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2015, 2005




2015, 2005
Title Year Sort ascending Type Authors Downloads
PRD Hydrogen Release and Dispersion, a Comparison of CFD Results Obtained From Using Ideal and Real Gas Law Properties 2005 Conference Paper Z. Cheng; V.M. Agranat; A.V. Tchouvelev; W. Houf; S.V. Zhubrin 110090.pdf (64.17 KB)
Potential Models for Stand-alone and Multi-fuel Gaseous Hydrogen Refuelling Stations: Assessment of Associated Risk 2005 Conference Paper E. Galatola; R. Nava; L. Di Clemente 230079.pdf (1.03 MB)
Phenomena of Dispersion and Explosion of High Pressurized Hydrogen 2005 Conference Paper K. Takeno; K. Okabayashi; T. Ichinose; A. Kouchi; T. Nonaka; K. Hashiguchi; K. Chitose 100044.pdf (875.52 KB) , ICHS-MHI-100044.ppt (3.34 MB)
Performance Evaluation of the Miniaturized Catalytic Combustion Type Hydrogen Sensor 2015 Conference Paper H. Miyazaki; H. Tanjyoh; K. Suzuki; T. Iwami paper_299.pdf (1 MB) , Presentation_ID226_ICHS2015.ppt (3.99 MB)
Overview of the DOE Hydrogen Safety, Codes and Standards Program Part 4: Hydrogen sensors 2015 Conference Paper W.J. Buttner; C. Rivkin; R. Burgess; E. Brosha; R. Mukundan; C. James; J. Keller paper_280.pdf (405.95 KB) , Presentation_ID266_ICHS.pptx (12.25 MB)
Overview of the DOE Hydrogen Safety, Codes and Standards Program Part 3: Advances in research and development to enhance the scientific basis for hydrogen regulations, codes and standards 2015 Conference Paper C. San Marchi; E.S. Hecht; I.W. Ekoto; K.M. Groth; C. LaFleur; B.P. Somerday; R. Mukundan; T. Rockward paper_279.pdf (2.88 MB) , Presentation_ID257_ICHS_257_Somerday_final_SAND2015_9041C_revised.pptx (15.08 MB)
Overview of the DOE Hydrogen Safety, Codes and Standards Program Part 2: Hydrogen and fuel cells: emphasizing safety to enable commercialization 2015 Conference Paper N.F. Barilo; S.C. Weiner Presentation_ID203.pdf (7.32 MB) , paper_278.pdf (418.56 KB)
Overview of the DOE Hydrogen Safety, Codes and Standards Program Part 1: Regulations, codes and standards (RCS) for hydrogen techologies - an historical overview 2015 Conference Paper C. Rivkin; C. San Marchi; R. Mukundan paper_277.pdf (543.4 KB) , Presentation_ID269_RCS.pptx (2.16 MB)
Outward Propagation Velocity and Acceleration Charateristics in Hydrogen-Air Deflagration 2015 Conference Paper T. Katsumi; H. Kobayashi; T. Aida; K. Aiba; S. Kadowaki Presentation_ID162_ICHS_pdf.pdf (3.87 MB) , paper_272.pdf (1.32 MB)
On Numerical Simulation of Liquefied and Gaseous Hydrogen Releases At Large Scales 2005 Conference Paper V.V. Molkov; D.V. Makarov; E. Prost 110132.pdf (3.7 MB) , Simulation of LH2 and GH2 releases.ppt (7.91 MB)
Numerical Study on the Influence of Different Boundary Conditions on the Efficiency of Hydrogen Recombiners Inside a Car Garage 2015 Conference Paper J. Baggemann; W. Jahn; S. Kelm; E.A. Reinecke; H.J. Allelein paper_326.pdf (1.95 MB) , Presentation_ID216_ICHS2015_216_Baggemann.pptx (80.06 MB)
Numerical Study of a Higly Under-expanded Hydrogen Jet 2005 Conference Paper B.P. Xu; J.P. Zhang; J.X. Wen; S. Dembele; J. Karwatzki 110122.pdf (368.04 KB) , Hydrogen jet.ppt (931 KB)
Numerical Simulation on Low-Speed Hydrogen Jet Diffusion 2015 Conference Paper Y. Takatori; N. Tsuboi; K. Fujimoto; D. Muto; M. Asahara Presentation_ID179_asahara.pdf (1.45 MB) , paper_335.pdf (1.07 MB)
Numerical Simulation of Hydrogen Explosion Tests with a Barrier Wall for Blast Mitigation-Paper 2005 Conference Paper T. Nozu; R. Tanaka; T. Ogawa; K. Hibi; Y. Sakai Numerical Simulation of Hydrogen Explosion Tests with a Barrier Wall for Blast Mitigation.pdf (2.45 MB)
Numerical Simulation of Hydrogen Explosion Tests With a Barrier Wall for Blast Mitigation 2005 Conference Paper T. Nozu; R. Tanaka; T. Ogawa; K. Hibi; Y. Sakai 130028.pdf (2.45 MB)
Numerical Simulation of Diverging Detonation in Hydrogen Air Mixtures 2015 Conference Paper A. Heidari; J. Wen paper_296.pdf (740.02 KB)
Numerical Simulation of Detonation Failure and Reinitiation in Bifurcated Tubes 2015 Conference Paper A. Heidari; J. Wen paper_321.pdf (652.16 KB) , Presentation_ID170_ICHS.pptx (2.79 MB)
Numerical Simulation of Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition in Hydrogen-Air Mixtures with Concentration Gradients 2015 Conference Paper C.J. Wang; J.X. Wen paper_295.pdf (712.64 KB)
Numerical Modeling of Hydrogen Release, Mixture and Dispersion in Atmosphere 2005 Conference Paper E.A. Granovskiy; V.A. Lyfar; Y.A. Skob; M.L. Ugryumov 110021.pdf (286.77 KB)
Numerical Investigation on the Dispersion of Hydrogen Leaking From a Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle in Seaborne Transportation 2015 Conference Paper H. Oka; Y. Ogata; Y. Oka; S. Ota paper_288.pdf (8.12 MB)
Numerical Investigation of Vented Hydrogen-Air Deflagration in a Chamber 2015 Conference Paper S. Tsujii; K. Hutchinson; A. Matsuo
Numerical Investigation of Hydrogen Leakage From a High Pressure Tank and its Explosion 2015 Conference Paper Y. Taira; T. Saburi; S. Kubota; Y. Sugiyama; A. Matsuo paper_291.pdf (9.64 MB)
Numerical Analysis of Detonation Propensity of Hydrogen-Air Mixtures with Addition of Methane, Ethane or Propane 2015 Conference Paper A. Jach; A. Teodorczyk paper_265.pdf (643.14 KB)
Novel Safe Method of Manufacturing Hydrogen Metallic Hydrides 2005 Conference Paper F. Seco; I. Agote; E. Ezponda; I.N. Guisasola; M.A. Lagos; S.L. Kharatyan; A.R. Sargsyan 220024.pdf (282.16 KB)
Non-Monotonic Overpressure vs. H2 Concentration Behavoiur During Vented Deflagration. Experimental Results 2015 Conference Paper M. Schiavetti; M. Carcassi paper_333.pdf (1.03 MB) , Presentation_ID153_ICHS2015-Schiavetti-Nichirin-IV-21.ppt (4.04 MB)
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