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Li, M. H., Zhou, L. ., Shu, Z. Z., Hu, P. . Y., Wang, C. J., & Ding, C. . (2022). Gas-liquid hydrodynamics and vortex motion of flame spread over jet fuel in longitudinal air stream. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 134, 7.
Li, M. H., Han, G. Z., & Geng, S. W. (2022). Experimental study and new-proposed mathematical correlation of flame height of rectangular pool fire with aspect ratio and mass burning rate. Energy, 255, 8.
Chen, L. ., Shen, Z. H., Chen, B. ., Wang, C. J., Song, J. G., & Li, M. H. (2021). Steam cavity and explosion intensity of molten copper column interaction with water. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 71, 9.
Li, M. H., Zhang, C. ., Wang, C. J., Liu, Z. T., & Wang, B. Z. (2021). Ignition behavior and critical distance of flammable liquids by radiant heat flux from adjacent pool fire. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 168, 7.
Li, M. H., Luo, Q. T., Ji, J. ., & Wang, C. . (2021). Hydrodynamic analysis and flame pulsation of continuously spilling fire spread over n-butanol fuel under different slope angles. Fire Safety Journal, 126, 7.
Li, M. H., Han, G. Z., Pan, Y. ., Sun, L. D., Li, Q. ., & Meng, W. J. (2020). Experimental investigation on flame spread over jet fuel with influence of external heat radiation. Energy, 208, 7.
Fan, X. J., Wang, C. J., Guo, F. P., Chen, B. ., & Li, M. H. (2021). Water droplet impact on high-temperature peanut oil surface: The effects of droplet diameter and oil temperature. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 159, 8.
Li, M. H., Shu, Z. Z., Chen, B. ., Wang, C. J., Geng, S. W., & Han, G. Z. (2021). Influence of pool width on pioneering flame height of flame spread over jet fuel inside a bench-scale air flow tunnel. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 108, 7.
Li, M. H., Shu, Z. Z., Chen, B. ., & Wang, C. J. (2021). Experimental study of temperature profile and gas-liquid heat transfer in flame spread over jet fuel under longitudinal air flow. Applied Thermal Engineering, 185, 8.
Li, M. H., Shu, Z. Z., Geng, S. W., & Han, G. Z. (2020). Experimental and modelling study on flame tilt angle of flame spread over jet fuel under longitudinally forced air flows. Fuel, 270, 7.
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