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Disclaimer: The Lessons Learned Database includes the incidents that were voluntarily submitted. The database is not a comprehensive source for all incidents that have occurred.
Cause and effect can sometimes be predicted by observing abnormal behavior even when the behavior is within specifications. Operators log equipment data and inform shift management when specifications are exceeded or when unusual equipment…
In this case, failure to recognize a run of tubing still maintaining pressure could have been avoided if such information was provided in a safety briefing. Knowledge of any job is the utmost importance in promoting and maintaining a safe working…
This incident highlights the need to ensure that the performance of special procedures does not place facility equipment in a condition that could lead to entry into a LCO.
When performing maintenance evolutions, proper work control processes must be in place to insure that process systems are adequately prepared, remain in a safe energy state during the maintenance evolution, and are properly restored afterwards.…
This occurrence points to the importance of gathering and organizing all applicable administrative controls and other commitments prior to commencing work. It also re-emphasizes the importance of attention to detail, not only by the person…
Some hydride materials (e.g., sodium alanates) may be rapidly exothermic, even pyrophoric, if exposed to water or humid air or slowly exothermic, even pyrophoric, if exposed to oxygen. Reactive materials, including fine metal powders, should be…
The manager in charge acknowledged that, while he made relatively recent modifications to the high-pressure gas storage side of the system and had directed a major rebuilding of various units, the moderate-pressure interconnecting system (the…
The hydrogen facility does not meet industrial guidelines for facilities of this type, from the standpoint of (1) the separation distance needed between a hydrogen pipe break and the building ventilation intake to prevent buildup of a flammable…
The lessons of this event fall into five categories: (1) proper in-plant communications during events, (2) proper valve application for use with hydrogen, (3) excess flow check valve set point, (4) heating and ventilation and air conditioning (…
Thoroughly plan and schedule work such that the correct tools are at the job site. If activities take place that take the job supervisor away from the job location while critical steps are to be performed, the work should be temporarily stopped.…
Utilize a Six Sigma Black Belt to statistically evaluate LFL monitor reliability and determine the failure rate based on the existing technology.
Revise the tank uncertainty calculation and surveillance to include a wider "Required…
Frequently inspect and maintain all elements of hydrogen-related systems.
A flammable gas explosion is an analyzed hazard and gas detection/shut off is a safety significant control system that requires a limiting condition for operation (LCO). The rigor of the evaluation of flammable gas systems was inadequate. There…
This incident occurred due to moisture in the sample line monitoring system. Removing moisture from the sample line increases the reliability of the equipment. Further evaluations are being considered for improving system reliability.
Follow-up investigation of this occurrence confirms that it was inadvertent. Attention to detail while performing any task is a must for all personnel. This is to insure the safety of both the individual performing the task and others that may…
Work pre-planning is essential whenever maintenance or work activities may have an adverse impact on everyday operations. When there are changes to the operational status of any critical system, especially a safety critical system, those changes…
The simplicity of this situation has made us aware that increased consideration must be given to all aspects of the workplace when preparing preliminary hazard assessments. Some hazardous situations appear so trivial that they can be easily…
Hazard assessment is critical during the design, fabrication, and installation of system modifications to ensure hazards and potential hazards are addressed prior to system start-up and operation.
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