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Disclaimer: The Lessons Learned Database includes the incidents that were voluntarily submitted. The database is not a comprehensive source for all incidents that have occurred.
In this case, failure to recognize a run of tubing still maintaining pressure could have been avoided if such information was provided in a safety briefing. Knowledge of any job is the utmost importance in promoting and maintaining a safe working…
When performing maintenance evolutions, proper work control processes must be in place to insure that process systems are adequately prepared, remain in a safe energy state during the maintenance evolution, and are properly restored afterwards.…
This incident illustrates how difficult it is to completely purge hydrogen out of a large, complex piece of equipment. Uniform mixing and dilution is unlikely in all the partially enclosed spaces, crevices, etc. If a hazardous operation such as…
This incident illustrates the danger of hydrogen being inadvertently released through blown water seals. Similar incidents have occurred in non-nuclear industrial facilities, but offgas systems present a special hazard because of the…
The lessons of this event fall into five categories: (1) proper in-plant communications during events, (2) proper valve application for use with hydrogen, (3) excess flow check valve set point, (4) heating and ventilation and air conditioning (…
These events show the importance of preventing combustible gas mixtures from accumulating in piping. In both of the above described events, hydrogen and oxygen gases apparently accumulated to a combustible level which then catastrophically failed…
An important lesson to be derived from this incident is the need to carefully engineer and test all repairs and modifications to high-pressure process equipment.
Although most of the hydrogen fluoride piping system was open to the atmosphere before the elbow was cut, the lines were not purged. Two plugs of residual material on either side of the elbow remained in place, thus allowing hydrogen to be…
Management should ensure that a complete and thorough review of the previous work activities identified in the work package is performed at the pre-job briefing for the planned work. Work activities should be discontinued if any confusion exists…
1. Management must ensure that operating decisions are not based primarily on cost and production. Performance goals and operating risks must be effectively communicated to all employees. Facility management must set safe, achievable operating…
The following corrective actions have been taken:
Because the bottle was located outside at the time of the event, and the hydrogen did not find a source of ignition while venting through the relief valve, nothing serious happened. The failed regulator was replaced and operations continued.…
Recommendation 1 - Overhaul and replace the diaphragms on all cells showing low-purity results. Check on a routine basis the individual cell purity levels to monitor the deterioration of performance of individual cells. Certain…
In the future, refining, petrochemical, and chemical industries need to review material verification programs to ensure that the maintenance procedures include sufficient controls and positive material identification (PMI) testing to prevent…
Hydrogen distribution lines should be designed and carefully inspected to ensure process equipment in the area is correctly and safely installed. Equipment subject to vibration should not be placed in contact with hydrogen lines or with other…
For the use of mechanical fittings in hydrogen service, administrative controls should be in place, as in this case, to ensure that leak testing is conducted on a regular basis. It should never be assumed that every fitting is tight. Additional…
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