Experimental Determination of Minimum Ignition Current (mic) for Hydrogen /Methane Mixtures for the Determination of the Explosion Group Corresponding to IEC 60079-20-1 |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
A. Janes; J. Lesage; B. Weinberger |
(315.64 KB)
, Presentation-ID106.pptx
(8.65 MB)
Experimental Determination of Critical Conditions for Hydrogen-Air Detonation Propagation in Partially Confined Geometry |
2015 |
Conference Paper |
W. Rudy; K. Dziubanii; M. Zbikowski; A. Teodorczyk |
(2.76 MB)
, paper_263.pdf
(4.72 MB)
Experimental Charaterization and Modeling of Helium Disperison in a one-fourth-Scale Two-Car Residential Garage |
2009 |
Conference Paper |
W.M. Pitts; K. Prasad; J.C. Yang; M.G. Fernandez |
(4.28 MB)
, paper_13.pdf
(928.13 KB)
Experimental and Numerical Study on Spontaneous Ignition of Hydrogen-Methane Jets in Air |
2013 |
Conference Paper |
W. Rudy; A. Dabkowski; A. Teodorczyk |
(1.84 MB)
, paper_175.pdf
(573.89 KB)
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Hydrogen Gas Auto-Ignition-Paper |
2007 |
Conference Paper |
V.V. Golub; D.I. Baklanov; T.V. Bazhenova; S.V. Golovastov; M.F. Ivanov; I.N. Laskin; N.V. Semin; V.V. Volodin |
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Hydrogen Gas Auto-Ignition.pdf
(513.01 KB)
Experimental And Numerical Investigation Of Hydrogen Gas Auto-ignition |
2007 |
Conference Paper |
V.V. Golub; D.I. Baklanov; T.V. Bazhenova; S.V. Golovastov; M.F. Ivanov; I.N. Laskin; N.V. Semin; V.V. Volodin |
(513.01 KB)
Evolution in Hydrogen Safety Activities, Regulations, and Standards in China Over the Last Decade |
2013 |
Conference Paper |
J.Y. Zheng; Z.L. Hua; K.S. Ou; L.X. Chen; G. Wang; Y.Z. Zhao |
Evolution in Hydrogen Safety Activities, Regulations, and Standards in China Over the Last Decade.pdf
(205.61 KB)
Evaluation of the Protection Effectiveness Against Overpressure from Hydrogen-Air Explosion |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Y. Skob; M. Ugryumov; E. Granovskiy |
(493.97 KB)
, Presentation_ID159.pptx
(5.85 MB)
Evaluation of the Protection Effectiveness Against Overpressure from Hydrogen-Air Explosion |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Y.A. Skob; M.L. Ugryumov; E.A. Granovskiy |
(493.97 KB)
, 4_ID159.pptx
(5.85 MB)
Evaluation of the ADREA-HF CFD Code Against a Hydrogen Deflagration in a Tunnel |
2013 |
Conference Paper |
I.C. Tolias; A.G. Venetsanos; N. Markatos |
(440.43 KB)
, paper_220.pdf
(385.05 KB)
Evaluation of Selectivity and Resistance to Poisons of Commercial Hydrogen Sensors |
2013 |
Conference Paper |
V. Palmisano; L. Boon-Brett; C. Bonato; F. Harskamp; W.J. Buttner; M.B. Post; R. Burgess; C. Rivkin |
(1.19 MB)
, paper_207.pdf
(383.82 KB)
Evaluation of Safety Distances Related to Unconfined Hydrogen Explosions-Paper |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
S.B. Dorofeev |
(122.9 KB)
, Safety_distances3.ppt
(2.14 MB)
Evaluation of Safety Distances Related To Unconfined Hydrogen Explosions |
2007 |
Journal Article |
S.B. Dorofeev |
Evaluation of Optical and Spectroscopic Experiments of Hydrogen Jet Fires |
2009 |
Conference Paper |
A. Blanc; L. Deimling; L.G. Eisenreich; A. Kessler; V. Weiser |
(500.46 KB)
, paper_30.pdf
(403.97 KB)
Evaluation of Metal Materials for Hydrogen Fuel Stations |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
Y. Wada; R. Ishigaki; Y. Tanaka; T. Iwadate; K. Ohnishi |
(1.39 MB)
, ICHSwada.ppt
(23.87 MB)
Evaluation of Hydrogen, Propane and Methane-Air Detonations Instability and Detonability |
2013 |
Conference Paper |
B. Borzou; M.I. Radulescu |
(1004.37 KB)
, presentation_108.pdf
(1.84 MB)
European Hydrogen Safety Training Programme for First Responders: Hyresponse Outcomes and Perspectives |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Verbecke F., Bertau S., Molkov V., Makarov D., Tretsiakova-McNally S., Aly A., Tagliabue G., Maranne E., .Zanoto A., Dey R. |
European Hydrogen Safety Training Platform for First Responders - HyResponse Project |
2013 |
Conference Paper |
F. Verbecke; B. Vesy; M. Lopez; V. Molkov; M. Reijalt; R. Dey; E. Maranne; G. Dang-Nhu |
(364.27 KB)
Estimation of Uncertainty in Risk Assessment of Hydrogen Applications |
2011 |
Conference Paper |
F. Markert; V. Krymsky; I. Kozine |
(194.08 KB)
, presentation_4_0.pptx
(2.12 MB)
Estimation of Final Hydrogen Temperature From Refueling Parameters |
2015 |
Conference Paper |
J.S. Xiao; P. Benard; R. Chahine |
(1.04 MB)
, paper_348.pdf
(285.97 KB)
Estimation of an Allowable Hydrogen Permeation Rate From Road Vehicle Compressed Gaseous Hydrogen Storage Systems in Garages; Part 1 |
2009 |
Conference Paper |
P. Adams; A. Bengaouer; B. Cariteau; V. Molkov; A.G. Venetsanos |
(654.93 KB)
, paper_-_part_1.pdf
(183.17 KB)
Estimation of an Allowable Hydrogen Permeation Rate From Road Vehicle Compressed Gaseous Hydrogen Storage Systems in Garages; Part 2 |
2009 |
Conference Paper |
A.G. Venetsanos; E. Papanikolaou; B. Cariteau; P. Adams; A. Bengaouer |
(1.41 MB)
, paper_-_part_2.pdf
(510.86 KB)
Estimation of an Allowable Hydrogen Permeation Rate From Road Vehicle Compressed Gaseous Hydrogen Storage Systems in Garages; Part 3 |
2009 |
Conference Paper |
J.B. Saffers; D. Makarov; A.V. Molkov |
(643.92 KB)
, paper_-_part_3.pdf
(377.91 KB)
Environmental Reactivity of Solid State Hydride Materials |
2009 |
Conference Paper |
J.R. Gray; D.L. Anton |
Environmental Reactivity of Solid State Hydride Materials.pdf
(3.39 MB)
Enhancing Safety of Hydrogen Containment Components Through Materials Testing Under In-Service Conditions |
2015 |
Conference Paper |
B.P. Somerday; J.A. Campbell; K.L. Lee; J.A. Ronevich; C. San Marchi |
(379.97 KB)
, Presentation_ID159_ICHS_Oct2015.pptx
(2.74 MB)