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HySafe Research Priorities Workshop Findings 2015 Presentation J. Keller; L. Hill; K. Kiuru HySafe Research Priorities Workshop Findings_0.pptx (1.14 MB)
Hysafe European Network of Excellence on Hydrogen Safety 2005 Conference Paper T. Jordan; L. Perrette; H. Paillere HySafe European Network of Excellence on Hydrogen Safety_0.pdf (202.63 KB)
HYRAM A Methodology and Toolkit for Quantitative Risk Assessment of Hydrogen Systems 2015 Conference Paper K.M. Groth; E.S. Hecht paper_307.pdf (333.75 KB) , Presentation_ID110_ICHS2015_HyRAM.pptx (3.88 MB)
Hydrogen Vehicles Road-Map in FIAT 2005 Presentation G. Rovera Hydrogen Vehicles Road map3 in Fiat-Pisa 10.9.05.ppt (4.58 MB)
Hydrogen South Africa (HySA) and SA H2 Safety Programmes 2015 Presentation B. North Hydrogen South Africa (HySA) and SA H2 Safety Programmes.pptx (4.87 MB)
Hydrogen Safety: From Policies To Plans To Practices 2005 Conference Paper S.C. Weiner; R.A. Kallman; A. Ruiz; J.M. Schneider 100068.pdf (73.56 KB) , ICHS Weiner 100068 9-9-05.ppt (230 KB)
Hydrogen Safety in Transportation: Industry Perspective (GM) 2005 Presentation C.S. Sloane Sloane ICHS Roundtable Sept 05.ppt (4.47 MB)
Hydrogen Safety in Japan 2015 Presentation K. Yoshizumi Kiyoshi-Yoshizumi.pptx (5.42 MB)
Hydrogen Safety and Loss Prevention in Industries 2015 Conference Paper S. Dorofeev presentation_31.pptx (5.02 MB)
Hydrogen Safety - From Policies to Plans to Practices-Paper 2005 Conference Paper S.C. Weiner; R.A. Kallman; A. Ruiz; J.M. Schneider Hydrogen Safety - From Policies to Plans to Practices.pdf (73.56 KB)
Hydrogen Risk Analysis for a Generic Nuclear Containment Ventilation System 2015 Conference Paper Z. Xu; T. Jordan paper_251.pdf (5.09 MB)
Hydrogen Refueling Stations: Safe Filling Procedures 2005 Conference Paper J.Y. Faudou; J.Y. Lehman; S. Pregassame 230100.pdf (56.92 KB) , ICHS_ALStation_ref n°230100.ppt (425 bytes)
Hydrogen Onboard Storage - An Insertion of the Probabilistic Approach Into Standards & Regulations? 2005 Conference Paper G.W. Mair 220001.pdf (931.36 KB) , ICHS 2005-09-09 final.ppt (6.29 MB)
Hydrogen Onboard Storage - An Insertion of the Probabilistic Approach into Standards & Regulations-Paper 2005 Conference Paper G.W. Mair Hydrogen Onboard Storage - An Insertion of the Probabilistic Approach into Standards & Regulations.pdf (931.36 KB)
Hydrogen Monitoring Requirements in the Global Technical Regulation on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Vehicles 2015 Conference Paper W. Buttner; C. Rivkin; R. Burgess; K. Hartmann; I. Bloomfield; M. Bubar; M. Post; L. Boon-Brett; E. Weidner; P. Moretto paper_257.pdf (782.8 KB) , Presentation_ID118_ICHS.pptx (8.32 MB)
Hydrogen Jet Fires in a Passively Ventilated Enclosure 2015 Conference Paper P. Hooker; J. Hall; J.R. Hoyes; A. Newton; D. Willoughby paper_290.pdf (472.22 KB)
Hydrogen Fuelling Station, CEP-Berlin - Safety Risk Assessment and Authority Approval Experience and Lessons Learned-Paper 2005 Conference Paper B.G. Halvorsen; S. Hoiset Hydrogen Fuelling Station, CEP-Berlin - Safety Risk Assessment and Authority Approval Experience and Lessons Learned.pdf (141.3 KB)
Hydrogen Fuelling Station, CEP-Berlin - Safety Risk Assesment and Authority Approval Experience and Lessons Learned 2005 Conference Paper B.G. Halvorsen; S. Hoiset 100020.pdf (141.3 KB) , 2005_09_09_BGH_100020_ICHS_Pisa _CEP_Berlin-final.ppt (436 bytes)
Hydrogen Fueling Standardization - Enabling FCEVs with 'Same as Today' Fueling Time and Driving Range 2015 Conference Paper J. Schneider; G. Meadows; M. Wistoft-Ibsen; S. Mathison; J. Shim paper_256.pdf (3.21 MB)
Hydrogen Fast Filling to a Type IV Tank Developed for Motorcycles 2015 Conference Paper E. Yamada; W. Hiraki; H. Muramatsu paper_316.pdf (589.63 KB)
Hydrogen Explosions in 20' ISO Container 2015 Conference Paper O.K. Sommersel; K. Vaagsather; D. Bjerketvedt paper_317.pdf (498.07 KB) , Presentation_ID234_2015_10_21_ICHS_Vaagsaether.pptx (21.29 MB)
Hydrogen Effects on X80 Pipeline Steel Under High-Pressure Natural Gas-Hydrogen Mixtures 2015 Conference Paper B. Meng; C.H. Gu; L. Zhang; C.S. Zhou; Y.Z. Zhao; J.Y. Zheng; X.Y. Chen; Y. Han paper_344.pdf (1006.62 KB) , Presentation_ID252_Hydrogen-Effects-on-X80-Pipeline-Steel.ppt (11.9 MB)
Hydrogen Detection: Visualisation of Hydrogen Using Non Invasive Optical Schlieren Technique BOS 2005 Conference Paper A. Kebler; W. Ehrhardt; G. Langer Hydrogen Detection - Visualisation of Hydrogen Using Non Invasive Optical Schlieren Technique BOS.pdf (1.37 MB) , Hydrogen Detection - Visualisation of Hydrogen Using Non Invasive Optical Schlieren Technique BOS.ppt (403 bytes)
Hot Surface Ignition of Hydrogen-Air Mixtures 2015 Conference Paper J. Melguizo-Gavilanes; R. Mevel; J.E. Shepherd Presentation_ID250_JMG-glowPlugICHS2015.pdf (10.34 MB) , paper_267.pdf (1.97 MB)
High Pressure Hydrogen Tank Rupture - Blast Wave and Fireball 2015 Conference Paper W. Kim; V. Shentsov; D. Makarov; V. Molkov paper_337.pdf (1.19 MB)
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