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The Panel is not aware of any standard for hydrogen detectors for onboard vehicle applications. Some information is available in the SAE Technical Information Report: TIR J3089 Characterization of On-Board Vehicular Hydrogen Sensors, which was published in 2018.

Category: Detectors
Keywords: Detector, Sensor, Standard

The answer could be no devices at all, just a TPRD, just a PRD, or both. It depends on the potential overpressure scenarios identified during a hazard assessment. TPRDs typically are not used on ASME pressure vessels since they are not ASME compliant devices and since  system siting provides protection from engulfing fires. However, TPRDs are frequently used in portable applications for…

Category: Pressure Relief Devices
Keywords: Pressure, Relief, System Design

It depends on the service. Variables include disk design, corrosion resistance, number of cycles, and how to close the operating pressure is to the rupture disc set pressure. One approach is to ask the manufacturer for their recommendation. Typical practice for U.S. Department of Transportation vessels and discs is to replace them at the tube requalification (i.e., every 5 to 10 years in the U…

Category: Pressure Relief Devices
Keywords: Pressure, Relief, Rupture Disc, Replacement

Based on the question, it’s not clear if the reference to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) has been proven or is only suspected. It can be difficult to identify the nature of the cracks (SCC vs H2 embrittlement without analysis and microscopy). In addition, the question does not mention that the cylinders contain hydrogen gas, but it’s assumed since it was submitted to the Panel. 

Category: Pressure Relief Devices
Keywords: Pressure, Relief, Device, Material Selection, System Design

It is common to have combustible materials and fuels in a building during construction activities. Commissioning is typically considered part of construction. It is good to see that fire suppression is available. However, given the lack of alarm capabilities, it would seem prudent to have a fire watch posted when hazardous materials are present or being used. Regarding requirements, the…

Category: Miscellaneous
Keywords: Safety, Building, Construction

LNG storage, plumbing, and other systems can’t be directly retrofitted to handle hydrogen. The LNG components and systems will need to be removed and replaced with equipment specifically designed for hydrogen. If the concept is to convert existing equipment or an existing ship, then it’s probably impossible. If it’s to convert an existing LNG design on paper, then it’s probably impractical.…

Category: Miscellaneous
Keywords: Conversion, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), Equipment, System Design, Materials, Construction

This is an interesting question because of the special considerations associated with the H2-air mixture flashback scenario during turbine startup and shutdown. In-line deflagration arresters and detonation arresters for H2-air mixtures are different than those for most other fuels and need to be certified for use with hydrogen. They are commercially available, and NFPA 69 has a good chapter…

Category: Miscellaneous
Keywords: Combustion Turbine, Mixed Gas
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