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Disclaimer: The Lessons Learned Database includes the incidents that were voluntarily submitted. The database is not a comprehensive source for all incidents that have occurred.
Facilities should review their process systems to determine if they have valves installed that may be subject to this hazard. If so, facilities should conduct a detailed hazard analysis to determine the risk of valve failure. Detailed internal…
The above described events are an indication of a potential licensee/vendor interface problem. Based on the information received, the vendor was not completely informed via the purchase specifications regarding the service condition to which the…
The lessons of this event fall into five categories: (1) proper in-plant communications during events, (2) proper valve application for use with hydrogen, (3) excess flow check valve set point, (4) heating and ventilation and air conditioning (…
As demonstrated by the fire discussed above, lack of adequate maintenance, system monitoring and oversight of maintenance of these facilities can contribute to the ignition of a fire that is difficult to extinguish and poses an extreme danger to…
Hazard assessment is critical during the design, fabrication, and installation of system modifications to ensure hazards and potential hazards are addressed prior to system start-up and operation.
Diligence needs to be practiced when performing assigned work tasks. To guard against complacency, it is necessary to emphasize adherence to established procedures, including appropriate reviews of preventive maintenance instructions (PMI) and…
This occurrence underscores the importance of appropriate design, equipment selection, and design review; the potential drawbacks of sharing utilities with other facilities; and the need to simplify [in this case, glove box atmosphere…
This occurrence demonstrated the use of data by engineering to evaluate equipment problems. As the data changed, highlighting a problem with one-half inch PVC ball valves, the facility redesigned the valve extension and valve handle to prevent…
The following corrective actions have been taken:
Because the bottle was located outside at the time of the event, and the hydrogen did not find a source of ignition while venting through the relief valve, nothing serious happened. The failed regulator was replaced and operations continued.…
The packing in the flow control valve should be replaced periodically. A planned investigation will determine the optimum time period for packing replacement.
Proper installation of check valves and other equipment should be visually inspected prior to pressurization.
The site needs to implement a good Operational and Readiness Inspection procedure. System inspection deficiencies need to be identified, and (if possible) reviewed by a second party before future tests are conducted. This inspection could include…
Extra caution should be taken when working around elevated pressure storage tanks. Pressure relief valve settings should be checked and then verified by a second party if possible. Proper procedures need to be followed at all times.
Lessons Learned
Construction errors are difficult to detect once construction is complete. It is important to develop and use a systematic oversight process for minimizing construction errors during the construction process.
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