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While HSP members have limited experience with MFCs in experimental setups, the Panel does not consider them to be reliable to provide a positive flow shutoff. For safety, a shutoff valve in series is recommended. Projects will also need to consider hazardous electrical rating and location when flowing H2. Regarding Coriolis mass flow measuring devices, Coriolis flow meters measure mass rate…
It is always recommended that the area in which this work would be done be adequately ventilated and in accordance with the Building Code, NFPA 2 and NFPA 45 if applicable. In the Panel’s opinion, it’s recommended that the weight measuring equipment as you’ve described it be designed for Class 1, Group B, Division 2. Also consult with the local authority having jurisdiction as to the…
A best practice, even for small hydrogen vents, is to vent to a dedicated vent system outside the building where possible. Several international codes and standards can be used to provide guidance; the Panel recommends discussing the configuration with a local fire official to ensure their required standards are followed. In the U.S. NFPA 2, Hydrogen Technologies Code, has information in…
Assuming this question relates to the roof of the enclosure, there are no design criteria on this topic to the Panel’s knowledge. The key to the design would be ensure that the exhaust ventilation inlet is located at the highest point and that there are no pockets that can capture hydrogen (restrict flow to the exhaust inlet).
Information on Toyota’s repair garage approach is available…
Hydrogen gas storage and fuel cell systems are typically closed systems with a variety of monitoring and control functions to prevent leaks. Please check with the bus manufacturer and authority having jurisdiction to verify this is acceptable per their direction. However, a good safety practice would be to minimize the time spent indoors for these activities. Hydrogen vehicles maintained in a…
Generally speaking, the International Fire Code and NFPA 2 apply to non-transportation use of hydrogen. These are maturing quickly, with NFPA 2 currently having issued its most recent edition in 2023. Standards for both on-board LH2 tanks and LH2 tankers for bulk fuel transport are managed by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and are well established. DOT transport requirements for…
FCEVs usually contain only a minimal amount of hydrogen fuel pressure (several Mpa) to support getting the car on and off car carriers. Panel members are not aware of any hydrogen release incidents during vehicle loading and don’t know what the probability of such a leak is considering the loading operations. A risk assessment accounting for the probability of collisions as well as leaks from…
It’s not clear if “mobile” in the question refers to vehicle fuel tanks, or vessels used for transportation of hazardous materials.
The Panel considers two approaches to be acceptable.
The primary safety standards for applicable to this piping in the U.S. are ASME B31.3, B31.12, and NFPA 2. The editions used should be those adopted by the local jurisdiction. Design of an LH2 piping system should always be conducted and reviewed by engineers experienced in cryogenic piping design. The equipment should also be installed per NFPA 2 and NFPA 55. IT is recommended that the piping…
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