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Risk Mitigation Strategies for Hydrogen Storage Materials 2011 Conference Paper J.A. Cortes-Concepcion; C.W. James; S.M. Everett; J.R. Gray; D.A. Tamburello; D.L. Anton paper_113.pdf (319.28 KB) , presentation_20.pptx (8.24 MB)
Risk Management and Insurance - Breaking Barriers, Paving Pathways 2009 Presentation A. Tchouvelev; A.M. Hansen; S. Miyashita; G. Vercauteren; B. Golden presentation_42.pdf (286.92 KB)
Risk Informed Separation Distances for Hydrogen Refuelling Stations 2011 Conference Paper F. Barth paper_76.pdf (164.29 KB) , presentation_15.ppt (327 KB)
Risk Assessment of Hydrogen Explosion for Private Car with Hydrogen-Driven Engine 2009 Conference Paper A. Rodionov; H. Wilkening; P. Moretto Risk Assessment of Hydrogen Explosion for Private Car with Hydrogen-Driven Engine.pdf (326.02 KB)
Review of Methods for Estimating the Overpressure and Impulse Resulting From a Hydrogen Explosion in a Confined-Obstructed Volume 2009 Conference Paper L. Melani; I. Sochet; X. Rocourt; S. Jallais Review of Methods for Estimating the Overpressure and Impulse Resulting From a Hydrogen Explosion in a Confined-Obstructed Volume.pdf (120.67 KB)
Residential Fuel Cell Certification and Insurance in Japan 2009 Presentation S. Miyashita presentation_43_0.pdf (409.96 KB)
Regulations and Research on RC&S for Hydrogen Storage Relevant to Transport and Vehicle Issues with Special focus on Composite Containments 2011 Conference Paper G.W. Mair; P. Poschko paper_81.pdf (2.49 MB) , presentation_19.ppt (1.3 MB)
Real-World Hydrogen Technology Validation 2011 Conference Paper S. Sprik; J. Kurtz; K. Wipke; T. Ramsden; C. Ainscough; L. Eudy; G. Saur paper_86.pdf (994.5 KB) , presentation_15.pptx (7.94 MB)
Real Gas Equations of State for the Gasflow CFD Code 2011 Conference Paper J.R. Travis; J. Xiao; Z. Xu; P. Koch; T. Jordan paper_53.pdf (219.54 KB) , presentation_9.ppt (3.04 MB)
Quantitative Imaging of Multi-Component Turbulent Jets 2011 Conference Paper A. Ash; N. Djilali; P. Oshkai paper_48.pdf (799.47 KB) , presentation_1.pptx (9.62 MB)
Quantifying the Hydrogen Embrittlement of Pipe Steels for Safety Considerations 2011 Conference Paper L. Briottet; I. Moro; P. Lemoine paper_149.pdf (515.45 KB) , presentation_65.ppt (3.3 MB)
QRA Including Utility for Decision Support of H2 Infrastructure 2011 Conference Paper H.J. Pasman; W.J. Rogers paper_66.pdf (671.98 KB) , presentation_8.pptx (1.42 MB)
Pressure Limit of Hydrogen Spontaneous Ignition in a T-Shaped Channel 2011 Conference Paper M.V. Bragin; D.V. Makarov; V.V. Molkov presentation_52.pdf (1.03 MB) , paper_124.pdf (2.28 MB)
Pressure Cycling of Type 1 Pressure Vessels with Gaseous Hydrogen 2011 Conference Paper C. San Marchi; D.E. Dedrick; P. Van Blarigan; B.P. Somerday; K.A. Nibur paper_148.pdf (4.41 MB) , presentation_64.ppt (8.96 MB)
Predictions of Solid-State Hydrogen Storage System Contamination Processes 2009 Conference Paper D.E. Dedrick; M.P. Kanouff; R.S. Larson; R.W. Bradshaw; J. Graetz; S. Hwang presentation_1.pdf (577.25 KB) , paper_2.pdf (794.38 KB)
Prediction of Third Party Damage Failure Frequency for Pipelines Transporting Mixtures of Natural Gas and Hydrogen 2009 Conference Paper L. Zhang; R.A. Adey Prediction of Third Party Damage Failure Frequency for Pipelines Transporting Mixtures of Natural Gas and Hydrogen.pdf (164.01 KB)
Physics of Spontaneous Ignition of High Pressure Hydrogen Release and Transition to Jet Fire 2009 Conference Paper M.V. Bragin; V.V. Molkov presentation_38.pdf (1.3 MB) , paper_39.pdf (866.21 KB)
Performance-Based Requirements for Hydrogen Detection Allocation and Actuation 2009 Conference Paper I.A. Kirillov; M.I. Strelkova; A.V. Panasenko; D. Roekaerts Performance-Based Requirements for Hydrogen Detection Allocation and Actuation.pdf (142.43 KB)
On the Use of Hydrogen in Confined Spaces - Results From the Internal Project InsHyde 2009 Conference Paper A.G. Venetsanos; P. Adams; I. Azkarate; A. Bengaouer; L. Brett; M.N. Carcassi; A. Engebo; E. Gallego; A.I. Gavrikov; O.R. Hansen; S. Hawksworth; T. Jordan; A. Kessler; S. Kumar; V. Molkov; S. Nilsen; E. Reinecke; M. Stocklin; U. Schmidtchen; A. Teodorczyk; D. Tigreat; N.H.A. Versloot presentation_25.pdf (3.13 MB) , paper_27.pdf (200.19 KB)
On the Kinetics of ALH3 Decomposition and the Subsequent AL Oxidation 2011 Conference Paper N. Eisenreich; A. Kebler; A. Koleczko; V. Weiser presentation_49.pdf (1.26 MB) , paper_65.pdf (355.55 KB)
Numerical Study on Spontaneous Ignition of Pressurized Hydrogen Release Through a Tube 2009 Conference Paper B.P. Xu; J.X. Wen; V.H.Y. Tam Numerical Study on Spontaneous Ignition of Pressurized Hydrogen Release Through a Tube.pdf (562.73 KB)
Numerical Study on Fast Filling of 70 MPA Hydrogen Vehicle Cylinder 2011 Conference Paper G. Liu; Y. Zhao; Y. Liu; J. Zheng; Y. He paper_104.pdf (299.91 KB) , presentation_36.ppt (4.26 MB)
Numerical Study of the Near-Field of Highly Under-Expanded Turbulent Gas Jets 2011 Conference Paper A. Velikorodny; S. Kudriakov paper_47.pdf (887.34 KB) , presentation_5.ppt (9.07 MB)
Numerical Study of Spontaneous Ignition of Pressurized Hydrogen Release Through a Length of Tube with Local Contraction 2011 Conference Paper B.P. Xu; J.X. Wen paper_118.pdf (1.46 MB) , presentation_48.ppt (1.66 MB)
Numerical Study of Hydrogen Explosions in a Vehicle Refill Environment 2009 Conference Paper V.C.Madhav Rao; J.X. Wen; T. V.H.Y. Numerical Study of Hydrogen Explosions in a Vehicle Refill Environment.pdf (874.62 KB)
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