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Numerical prediction of forced-ignition limit in high-pressurized hydrogen jet flow through a pinhole 2017 Conference Paper Makoto Asahara, Nobuyuki Tsuboi 193.pdf (1.34 MB)
Numerical modelling of hazards of hydrogen storage 2017 Conference Paper Pratap Sathiah, Chris Dixon 216.pdf (446.17 KB) , 4_ID216.pptx (362.88 KB)
Numerical Modelling of Flame Acceleration and Transition to Detonation in Hydrogen/Air Mixtures with Concentration Gradient 2017 Conference Paper R. K. Azadboni; A. Heidari; J. X. Wen Paper-163.pdf (857.97 KB)
Numerical Modeling of Hydrogen Release, Mixture and Dispersion in Atmosphere 2005 Conference Paper E.A. Granovskiy; V.A. Lyfar; Y.A. Skob; M.L. Ugryumov 110021.pdf (286.77 KB)
Numerical Modeling of Hydrogen Deflagration Dynamics in Enclosed Space 2009 Conference Paper Y.A. Skob; M.L. Ugryumov; K.P. Korobchynskiy; V.V. Shentsov; E.A. Granovskiy; V.A. Lyfar Numerical Modeling of Hydrogen Deflagration Dynamics in Enclosed Space.pdf (349.75 KB)
Numerical Investigation on the Self-Ignition Behavior of High Pressure Hydrogen Released from the Tube 2017 Conference Paper H. Watanabe; A. Matsuo
Numerical Investigation on the Dispersion of Hydrogen Leaking From a Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle in Seaborne Transportation 2015 Conference Paper H. Oka; Y. Ogata; Y. Oka; S. Ota paper_288.pdf (8.12 MB)
Numerical Investigation of Vented Hydrogen-Air Deflagration in a Chamber 2015 Conference Paper S. Tsujii; K. Hutchinson; A. Matsuo
Numerical Investigation of Subsonic Hydrogen Jet Release 2011 Conference Paper B. Chernyavsky; P. Benard; P. Oshkai; N. Djilali paper_50.pdf (721.45 KB) , presentation_2.pptx (3.24 MB)
Numerical Investigation of Hydrogen Release From Varying Diameter Exit 2011 Conference Paper R. Khaksarfard; M. Paraschivoiu paper_51.pdf (795.61 KB) , presentation_7.ppt (1.29 MB)
Numerical investigation of hydrogen leakage from a high pressure tank and pipeline 2017 Conference Paper Yuri Nagase, Yuka Taira, Yuta Sugiyama, 2_ID170.pdf (14.36 MB) , 170.pdf (7.29 MB)
Numerical Investigation of Hydrogen Leakage From a High Pressure Tank and its Explosion 2015 Conference Paper Y. Taira; T. Saburi; S. Kubota; Y. Sugiyama; A. Matsuo paper_291.pdf (9.64 MB)
Numerical Investigation of Hydrogen Dispersion into Air 2009 Conference Paper R. Khaksarfard; M. Paraschivoiu Numerical Investigation of Hydrogen Dispersion into Air.pdf (527.55 KB)
Numerical Investigation of a Vertical Surface on the Flammable Extent of Hydrogen and Methane Vertical Jets 2011 Conference Paper B. Angers; A. Hourri; P. Benard; A. Tchouvelev paper_49.pdf (271.46 KB) , presentation_6.ppt (3.52 MB)
Numerical Investigation of a Mechanical Device Subjected to a Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition 2011 Conference Paper A. Beccantini; P. Galon; paper_134.pdf (434.8 KB)
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of H2-Air and H2-O2 Detonation Parameters in a 9 m Long Tube, Introduction of a New Detonation Model 2017 Conference Paper K. Malik;, M. Zbikowski; P. Lesiak Paper-195.pdf (842.62 KB)
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Buoyant Gas Release 2009 Conference Paper B. Chernyavsky; T.C. Wu; P. Oshkai; N. Djilali Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Buyant Gas Release.pdf (1.93 MB)
Numerical Analysis of Detonation Propensity of Hydrogen-Air Mixtures with Addition of Methane, Ethane or Propane 2015 Conference Paper A. Jach; A. Teodorczyk paper_265.pdf (643.14 KB)
Novel Wide-Area Hydrogen Sensing Technology-Paper 2007 Conference Paper W. Hoagland; D.K. Benson; R.D. Smith Novel Wide-Area Hydrogen Sensing Technology.pdf (461.27 KB)
Novel Safe Method of Manufacturing Hydrogen Metallic Hydrides 2005 Conference Paper F. Seco; I. Agote; E. Ezponda; I.N. Guisasola; M.A. Lagos; S.L. Kharatyan; A.R. Sargsyan 220024.pdf (282.16 KB)
Non-steady characteristics of dispersion and ignitability for high-pressurized hydrogen jet discharged from a pinhole 2017 Conference Paper Kazuki Okabayashi, Kenji Tagashira, Kohei Kawazoe, 4_ID209.pdf (933.04 KB) , 209.pdf (567.72 KB)
Non-Monotonic Overpressure vs. H2 Concentration Behavoiur During Vented Deflagration. Experimental Results 2015 Conference Paper M. Schiavetti; M. Carcassi paper_333.pdf (1.03 MB) , Presentation_ID153_ICHS2015-Schiavetti-Nichirin-IV-21.ppt (4.04 MB)
Non-adiabatic blowdown model: a complimentary tool for the safety design of tank-TPRD system 2017 Conference Paper Mohammad Dadashzadeh, Dimitry Makarov, Vladimir Molkov 186.pdf (460.51 KB) , 3_ID186.pptx (3.02 MB)
New Era of a Hydrogen Energy Society 2015 Presentation C. Tobe New Era of a Hydrogen Energy Society.pdf (1.82 MB)
New China National Standard on Safety of Hydrogen Systems - Keys for Understadning and Use 2011 Conference Paper K. Ou; J. Zheng; X. Liu; Y. Zhao; L. Chen; Y. He paper_78.pdf (128.15 KB) , presentation_17.ppt (13.77 MB)
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