CFD Simulation Study to Investigate the Risk From Hydrogen Vehicles in Tunnels-Paper |
2007 |
Conference Paper |
O.R. Hansen; P. Middha |
CFD Simulation Study to Investigate the Risk From Hydrogen Vehicles in Tunnels.pdf
(222 KB)
CFD Simulation Study To Investigate The Risk From Hydrogen Vehicles In Tunnels |
2007 |
Conference Paper |
O.R. Hansen; P. Middha |
(222 KB)
CFD Simulation on Diffusion of Leaked Hydrogen Caused By Vehicle Accident in Tunnels |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
S. Mukai; J. Suzuki; H. Mitsuishi; K. Oyakawa; S. Watanabe |
(542.75 KB)
CFD Modelling of Large-Scale LH2 Spills in Open Environment |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
A.G. Venetsanos |
(373.25 KB)
, Venetsanos_110126.ppt
(2.07 MB)
Cfd Modelling of Accidental Hydrogen Release From Pipelines |
2007 |
Journal Article |
H. Wilkening; D. Baraldi |
Assessing the Durability and Integrity of Natural Gas Infrastructures for Transporting and Distributing Mixtures of Hydrogen and Natural Gas_0.pdf
(427.05 KB)
CFD Modeling of LH2 Dispersion Using the ADREA-HF Code |
2011 |
Conference Paper |
S.G. Giannissi; A.G. Venetsanos; J.G. Bartzis; N. Markatos; D.B. Willoughby; M. Royle |
(303.54 KB)
, presentation_3_0.ppt
(4.97 MB)
CFD Modeling Of Hydrogen Dispersion Experiments For Sae J2578 Test Methods Development |
2007 |
Conference Paper |
A.V. Tchouvelev; J. DeVaal; Z. Cheng; R. Corfu; R. Rozek; C. Lee |
CFD Modeling of Hydrogen Dispersion Experiments for SAE J2578 Test Methods Development.pdf
(381.89 KB)
CFD Modeling for Helium Releases in a Private Garage Without Forced Ventilation |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
E.A. Papanikolaou; A.G. Venetsanos |
(250.59 KB)
, present_pisa.ppt
(764.5 KB)
CFD Modeling and Consequence Analysis of an Accidental Hydrogen Release in a Large Scale Facility |
2013 |
Conference Paper |
C.R. Bauwens; S.B. Dorofeev |
(649.57 KB)
, paper_200.pdf
(1.25 MB)
CFD Investigation of Filling and Emptying of Hydrogen Tanks |
2015 |
Conference Paper |
D. Melideo; D. Baraldi; B. Acosta-Iborra; O. Cebolla; P. Moretto |
(1.18 MB)
, Presentation_ID137_ICHS2015_FF_DM_6.pptx
(36.37 MB)
CFD Evaluation Against a Large Scale Unconfined Hydrogen Deflagration |
2015 |
Conference Paper |
I.C. Tolias; A.G. Venetsanos; N. Markatos; C.T. Kiranoudis |
(779.38 KB)
CFD Design of Protective Walls Against the Effects of Vapor Cloud Fast Deflagration of Hydrogen |
2015 |
Conference Paper |
E. Vyazmina; S. Jallais; A. Beccantini; S. Trelat |
(1.4 MB)
CFD Computations of Liquid Hydrogen Releases |
2011 |
Conference Paper |
M. Ichard; O.R. Hansen; P. Middha; D. Willoughby |
(446.72 KB)
, presentation_2.ppt
(5.4 MB)
CFD Benchmark Based on Experiments of Helium Dispersion in a 1m^3 Enclosure - Intercomparisons for Plumes and Buoyant Jets |
2013 |
Conference Paper |
G. Bernard-Michel; B. Cariteau; J. Ni; S. Jallais; E. Vyazmina; D. Melideo; D. Baraldi; A. Venetsanos |
(1.41 MB)
, paper_165.pdf
(418.64 KB)
CFD Based Simulation of Hydrogen Release Through Elliptical Orifices |
2013 |
Conference Paper |
N. Shishehgaran; M. Paraschivoiu |
(2.59 MB)
, paper_162.pdf
(1.13 MB)
CFD and VR For Risk Communication and Safety Training |
2011 |
Conference Paper |
O.R. Hansen; D.M. Ulvang; T. Langeland; P. Middha |
(593.12 KB)
Cell Failure Mechanism in PEM Water Electrolyzers |
2011 |
Conference Paper |
P. Millet; A. Ranjbari; F. Guglielmo; S.A. Grigoriev; C. Etievant |
(2.02 MB)
Catalysts for Hydrogen Removal - Kinetic Paradox and Functioning at High Concentration of Hydrogen |
2009 |
Conference Paper |
V. Shepelin; D. Koshmanov; E. Chepelin |
Catalysts for Hydrogen Removal - Kinetic Paradox and Functioning at High Concentration of Hydrogen.pdf
(2.37 MB)
Catalysis of Oxides in Hydrogen Generation by the Reaction of Al With Water |
2013 |
Conference Paper |
W.Z. Gai; C.S. Fang; Z.Y. Deng |
Catalysis of Oxides in Hydrogen Generation by the Reaction of Al With Water.pdf
(294.54 KB)
Case of Compressed Gaseous Tube Trailer |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
F. Pilo; L. Munaro; A. Zanardo |
(1.92 MB)
, presentazione pilo.ppt
(14.81 MB)
Canadian Hydrogen Safety Program |
2007 |
Journal Article |
I. MacIntyre; A.V. Tchouvelev; D.R. Hay; J. Wong; J. Grant; P. Benard |
(451.72 KB)
, 400094NRCanICHS_3.ppt
(3.86 MB)
Can the Addition of Hydrogen to Natural Gas Reduce the Explosion Risk |
2009 |
Conference Paper |
P. Middha; D. Engel; O.R. Hansen |
Can the Addition of Hydrogen to Natural Gas Reduce the Explosion Risk.pdf
(530.98 KB)
Boundary Layer Effects on the Critical Nozzle of Hydrogen Sonic Jet |
2015 |
Conference Paper |
M. Afroosheh; F. Vakilimoghadda; M. Paraschivoiu |
(2.43 MB)
, paper_339.pdf
(1.04 MB)
Blind-prediction: estimating the consequences of vented hydrogen deflagrations for homogeneous mixtures in a 20-foot ISO container |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Trygve Skjold, Helene Hisken, Marco Carcassi, et. al. |
(1.57 MB)
, 149_0.pdf
(3.91 MB)
Blast Wave From Hydrogen Storage Rupture in a Fire |
2015 |
Conference Paper |
V. Molkov; S. Kashkarov |
(1.02 MB)
, Presentation_ID152_151020_BW_ICHS.pptx
(3.63 MB)