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Estimation of Uncertainty in Risk Assessment of Hydrogen Applications 2011 Conference Paper F. Markert; V. Krymsky; I. Kozine paper_59.pdf (194.08 KB) , presentation_4_0.pptx (2.12 MB)
Effects of Chemical Kinetics on Ignition of Hydrogen Jets 2013 Conference Paper E. Bourgin; C. Yang; L. Bauwens; F.F. Fachini presentation_74.pdf (16.22 MB) , paper_176.pdf (264.3 KB)
Effectiveness of a Blower in Reducing the Hazard of Hydrogen Leaking From a Hydrogen-Fueled Vehicle 2013 Conference Paper Y. Tamura; M. Takeuchi; K. Sato paper_159.pdf (934.88 KB) , presentation_60_0.pdf (2.33 MB)
Effectiveness Evaluation of Facilities Protecting From Hydrogen-Air Explosion Overpressure 2011 Conference Paper Y.A. Skob; M.L. Ugryumov; E.A. Granovskiy; V.A. Lyfar paper_58.pdf (573.75 KB)
Effect of Temperature on Laminar Flame Velocity for Hydrogen-Air Mixtures at Reduced Pressures 2013 Conference Paper M. Kuznetsov; M. Czerniak; J. Grune; T. Jordan presentation_107.pdf (3.13 MB) , paper_222.pdf (1.02 MB)
Effect of Initial Turbulence on Vented Explosion Over Pressures From Lean Hydrogen-Air Deflagrations 2013 Conference Paper C.R. Bauwens; S.B. Dorofeev paper_219.pdf (580.14 KB)
Effect of Hydrogen Concentration on Vented Explosion Overpressures From Lean Hydrogen-Air Deflagrations 2011 Conference Paper C.R. Bauwens; J. Chao; S.B. Dorofeev paper_137.pdf (247.83 KB) , presentation_27.pptx (7.54 MB)
Dynamics of Vented Hydrogen-Air Deflagrations 2011 Conference Paper J. Daubech; C. Proust; D. Jamois; E. Leprette paper_136.pdf (541.76 KB) , presentation_56.ppt (3.87 MB)
Dispersion and Burning Behavior of Hydrogen Released in a Full-Scale Residential Garage in the Presence and Absence of Conventional Automobiles 2011 Conference Paper W.M. Pitts; J.C. Yang; M. Blais; A. Joyce paper_57.pdf (1.25 MB) , presentation_10.ppt (22.84 MB)
Discussion of Lessons Learned From a Hydrogen Release 2013 Conference Paper A. Harris; M. Kashuba 150.pdf (275.8 KB)
Development of Standards for Evaluating Materials Compatibility with High-Pressure Gaseous Hydrogen 2013 Conference Paper C. San Marchi; B.P. Somerday; K.A. Nibur presentation_86.pdf (962.3 KB) , paper_190.pdf (578.28 KB)
Development of an Italian Fire Prevention Technical Rule for Hydrogen Pipelines 2011 Conference Paper N. Mattei; M.N. Carcassi; N. Ciannelli; F. Pilo paper_80.pdf (269.13 KB) , presentation_18.ppt (6.02 MB)
Development of a Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Vehicle Emergency Response National Template 2013 Conference Paper J.J. Hamilton presentation_103.pdf (506.29 KB) , paper_211.pdf (132.76 KB)
Determination of Charateristic Parameters for the Thermal Decomposition of Epoxy Resin-Carbon Fiber Composites in Cone Calorimeter 2011 Conference Paper Q. Dao; J. Luche; F. Richard; T. Rogaume; C. Bourhy-Weber; S. Ruban paper_150.pdf (772.67 KB) , presentation_66.ppt (3.21 MB)
Detection of Hydrogen Released in a Full-Scale Residential Garage 2011 Conference Paper T.G. Cleary; E.L. Johnsson paper_108.pdf (1.32 MB) , presentation_17.pptx (6.89 MB)
Deploying Fuel Cell Systems - What Have We Learned 2013 Conference Paper N.F. Barilo; S.C. Weiner presentation_69.pdf (1.41 MB) , paper_170.pdf (421.65 KB)
Dependency of Equivalence Ratio on Hydrogen Cylindrical Detonation Induced by Direct Initiation 2011 Conference Paper M. Ashara; N. Tsuboi; A.K. Hayashi; E. Yamada presentation_25.pptx (141.34 MB) , paper_131.pdf (674.05 KB)
Dependence of Hydrogen Embrittlement on Hydrogen in the Surface Layer in Type 304 Stainless Steel 2013 Conference Paper L. Zhang; Z.Y. Li; J.Y. Zheng; Y.Z. Zhao; P. Xu; C.L. Zhou paper_241.pdf (541.59 KB)
Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition in Hydrogen Oxygen Mixture with a Detailed Chemical Reaction Mechanism 2011 Conference Paper M.A. Liberman; M.F. Ivanov; A.D. Kiverin paper_129.pdf (293.82 KB)
Data for the Evaluation of Hydrogen Risks Onboard Vehicles - Outcomes From the French Project Drive 2011 Conference Paper O. Gentilhomme; C. Proust; D. Jamois; I. Tkatschenko; B. Cariteau; E. Studer; F. Masset; G. Joncquet; M. Amielh; F. Anselmet paper_144.pdf (1.2 MB) , presentation_61.ppt (6.97 MB)
Cost Effective Inherent Saftey Index for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Systems 2013 Conference Paper N.N. Nordin; A. Ahmad; M. Mohamad; M.W. Ali paper_195.pdf (458.14 KB) , presentation_89.pdf (906.7 KB)
Computational Analysis of Hydrogen Diffusion in Polycrystalline Nickel and Anisotropic Polygonal Micro, Nano Grain Size Effects 2013 Conference Paper S. Jothi; T.N. Croft; S.G.R. Brown; deSouza Neto presentation_118.pdf (1.72 MB) , paper_242.pdf (1.48 MB)
Comparison of Solutions for a Liquid Pool Spreading Model with Continuous and Instantaneous Spills 2013 Conference Paper B. Choi; M. Kim; K.H. Do; T.H. Kim; Y. Han; Y. Lee Comparison of Solutions for a Liquid Pool Spreading Model with Continuous and Instantaneous Spills.pdf (479.5 KB)
Comparison of Numerical and Algebraic Models of Low and High Pressure Hydrogen Jet Flows with Ideal and Real Gas Models 2013 Conference Paper X. Li; J. Bi; D.M. Christopher Presentation_239.pdf (1.63 MB) , Comparison of Numerical and Algebraic Models of Low and High Pressure Hydrogen Jet Flows with Ideal and Real Gas Models.pdf (460.7 KB)
Comparison of NFPA and ISO Approaches for Evaluating Separation Distances 2011 Conference Paper J.L. LaChance; B. Middleton; K.M. Groth paper_74.pdf (194.85 KB) , presentation_13.ppt (3.41 MB)
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