Risk assessment on life safety and financial loss for road accident of fuel cell vehicles |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Ke Sun, Zhiyong Li |
(2.43 MB)
Response time measurement of hydrogen sensors |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Thomas Hübert, Jacek Majewski, Ulrich Banach, et.al. |
(836.64 KB)
Residual performance of composite pressure vessels submitted to mechanical impacts |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Pierre Blanc-Vannet, Olivier Bardoux, Noémie Alexandre |
(1.31 MB)
, 136.pdf
(606.01 KB)
Research and Development for Safety Improvement of Hydrogen Refueling Stations in Japan |
2017 |
Presentation |
T. Ikeda, T. Abe |
(2.02 MB)
Regulations, Codes, and Standards (RCS) for Multi-Fuel Motor Vehicle Dispensing Stations |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
C. Rivkin; R. Burgess; W. Buttner |
(425.4 KB)
, Presentation-ID110.pdf
(773.82 KB)
Regulations, Codes, and Standards (RCS) for Large-Scale Hydrogen Systems |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
C. Rivkin; R. Burgess; W. Buttner |
(303.75 KB)
, Presentation-ID111.pdf
(2.1 MB)
RBD-fast based sensitivity and uncertainty analysis on a computational hydrogen recombiner test case |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Bingxu Hou, Jiyang Yu, Zhanjie Xu, et.al. |
(1.28 MB)
, 1_ID112.pptx
(9.35 MB)
Prevention of hydrogen accumulation inside the vacuum vessel pressure suppression system of the ITER facility by means of passive auto-catalytic recombiners |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Paul-Martin Steffen, Ernst-Arndt Reinecke, Stephan Kelm, et.al. |
(1.05 MB)
, 4_ID130.pptx
(9.18 MB)
Pressure effects of an ignited release from onboard storage in a garage with a single vent |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Sile Brennan, Harem Hussein, Dmitriy Makarov, et.al. |
(3.96 MB)
, 2_ID251.pptx
(10.59 MB)
Polymer behaviour in high pressure hydrogen, helium and argon environments as applicable to the hydrogen infrastructure |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Nalini Chulliyil Menon, A.M. Kruizenga, A. Nissen, B.E. Mills, et.al. |
(828.93 KB)
, 4_ID299.pptx
(7.81 MB)
PIV-measurements of reactant flow in hydrogen-air explosions |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Knut Vaagsaether, André Gaathaug, Dag Bjerketvedt |
(470.49 KB)
Performance evaluation of empirical models for vented lean hydrogen explosions |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Anubhav Sinha, C. Madhav Rao Vendra, Jennifer X Wen |
(653.66 KB)
, 2_ID155.pptx
(2.79 MB)
Observation of the hydrogen dispersion by using Raman scattering measurement and increase of measurable distance |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Yuta Segawa, Masahiro Inoue, Akihiro Nakamoto, et.al. |
(1.26 MB)
, 3_ID295.pptx
(39.23 MB)
Numerical study of the release and dispersion of a light gas using 3D CFD code GASFLOW-MPI |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Han Zhang, Jianjun Xiao, Yabing Li |
(493.28 KB)
Numerical prediction of forced-ignition limit in high-pressurized hydrogen jet flow through a pinhole |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Makoto Asahara, Nobuyuki Tsuboi |
(1.34 MB)
Numerical modelling of hazards of hydrogen storage |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Pratap Sathiah, Chris Dixon |
(446.17 KB)
, 4_ID216.pptx
(362.88 KB)
Numerical Modelling of Flame Acceleration and Transition to Detonation in Hydrogen/Air Mixtures with Concentration Gradient |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
R. K. Azadboni; A. Heidari; J. X. Wen |
(857.97 KB)
Numerical Investigation on the Self-Ignition Behavior of High Pressure Hydrogen Released from the Tube |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
H. Watanabe; A. Matsuo |
Numerical investigation of hydrogen leakage from a high pressure tank and pipeline |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Yuri Nagase, Yuka Taira, Yuta Sugiyama, et.al. |
(14.36 MB)
, 170.pdf
(7.29 MB)
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of H2-Air and H2-O2 Detonation Parameters in a 9 m Long Tube, Introduction of a New Detonation Model |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
K. Malik;, M. Zbikowski; P. Lesiak |
(842.62 KB)
Non-steady characteristics of dispersion and ignitability for high-pressurized hydrogen jet discharged from a pinhole |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Kazuki Okabayashi, Kenji Tagashira, Kohei Kawazoe, et.al. |
(933.04 KB)
, 209.pdf
(567.72 KB)
Non-adiabatic blowdown model: a complimentary tool for the safety design of tank-TPRD system |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Mohammad Dadashzadeh, Dimitry Makarov, Vladimir Molkov |
(460.51 KB)
, 3_ID186.pptx
(3.02 MB)
Multistage risk analysis and safety study of a hydrogen energy station |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Bo Zhao, Pengcheng Zhao, Meng Niu, et al. |
(732.74 KB)
Monte-Carlo-analysis of minimum load cycle requirements for composite cylinders for hydrogen |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Georg Mair, Ben Becker |
(2.09 MB)
, 202.pdf
(221.92 KB)
Monitoring H2 bubbles by real time H2 sensor |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Takashi Nohmi, Toshio Mogi |
(911.39 KB)
, 1_ID229.pptx
(3.56 MB)