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Yokohama's Hydrogen Society Initiatives 2015 Presentation N. Nomura Yokohama's Hydrogen Society Initiatives.pptx (9.79 MB)
Wide Area and Distributed Hydrogen Sensors 2009 Conference Paper R. Zalosh; N. Barilo Wide Area and Distributed Hydrogen Sensors.pdf (379.95 KB)
What is an explosion? 2013 Conference Paper J.O. Keller; M. Gresho; A. Harris; A.V. Tchouvelev presentation_87.pdf (712.23 KB) , paper_191_0.pdf (962.14 KB)
Webinar - What We Can Learn From Hydrogen Safety Event Databases 2013 Presentation J. Keller presentation_104_0.pdf (4.24 MB)
Visualization of Auto-Ignition Phenomenon Under the Controlled Burst Pressure 2015 Conference Paper K. Yamashita; T. Saburi; Y. Wada; M. Asahara; T. Mogi; A.K. Hayashi paper_289.pdf (1.85 MB)
Visualisation of Jet Fires From Hydrogen Release 2009 Conference Paper L. Deimling; V. Weiser; A. Blanc; E. N.; G. Billeb; A. Kessler paper_31.pdf (1.37 MB) , presentation_29.pdf (610.79 KB)
Very Low-Cost Visual and Wireless Sensors for Effective Hydrogen Gas Leak Detection 2013 Conference Paper D.K. Benson; W. Hoagland; R.D. Smith
Vertical Turbulent Buoyant Helium Jet - CFD Modeling and Validation 2005 Conference Paper C. Z; A. V.M.; T. A.V. 110089.pdf (273.98 KB)
Venting Deflagrations of Local Hydrogen-Air Mixture 2015 Conference Paper D. Makarov; V. Molkov; P. Hooker; M. Kuznetsov paper_303.pdf (561.68 KB) , Presentation_ID196.pptx (3.73 MB)
Vented Hydrogen-Air Deflagrations in Low Strength Equipment and Buildings 2013 Conference Paper V. Molkov; M. Bragin paper_218.pdf (543.45 KB)
Vented Hydrogen-Air Deflagration in a Small Enclosed Volume 2013 Conference Paper X. Rocourt; S. Awamat; I. Sochet; S. Jallais presentation_97.pdf (753.72 KB) , paper_203.pdf (16.7 MB)
Vented hydrogen deflagrations in containers: effect of congestion for homogeneous mixtures 2017 Conference Paper Trygve Skjold, Helene Hisken, Sunil Lakshmipathy 223.pdf (4.64 MB)
Vented hydrogen deflagrations in an ISO container 2017 Conference Paper C. Madhav Rao Vendra, Jennifer X Wen 154.pdf (741.13 KB) , 5_ID154.pptx (5.61 MB)
Vented Explosion Overpressures From Combustion of Hydrogen and Hydrocarbon Mixtures 2009 Conference Paper C.R. Bauwens; J. Chaffee; S.B. Dorofeev presentation_13.pdf (1.24 MB) , paper_15.pdf (687.29 KB)
Vented explosion of hydrogen / air mixtures: influence of vent cover and stratification 2017 Conference Paper Elena Vyazmina, Simon Jallais, Mikhail Kuznetsov 3_ID146.pdf (1.63 MB) , 146.pdf (942.64 KB)
Vented explosion of hydrogen / air mixture: an inter comparison benchmark exercise 2017 Conference Paper Elena Vyazmina, Simon Jallais, Laurent Krumenacker 4_ID149.pdf (1.57 MB) , 149.pdf (3.91 MB)
Vapour Cloud Explosions From the Ignition of Methane-Hydrogen-Air Mixtures in a Congested Region-Paper 2007 Conference Paper M. Royle; L.C. Shirvill; T.A. Roberts Vapour Cloud Explosions From the Ignition of Methane-Hydrogen-Air Mixtures in a Congested Region.pdf (736.53 KB)
Validation Testing in Support of Hydrogen Codes and Standards Developments 2011 Conference Paper R.M. Burgess; M. McDougall; N.L. Newhouse; C. Rivkin; W.J. Buttner; M.B. Post paper_79.pdf (227.82 KB) , presentation_12.pptx (2.24 MB)
Validation of Flacs-hydrogen CFD Consequence Prediction Model Against Large Scale H2 Explosion Experiments in the Flame Facility 2005 Conference Paper O.R. Hansen; J. Renoult; M.P. Sherman; S.R. Tieszen 120075.pdf (1.64 MB) , ICHS_GexCon.ppt (431 bytes)
Validation of Cryo-Compressed Hydrogen Storage (CCH2) - A Probabilistic Approach 2011 Conference Paper O. Kircher; G. Greim; J. Burtscher; T. Brunner paper_143.pdf (485.26 KB)
Validation of CFD Models for Hydrogen Fast Filling Simulations 2011 Conference Paper M.C. Galassi; E. Papanikolaou; M. Heitsch; D. Baraldi; B. Acosta; P. Moretto paper_102.pdf (2.39 MB) , presentation_34.ppt (2.05 MB)
Validation of CFD Modelling of LH2 Spread and Evaporation Against Large-Scale Spill Experiments 2009 Conference Paper P. Middha; M. Ichard; B.J. Arntzen Validation of CFD Modelling of LH2 Spread and Evaporation Against Large-Scale Spill Experiments.pdf (333.7 KB)
Validation of CFD Calculations Against Ignited Impinging Jet Experiments-Paper 2007 Conference Paper P. Middha; O. Hansen; J. Grune; A. Kotchourko Validation of CFD Calculations Against Ignited Impinging Jet Experiments.pdf (443.85 KB)
Validation of a 3d multiphase-multicomponent CFD model for accidental liquid and gaseous hydrogen releases 2017 Conference Paper Christian Jäkel, Stephan Kelm, Karl Verfondern, 3_ID119.pptx (47.35 MB) , 119.pdf (6.86 MB)
Validation and Recommendations for CFD and Engineering Modeling of Hydrogen Vented Explosions: effects of concentration, stratification, obstruction and vent area 2015 Conference Paper E. Vyazmina; S. Jallais paper_300.pdf (414.02 KB) , Presentation_ID123_2015-10-14-VEX_ichs.pptx (2.35 MB)
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