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Full Hydrogen Explosion Suppression Using Phlegmatization Additives in Experiments of Different Scale 2011 Conference Paper N.P. Zaretskiy; B.B. Chaivanov; E.V. Chernenko; A.S. Mayorov; N.N. Ponomariov; A.A. Efimenko; N.G. Schepeteov; V.I. Alekseev; A.O. Aleksandrov; I.D. Matsukov; A.I. Gavrikov; S.S. Privezentsev paper_138.pdf (771.02 KB) , presentation_57.ppt (3.88 MB)
Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking 2015 2015 Presentation B. De Colvenaer Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking.ppt (13 MB)
Fuel Cell Technologies Office: Safety, Codes and Standards Overview and Status 2015 Presentation W. James Fuel Cell Technologies Office - Safety, Codes, and Standards Overview and Status_0.pdf (4.34 MB)
Fuel Cell Technologies Office - Safety, Codes, and Standards Overview and Status 2015 Presentation W. James Fuel Cell Technologies Office - Safety, Codes, and Standards Overview and Status_1.pdf (4.34 MB)
Fuel Cell in Maritime Applications Challenges, Chances and Experiences 2011 Conference Paper F. Volger; G. Wursig paper_96.pdf (1.18 MB) , presentation_31.ppt (3.92 MB)
Freeze of Nozzle, Receptacle During Hydrogen Fueling 2015 Conference Paper W. Hiraki; H. Mitsuishi paper_346.pdf (647.74 KB) , presentation_70_0.ppt (9.65 MB)
Flammability Profiles Associated with Highpressure Hydrogen Jets Released in Close Proximity to Surfaces 2015 Conference Paper J.E. Hall; P. Hooker; L. O'Sullivan; B. Angers; A. Hourri; P. Bernard paper_273.pdf (1.43 MB) , Presentation_ID155_ICHS.pptx (1.05 MB)
Flammability Limits and Laminar Flame Speed of Hydrogen-Air Mixtures at Sub-Atmospheric Pressures 2011 Conference Paper M. Kuznetsov; S. Kobelt; J. Grune; T. Jordan paper_119.pdf (470.71 KB) , presentation_49.ppt (30.47 MB)
Flame Acceleration and Transition From Deflagration to Detonation in Hydrogen Explosions 2011 Conference Paper A. Heidari; J.X. Wen paper_128.pdf (421.96 KB) , presentation_24.pptx (4.91 MB)
First Responder Training Supporting Commercialization of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies 2015 Conference Paper N.F. Barilo; J.J. Hamilton; S.C. Weiner paper_246.pdf (11.74 MB) , Presentation_ID132.pdf (14.74 MB)
Fire Risk on High-Pressure Full Composite Cylinders for Automotive Applications 2011 Conference Paper S. Ruban; L. Heudier; D. Jamois; C. Proust; C. Bourhy-Weber; S. Jallais; K. Kremer-Knobloch; C. Maugy; S. Villalonga paper_152.pdf (556.62 KB) , presentation_67.ppt (4.18 MB)
Explosion Venting of Rich Hydrogen-Air Mixtures in a Cylindrical Vessel with Two Symmetrical Vents 2015 Conference Paper J. Guo; K. Shao; S.H. Rui; X.X. Sun; Y. Cao; K.L. Hu; C.J. Wang paper_318.pdf (191.9 KB) , Presentation_ID174.ppt (4.39 MB)
Experimental Study on Vented Hydrogen Deflagrations in a Low Strength Enclosure 2015 Conference Paper P. Hooker; J.R. Hoyes; J. Hall; D. Willoughby paper_328.pdf (466.76 KB) , Presentation_ID156_ICHS6_156_3.pptx (64.35 MB)
Experimental Study on Auto-Ignition of High Pressure Hydrogen Jets Coming Out of Tubes of 0.1-4.2m in Length 2011 Conference Paper N. Kitabayashi; Y. Wada; T. Mogi; T. Saburi; A.K. Hayashi paper_122.pdf (523.48 KB) , presentation_51_0.ppt (5.47 MB)
Experimental Study of the Spontaneous Ignition of Partly Confined Hydrogen Jets 2011 Conference Paper B.M. Maxwell; P. Tawagi; M.I. Radulescu paper_123.pdf (6.55 MB) , presentation_52.ppt (2.68 MB)
Experimental Study of the Effects of Vent Geometry on the Dispersion of a Buoyant Gas in a Small Enclosure 2011 Conference Paper B. Cariteau; I. Tkatschenko paper_94.pdf (435.88 KB) , presentation_29.ppt (1.2 MB)
Experimental Study of the Concentration Build-Up Regimes in an Enclosure Without Ventilation 2011 Conference Paper B. Cariteau; I. Tkatschenko paper_93.pdf (536.21 KB) , presentation_28.ppt (1003.5 KB)
Experimental Study of Ignited Unsteady Hydrogen Releases From a High Pressure Resevoir 2011 Conference Paper J. Grune; K. Sempert; M. Kuznetsov; T. Jordan paper_120.pdf (1.62 MB)
Experimental Study of Hydrogen Releases in the Passenger Compartment of a Piaggio Porter 2011 Conference Paper M. Schiavetti; V. Mattoli; G. Lutzemberger; P. Dario; M. Carcassi paper_91_0.pdf (1.11 MB) , presentation_26_0.ppt (5.36 MB)
Experimental Releases of Liquid Hydrogen 2011 Conference Paper P. Hooker; D.B. Willoughby; M. Royle paper_42.pdf (450.57 KB) , presentation_1.ppt (4.23 MB)
Experimental Investigation on Helium Jet Release and Distribution in a Vented Cylindrical Enclosure - Effect of Wall Temperature Conditions 2015 Conference Paper A. Prabhakar; N. Agrawal; V. Raghavan; S.K. Das Presentation_ID207_ICHS2015.pdf (34.99 MB) , paper_287.pdf (1.83 MB)
Experimental Investigation of Spherical-Flame Acceleration in Lean Hydrogen-Air Mixtures 2015 Conference Paper C.R.L. Bauwens; J.M. Bergthorson; S.B. Dorofeev Presentation_ID202_Bauwens_ICHS_2015.pdf (12.91 MB) , paper_320.pdf (1.99 MB)
Experimental Investigation of Hydrogen Release and Ignition From Fuel Cell Powered Forklifts in Enclosed Spaces 2011 Conference Paper I.W. Ekoto; E.G. Merilo; W.G. Houf; G.H. Evans; M.A. Groethe paper_60.pdf (8.88 MB) , presentation_5.pptx (12.82 MB)
Experimental Determination of Critical Conditions for Hydrogen-Air Detonation Propagation in Partially Confined Geometry 2015 Conference Paper W. Rudy; K. Dziubanii; M. Zbikowski; A. Teodorczyk Presentation_ICHS_2015_paperID_178_.pdf (2.76 MB) , paper_263.pdf (4.72 MB)
European Union Policies and Initiatives Towards Transitioning to a Hydrogen Society 2015 Presentation M. Steen European Union Policies and Initiatives Towards Transitioning to a Hydrogen Society.pdf (1.7 MB)
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