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Hydrogen Flames In Tubes: Critical Run-up Distances 2007 Conference Paper S.B. Dorofeev 1.3.67.pdf (98.91 KB)
Hydrogen Flames in Tubes - Critical Run-Up Distances-Paper 2007 Conference Paper S.B. Dorofeev Hydrogen Flames in Tubes - Critical Run-Up Distances.pdf (98.91 KB)
Hydrogen Fast Filling to a Type IV Tank Developed for Motorcycles 2015 Conference Paper E. Yamada; W. Hiraki; H. Muramatsu paper_316.pdf (589.63 KB)
Hydrogen Explosions in 20' ISO Container 2015 Conference Paper O.K. Sommersel; K. Vaagsather; D. Bjerketvedt paper_317.pdf (498.07 KB) , Presentation_ID234_2015_10_21_ICHS_Vaagsaether.pptx (21.29 MB)
Hydrogen Emergency Response Training For First Responders 2011 Conference Paper M.R. Elmore; L.L. Fassbender; J.J. Hamilton; S.C. Weiner paper_70.pdf (605.92 KB) , presentation_9.pptx (5.67 MB)
Hydrogen Effects on X80 Pipeline Steel Under High-Pressure Natural Gas-Hydrogen Mixtures 2015 Conference Paper B. Meng; C.H. Gu; L. Zhang; C.S. Zhou; Y.Z. Zhao; J.Y. Zheng; X.Y. Chen; Y. Han paper_344.pdf (1006.62 KB) , Presentation_ID252_Hydrogen-Effects-on-X80-Pipeline-Steel.ppt (11.9 MB)
Hydrogen Effect on Fatigue and Fracture of Pipe Steels 2009 Conference Paper J. Capelle; J. Gilgert; G. Pluvinage Hydrogen Effect on Fatigue and Fracture of Pipe Steels.pdf (1.24 MB)
Hydrogen Distribution in Enclosures - On Distiction Criterion Between Quasi-Homogeneous Mixing and Stratification Modes 2013 Conference Paper V.P. Denisenko; I.A. Kirillov; S.V. Korobtsev; I.I. Nikolaev paper_185.pdf (1.28 MB)
Hydrogen dispersion in a closed environment 2017 Conference Paper Maria De Stefano, Xavier Rocourt, Isabelle Sochet, 207.pdf (1.21 MB) , 3_ID207.pptx (5.13 MB)
Hydrogen Detection: Visualisation of Hydrogen Using Non Invasive Optical Schlieren Technique BOS 2005 Conference Paper A. Kebler; W. Ehrhardt; G. Langer Hydrogen Detection - Visualisation of Hydrogen Using Non Invasive Optical Schlieren Technique BOS.pdf (1.37 MB) , Hydrogen Detection - Visualisation of Hydrogen Using Non Invasive Optical Schlieren Technique BOS.ppt (403 bytes)
Hydrogen Compatibility of Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing and Orbital Tube Welds 2013 Conference Paper L.A. Hughes; B.P. Somerday; D.K. Balch; C. San Marchi presentation_117.pdf (8.03 MB) , paper_240.pdf (13.97 MB)
Hydrogen Bubble Dispersion and Surface Bursting Behaviour 2013 Conference Paper J.M. Ingram; P. Battersby; A.F. Averill; P.G. Holborn; P.F. Nolan presentation_59_0.pdf (4.37 MB) , paper_158.pdf (1.21 MB)
Hydrogen Behavior - Myth Busting 2007 Presentation Jay Keller
Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies - Key Pillars of the Energy Transition 2013 Presentation T. Herbert Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies - Key Pillars of the Energy Transition.pdf (1.41 MB)
Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Stationary Applications - Key Findings of Modelling and Experimental Work in the Hyper Project 2009 Conference Paper S. Brennan; A. Bengaouer; M. Carcassi; G. Cerchiara; G. Evans; A. Friedrich; O. Gentilhomme; W. Houf; A. Kotchourko; N. Kotchourko; S. Kudriakov; D. Makarov; V. Molkov; E. Papanikolaou; C. Pitre; M. Royle; R. Schefer; G. Stern; A. Venetsanos; A. Veser; D. Willoughby; J. Yanez presentation_31.pdf (566.6 KB) , paper_33.pdf (523.51 KB)
Humidity tolerant hydrogen-oxygen recombination catalysts for hydrogen safety applications 2017 Conference Paper Lee Gardner, Adrian Vega, Renaud Tremblay, 139.pdf (447.17 KB) , 2_ID139.pptx (34.86 MB)
Hot Surface Ignition of Hydrogen-Air Mixtures 2015 Conference Paper J. Melguizo-Gavilanes; R. Mevel; J.E. Shepherd Presentation_ID250_JMG-glowPlugICHS2015.pdf (10.34 MB) , paper_267.pdf (1.97 MB)
Homogeneous hydrogen deflagrations in small scale enclosure. Experimental results. 2017 Conference Paper Martino Schiavetti, Tommaso Pini, Marco Nicola Carcassi 109.pdf (990.31 KB) , 1_ID109.ppt (10.96 MB)
Historical Perspective 2013 Presentation J.Y. Zheng; A. Maruta; M. Steen; J. Hamilton; A. Tchouvelev Historical Perspective.pdf (1.28 MB)
Highly resolved large eddy simulations of a laminar-turbulent transitional air-helium buoyant jet in a two vented enclosure: validation against particle image velocimetry experiments 2017 Conference Paper Elie Saikali, Gilles Bernard-Michel, Anne Sergent, 2_ID114.pdf (15.15 MB) , 114.pdf (6.75 MB)
High-Order Perturbation Solutions to a LH2 Spreading Model with Continuous Spill 2011 Conference Paper M. Kim; K. Do; B. Choi; Y. Han paper_95.pdf (232.16 KB) , presentation_30_0.ppt (813.5 KB)
High Pressure PEM Water Electrolysis and Corresponding Saftey Issues 2009 Conference Paper V.N. Fateev; S.A. Grigoriev; P. Millet; S.V. Korobtsev; V.I. Porembskiy; F. Aupretre presentation_15.pdf (3.34 MB) , paper_17.pdf (1023.12 KB)
High Pressure Hydrogen Tank Rupture - Blast Wave and Fireball 2015 Conference Paper W. Kim; V. Shentsov; D. Makarov; V. Molkov paper_337.pdf (1.19 MB)
High Pressure Hydrogen Jets in the Presence of a Surface-Paper 2007 Conference Paper B. Angers High Pressure Hydrogen Jets in the Presence of a Surface.pdf (206.33 KB)
High Pressure Hydrogen Jets In The Presence Of A Surface 2007 Conference Paper P. Benard; A. Tchouvelev; A. Hourri; Z. Chen; B. Angers 1.1.120.pdf (206.33 KB)
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