , 3_ID186.pptx (3.02 MB)
Multistage risk analysis and safety study of a hydrogen energy station 2017 Conference Paper Bo Zhao, Pengcheng Zhao, Meng Niu, et al. 148.pdf (732.74 KB)
Monte-Carlo-analysis of minimum load cycle requirements for composite cylinders for hydrogen 2017 Conference Paper Georg Mair, Ben Becker 2_ID_202.pdf (2.09 MB) , 202.pdf (221.92 KB)
Monitoring H2 bubbles by real time H2 sensor 2017 Conference Paper Takashi Nohmi, Toshio Mogi 229.pdf (911.39 KB) , 1_ID229.pptx (3.56 MB)
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