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Yu, X. ., Yan, W. J., Liu, Y. ., Zhou, P. G., Li, B. ., & Wang, C. J. (2022). The flame mitigation effect of vertical barrier wall in hydrogen refueling stations. Fuel, 315, 11.
Zhang, X. ., Wang, C. J., & Rui, S. C. (2022). Phenomena of single water droplet impacting a heptane layer on water pool. European Journal of Mechanics B-Fluids, 92, 65-74.
Li, M. H., Zhou, L. ., Shu, Z. Z., Hu, P. . Y., Wang, C. J., & Ding, C. . (2022). Gas-liquid hydrodynamics and vortex motion of flame spread over jet fuel in longitudinal air stream. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 134, 7.
Zhang, J. K., Wang, C. J., & Zhang, A. F. (2022). Experimental study on temperature and performance of an open-cathode PEMFC stack under thermal radiation environment. Applied Energy, 311, 13.
Zhang, Z. H., Li, Q. ., Liu, Y. ., Wang, W. ., Han, J. ., Wang, C. J., & Yuan, H. P. (2022). Experimental study on the effect of fan-shaped water mist on horizontal under-expanded hydrogen jet flames. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47, 14008-14016.
Yang, J. Z., Zhu, X. W., Liu, M. H., Wang, C. J., Wu, Y. X., & Shen, Z. H. (2022). Wake bifurcations behind two circular disks in tandem arrangement. Physical Review Fluids, 7, 29.
Yu, X. ., Wu, Y. ., Zhao, Y. Q., & Wang, C. J. (2022). Flame characteristics of under-expanded, cryogenic hydrogen jet fire. Combustion and Flame, 244, 11.
Wu, Y. ., Yu, X. ., Wang, Z. C., Jin, H. ., Zhao, Y. Q., Wang, C. J., … Wang, W. . (2022). The flame mitigation effect of N-2 and CO2 on the hydrogen jet fire. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 165, 658-670.
Xie, Q. M., Guo, S. S., Zhang, Y. J., Wang, C. J., Ma, C. ., & Li, Q. . (2022). An integrated method for assessing passenger evacuation performance in ship fires. Ocean Engineering, 262, 13.
Hao, T. T., Wang, C. J., Yan, W. J., Ren, W. X., & Yuen, K. V. (2021). Experimental investigation on the dynamic responses of vented hydrogen explosion in a 40-foot container. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46, 19229-19243.
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