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The lifetimes of these components will vary depending upon the application, their installation environment, and usage. It is also important to adhere to the component inspection, maintenance and replacement specifications as recommended by the manufacturer. However, as many are made of stainless steel, their life expectancy is longer than other materials. Estimated lifetimes are below in years…

Category: System Design
Keywords: Equipment, Liquid, System Design

In the U.S., liquid hydrogen fueling stations and dispensing equipment are addressed within NFPA 2, Chapter 11. Dispensing is covered within Section 11.3. When liquefied hydrogen is used as the supply for high pressure gaseous fueling, then Chapter 10 of NFPA 2 would apply.
ISO standards are also being developed for global LH2 fueling protocols.

Category: Fueling Stations
Keywords: Fueling Station, FC Vehicles, Dispensing, Charging

If liquid hydrogen usage is sufficiently high at the fueling station, there may be no need to vent any boiloff generated from the LH2 storage tank. Boil-off gas should be minimized through system design, but where needed, the boil-off hydrogen along with any other hydrogen released must be vented through a local vent stack which is constructed to safely vent the hydrogen in accordance with CGA…

Category: Fueling Stations
Keywords: Fueling Station, Boil-off Gas, Venting

Example safety guidelines are listed below but may not be all-inclusive (e.g., they do not cover general practices such as lockout/tagout, management of change, job safety analysis), and most are the same as for gaseous hydrogen. Also reference NFPA 2 and CGA documents such as H-3, H-5, and H-7. Additional safety training material can also be found on the following link to courses and…

Category: Miscellaneous
Keywords: Liquid, Safety, Guidelines, Operating

The HSP is not familiar with this particular fitting or its potential application in H2 service but can offer engineering judgment. Many similar compression-type swaged fittings are used in H2 service. These fittings must be used within the manufacturer recommendations for pressure, temperature, and fluid service. Deformation is also introduced into stainless steel tubing in other ways, such…

Category: Piping
Keywords: Piping, Fitting, Lokring Technology, Material Selection

Electrolyzers should be installed per manufacturer recommendations and meet the criteria of their
listing, such as ISO 22734, Hydrogen generators using water electrolysis - Industrial, commercial, and
residential applications. There are several methods such as partitions, enclosures, ventilation, and
purging that can be used to address non-classified electrical equipment.

Category: System Design
Keywords: Electrolyzer, High-voltage Equipment, Ignition Prevention, Ventilation

Static is a frequent source of ignition attributed to various hydrogen releases. Low levels of static
electricity are sufficient to ignite hydrogen – air mixtures. Static charges can be created by the
atmospheric disturbances and storms, high velocity particles entrained by the gas impacting stationary
objects, and human activity. Grounding of equipment and operators is important to…

Category: Hazards Analysis
Keywords: Static Charge, Ignition, Grounding

There is some indication that toroidal rings can reduce static buildup and ignition of hydrogen from a vent. However, while toroidal rings may help with static, they have not been proven to eliminate all static ignition sources. There are also other sources of ignition that they would not prevent, so they might reduce but not eliminate, vent stack fires. Another method that can be reliably…

Category: System Design
Keywords: Toroidal Ring, Vent, Static Ignition, Dilution methods

There are dozens of safety considerations for safe design of hydrogen vent stacks. Their primary function
is to vent the hydrogen safely, so vent stacks should be designed such that the gas dispersion and
radiation profile (if ignited) do not impact surrounding equipment, buildings, or people. Documents such
as CGA G5.5, Hydrogen Vent Systems, provide numerous details regarding design…

Category: System Design
Keywords: Vent Stack, Safe Venting, Design Practices, Grounding
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