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Title Year Type Author(s)
Fire tests carried out in FCH JU Firecomp project, recommendations and application to safety of gas storage systems 2019 Journal Article P. Blanc-Vannet, S. Jallais, B. Fuster, F. Fouillen, D. Halm, T. van Eekelen, S. Welch, P. Breuer, S. Hawksworth
Security risk analysis of a hydrogen fueling station with an on-site hydrogen production system involving methylcyclohexane 2019 Journal Article J. Nakayama, N. Kasai, T. Shibutani, A. Miyake
Development and Performance Evaluation of Energy Efficient PEM Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle for Smart Cities 2017 Conference Proceedings S. Chavan, D. Talange, , Ieee Reg, Ieee Sect, Dept Coep
Experimental study of hydrogen explosion in repeated pipe congestion - Part 1: Effects of increase in congestion 2019 Journal Article L. Shirvill, T. Roberts, M. Royle, D. Willoughby, P. Sathiah
Structural integrity of composite-lined hydrogen storage tanks at operating pressures 2008 Book Y.B. Guo, J.L. Parham
MATERIALS ISSUES FOR HYDROGEN R&D IN CANADA 2009 Journal Article E.E. Andrukaitis, R. McMillan
Hydrogen storage and delivery: Review of the state of the art technologies and risk and reliability analysis 2019 Journal Article R. Moradi, K. Groth
Winding number based automatic mesh generation algorithm for hydrogen analysis code GASFLOW-MPI 2019 Journal Article F. Yu, H. Zhang, A. Class, J. Xiao, J. Travis, T. Jordan
Combustion behavior and oscillatory regime of flame spread over ethanol aqueous solution with different proportions 2019 Journal Article X. Huang, Y. Yang, X. Cheng, N. Al-Hawshabi, S. Casey
A Numerical Investigation on Gaseous Stratification Break-Up Phenomenon of Air Fountain Experiment by Code_Saturne 2019 Journal Article J. Han, H. Yamashita, N. Hayashi
Large Eddy Simulation of a Syngas Jet Flame: Effects of Preferential Diffusion and Turbulence-Chemistry Interaction 2019 Journal Article F. Bertrand, T. Germain, F. Bentivoglio, F. Bonnet, Q. Moyart, P. Aujollet
Numerical study on laminar flame velocity of hydrogen-air combustion under water spray effects 2019 Journal Article S. Lee, O. Kwon
Modelling an integrated impact of fire, explosion and combustion products during transitional events caused by an accidental release of LNG 2019 Journal Article T. Baalisampang, R. Abbassi, V. Garaniya, F. Khan, M. Dadashzadeh
Development of a mitigation system against hydrogen-air deflagrations in nuclear power plants 2019 Journal Article H. Saitoh, T. Otsuka, N. Yoshikawa, N. Kanno, S. Takanashi, Y. Oozawa, M. Hirata, M. Takeshita, K. Sakuragi, S. Kurihara, Y. Tsunashima, N. Aoki, K. Tanaka
Study on kerosene spray combustion and self-extinguishing behaviors under limited ventilation 2019 Journal Article F. Guo, C. Wang, A. Zhang, M. Li
Thermal and kinetics mechanism of explosion mitigation of methane-air mixture by N-2/CO2 in a closed compartment 2019 Journal Article M. Sander, H. Neumann
Hydrogen Related Risks Within a Private Garage - Concentration Measurements in a Realistic Full Scale Experimental Facility-Paper 2007 Conference Proceedings S. Gupta, J. Brinster, E. Studer, I. Tkatschenko
Addition of hydrogen refueling for fuel cell bus fleet to existing natural gas stations: A case study in Wuhan, China 2019 Journal Article A. Shah, V. Mohan, J. Sheffield, K. Martin
Large-Scale Hydrogen System Safety Issues 2019 Journal Article Y. Iwai, K. Sato, J. Taniuchi, H. Noguchi, H. Kubo, N. Harada, Y. Oshima, T. Yamanishi
Effect of orifice plates spaces on flame propagation in a square cross-section channel 2019 Journal Article J. Park, B. Koh, K Suh
Experimental study on spontaneous ignition and flame propagation of high-pressure hydrogen release through tubes 2019 Journal Article R. Koc, N. Kazantzis, Y. Ma
Development of regulations, codes and standards on composite tanks for on-board gaseous hydrogen storage 2019 Journal Article D. Wang, B. Liao, J Zheng, G. Huang, Z. Hua, C. Gu, P. Xu
Numerical study of hydrogen dispersion in a fuel cell vehicle under the effect of ambient wind 2019 Journal Article S. Suppiah, D. Ryland, K. Marcinkowska, H. Boniface, A. Everatt
Effects of hydrogen concentration and film thickness on the vented explosion in a small obstructed rectangular container 2019 Journal Article G. Naterer, S. Suppiah, L. Stolberg, M. Lewis, M. Ferrandon, Z. Wang, I. Dincer, K. Gabriel, M. Rosen, E. Secnik, E. Easton, L. Trevani, I. Pioro, P. Tremaine, S. Lvov, J. Jiang, G. Rizvi, B. Ikeda, L. Lu, M. Kaye, W. Smith, J. Mostaghimi, P. Spekkens, M. Fowler, J. Avsec
Blind-prediction: Estimating the consequences of vented hydrogen deflagrations for inhomogeneous mixtures in 20-foot ISO containers 2019 Journal Article T. Skjold, H. Hisken, L. Bernard, L. Mauri, G. Atanga, S. Lakshmipathy, M. Lucas, M. Carcassi, M. Schiavetti, V. Rao, A. Sinha, J. Wen, I. Tolias, S. Giannissi, A. Venetsanos, J. Stewart, O. Hansen, C. Kumar, L. Krumenacker, F. Laviron, R. Jambuti, A. Huser
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