New Era of a Hydrogen Energy Society |
2015 |
Presentation |
C. Tobe |
New Era of a Hydrogen Energy Society.pdf
(1.82 MB)
National Training Facility for Hydrogen Safety. Five Year Plan for HAMMER |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
B.R. Kinzey; L.L. Fassbender; B.M. Akers |
(120.85 KB)
, 100052 HAMMER Training Facility for Hydrogen Safety.ppt
(1.29 MB)
National Training Facility for Hydrogen Safety, Five Year Plan for HAMMER-Paper |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
B.R. Kinzey; L.L. Fassbender; B.M. Akers |
National Training Facility for Hydrogen Safety, Five Year Plan for HAMMER.pdf
(120.85 KB)
Modelling of H2 Dispersion and Combustion Phenomena Using CFD Codes |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
H. Paillere; E. Studer; A. Beccantini; S. Kudriakov; F. Dabbene; C. Perret |
(1.35 MB)
, Presentation_100071_PAILLERE.ppt
(440 bytes)
Modelling Heat Transfer in an Intumescent Paint and its Effect on Fire Resistance of On-Board Hydrogen Storage |
2015 |
Conference Paper |
Y. Kim; D. Makarov; S. Kashkarov; P. Joseph; V. Molkov |
(808.96 KB)
, Presentation_ID229_150916_YK_ICHS2015.ppt
(15.2 MB)
Modelling and Simulation of High-Pressure Hydrogen Jets Using H2FC European Cyber-Laboratory |
2015 |
Conference Paper |
J.J. Keenan; D.V. Makarov; V.V. Molkov |
(881.3 KB)
Modeling Thermal Response of Polymer Composite Hydrogen Cylinders |
2015 |
Conference Paper |
Z. Saldi; J.X. Wen |
(736.93 KB)
, Presentation_ID102_zsaldi-ichs2015.pptx
(7.16 MB)
Modeling of Cryogenic Hydrogen Jets |
2015 |
Conference Paper |
S.G. Giannissi; A.G. Venetsanos; N. Markatos |
(122.05 KB)
, Presentation_ID215_Modeling-of-cryogenic-hydrogen-jets.ppt
(4.94 MB)
Mixing of Dense Or Light Gases With Turbulent Air: A Fast-running Model for Lumped Parameter Codes |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
W. Ambrosini; N. Forgione; F. Oriolo; F. Parozzi |
(196.34 KB)
Mixed e-Learning and Virtual Reality Pedagogical Approach for Innovative Hydrogen Safety Training for First Responders |
2015 |
Conference Paper |
S. Tretsiakova-McNally; E. Maranne; F. Verbecke; V. Molkov |
(634.67 KB)
, Presentation-ID256-CRISE_ICHS2015_2_0.pptx
(11.17 MB)
Methodology of CFD Safety Analysis for Large-Scale Industrial Structures |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
A. Kotchourko |
(339.25 KB)
Measuring and Modelling Unsteady Radiation of Hydrogen Combustion |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
V. Weiser; E. Roth; S. Kelzenberg; W. Eckl; N. Eisenreich; G. Langer |
(726.52 KB)
Massive H2 Production with Nuclear Heating, Safety Approach for Coupling a VHTR with an Iodine Sulfur Process Cycle |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
A. Bassi; F. Bertrand; D. Barbier; P. Aujollet, P. Anzieu |
(338.29 KB)
, ICHS-210048_0.ppt
(826 KB)
Large Scale Experiments: Deflagration and Deflagration To Detonation Within a Partial Confinement Similar To a Lane |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
H. Schneider |
(273.03 KB)
KIT Fueling Station Experience |
2015 |
Conference Paper |
T. Jordan |
(24.2 MB)
ISO/technical Committee 197 - Hydrogen Technologies Status of Work |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
R. Dey |
(26.82 KB)
, Sept 2005 Hyafe presentation.ppt
(145 KB)
ISO 19880-1, Hydrogen Fueling Station and Vehicle Interface Safety Technical Report |
2015 |
Conference Paper |
J. Schneider; G. Dang-Nhu; N. Hart; K. Groth |
(1.5 MB)
, Presentation_ID116_ICHS_ISO_TR-19880-1_0.pptx
(8.37 MB)
IPHE Regulation Codes and Standards WOrking Group-Type IV COPV Round Robin Testing |
2015 |
Conference Paper |
M. Maes; L. Starritt; J.Y. Zheng; K. Ou; J. Keller |
(1.24 MB)
, paper_261.pdf
(2.53 MB)
Industrial Storage - Recent Improvements and Industrial Prospective |
2015 |
Conference Paper |
H. Barthelemy; M. Weber; F. Barbier |
(878.1 KB)
Industrial Prospective for Hydrogen Utilization - Safety Aspect (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries) |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
K. Takeno |
(5.8 MB)
In Situ X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Study on Water Formation Reaction of Palladium Metal Nanoparticle Catalysts |
2015 |
Conference Paper |
D. Matsumura; M. Tanigushi; H. Tanaka; Y. Nishihata |
(1.06 MB)
, paper_253.pdf
(606.5 KB)
Ignition of Hydrogen-Air Mixtures by Moving Heated Particles |
2015 |
Conference Paper |
J. Melguizo-Gavilanes; S. Coronel; R. Mevel; J.E. Shepherd |
(8.87 MB)
, paper_266.pdf
(1.85 MB)
IEA HIA Activities - R, D&D Collaboration in the Evolving Hydrogen World |
2015 |
Presentation |
T.U. Riis; M.R. de Valladares |
IEA HIA Activities - R, D&D Collaboration in the Evolving Hydrogen World.pptx
(6.48 MB)
ICHS Round Table: Industrial Perspective (Shell Global Solutions) |
2005 |
Presentation |
L.C. Shirvill |
ICHS Round-Table.ppt
(1.3 MB)
HYSAFE: The European Network of Excellence on Hydrogen Safety |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
T. Jordan; L. Perrette; H. Paillere |
(202.63 KB)