Yokohama's Hydrogen Society Initiatives |
2015 |
Presentation |
N. Nomura |
Yokohama's Hydrogen Society Initiatives.pptx
(9.79 MB)
Wide Area and Distributed Hydrogen Sensors |
2009 |
Conference Paper |
R. Zalosh; N. Barilo |
Wide Area and Distributed Hydrogen Sensors.pdf
(379.95 KB)
Visualization of Auto-Ignition Phenomenon Under the Controlled Burst Pressure |
2015 |
Conference Paper |
K. Yamashita; T. Saburi; Y. Wada; M. Asahara; T. Mogi; A.K. Hayashi |
(1.85 MB)
Visualisation of Jet Fires From Hydrogen Release |
2009 |
Conference Paper |
L. Deimling; V. Weiser; A. Blanc; E. N.; G. Billeb; A. Kessler |
(1.37 MB)
, presentation_29.pdf
(610.79 KB)
Venting Deflagrations of Local Hydrogen-Air Mixture |
2015 |
Conference Paper |
D. Makarov; V. Molkov; P. Hooker; M. Kuznetsov |
(561.68 KB)
, Presentation_ID196.pptx
(3.73 MB)
Vented Explosion Overpressures From Combustion of Hydrogen and Hydrocarbon Mixtures |
2009 |
Conference Paper |
C.R. Bauwens; J. Chaffee; S.B. Dorofeev |
(1.24 MB)
, paper_15.pdf
(687.29 KB)
Validation Testing in Support of Hydrogen Codes and Standards Developments |
2011 |
Conference Paper |
R.M. Burgess; M. McDougall; N.L. Newhouse; C. Rivkin; W.J. Buttner; M.B. Post |
(227.82 KB)
, presentation_12.pptx
(2.24 MB)
Validation of Cryo-Compressed Hydrogen Storage (CCH2) - A Probabilistic Approach |
2011 |
Conference Paper |
O. Kircher; G. Greim; J. Burtscher; T. Brunner |
(485.26 KB)
Validation of CFD Models for Hydrogen Fast Filling Simulations |
2011 |
Conference Paper |
M.C. Galassi; E. Papanikolaou; M. Heitsch; D. Baraldi; B. Acosta; P. Moretto |
(2.39 MB)
, presentation_34.ppt
(2.05 MB)
Validation of CFD Modelling of LH2 Spread and Evaporation Against Large-Scale Spill Experiments |
2009 |
Conference Paper |
P. Middha; M. Ichard; B.J. Arntzen |
Validation of CFD Modelling of LH2 Spread and Evaporation Against Large-Scale Spill Experiments.pdf
(333.7 KB)
Validation and Recommendations for CFD and Engineering Modeling of Hydrogen Vented Explosions: effects of concentration, stratification, obstruction and vent area |
2015 |
Conference Paper |
E. Vyazmina; S. Jallais |
(414.02 KB)
, Presentation_ID123_2015-10-14-VEX_ichs.pptx
(2.35 MB)
Validated Equivalent Source Model for an Underexpanded Hydrogen Jet |
2015 |
Conference Paper |
E.S. Hecht; X. Li; I.W. Ekoto |
(3.84 MB)
, Presentation_ID160_ICHS_Hecht_XF_2.pptx
(7.63 MB)
Using Hydrogen Safety Best Practices and Learning From Safety Events |
2009 |
Conference Paper |
S.C. Weiner; L.L. Fassbender; K.A. Quick |
(1.09 MB)
, paper_1.pdf
(497.19 KB)
Use of Hydrogen Safety Sensors Under Anaerobic Conditions - Impact of Oxygen Content on Sensor Performance |
2011 |
Conference Paper |
W.J. Buttner; R. Burgess; C. Rivkin; M.B. Post; L. Boon-Brett; G. Black; F. Harskamp; P. Moretto |
(777.31 KB)
, presentation_38.ppt
(2.27 MB)
Update on Regulation Review for HRS Construction and Operations in Japan |
2015 |
Conference Paper |
T. Yoshida |
(289.09 KB)
, Presentation_ID268_YOSHIDA.ppt
(3.42 MB)
Unsteady Lumped-Parameter Modeling of Hydrogen Combustion in the Presence of a Water Spray |
2009 |
Conference Paper |
C. Joseph-Auguste; A. Beccatini; S. Kudriakov |
Unsteady Lumped-Parameter Modeling of Hydrogen Combustion in the Presence of a Water Spray.pdf
(1.63 MB)
Uncertainties in Explosion Risk Assessment for a Hydrogen Refuelling Station |
2011 |
Conference Paper |
K. Ham; M. Maaijer; V. Hoogenband; C. Dam; M. Weeda; J. Reijerkerk; G.J. Kramer |
(696.52 KB)
, paper_69.pdf
(1.76 MB)
U.S. Department of Energy - Fuel Cell Technologies Office Overview |
2015 |
Presentation |
W. James |
U.S. Department of Energy - Fuel Cell Technologies Office Overview.pdf
(2.31 MB)
Turbulent Flame Propagation in Large Unconfined H2-O2-N2 Clouds |
2015 |
Conference Paper |
J. Daubech; C. Proust; G. Lecocq |
(7.89 MB)
, Presentation_ID135_ICHS_Explosion.ppt
(6.78 MB)
Towards Sustainable Energy Systems with Fuel Cells and Hydrogen |
2015 |
Presentation |
T. Herbert |
Towards Sustainable Energy Systems with Fuel Cells and Hydrogen.pptx
(14.02 MB)
Towards a Set of Design Recommendations for Pressure Relief Devices On-Board Hydrogen Vehicles |
2015 |
Conference Paper |
D. Yates; D. Makarov; V. Molkov |
(506.6 KB)
, Presentation_ID239_151014-ichs.pptx
(7.97 MB)
Threshold Stress Intensity Factor for Hydrogen Assisted Cracking of Cr-Mo Steel Used as Stationary Storage Buffer |
2015 |
Conference Paper |
T. Matsumoto; M. Kubota; S. Matsuoka; P. Ginet; J. Furtado; F. Barbier |
(773.34 KB)
, Presentation_ID188_ICHS2015_20151021.pptx
(5.82 MB)
The Structure and Flame Propagation Regimes in Turbulent Hydrogen Jets |
2009 |
Conference Paper |
A. Veser; M. Kuznetsov; G. Fast; A. Freidrich; N. Kotchourko; G. Stern; M. Schwall; W. Breitung |
(1.59 MB)
, paper_29.pdf
(951.73 KB)
The Spread of Fire From Adjoining Vehicles to a Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle |
2011 |
Conference Paper |
Y. Tamura; M. Takabayashi; M. Takeuchi; H. Mitsuishi |
(660.15 KB)
, presentation_12.ppt
(14.03 MB)
The Role of Trust and Familiarity in Risk Communication |
2009 |
Conference Paper |
R. Zimmer; M. Zschiesche; N. Holzinger |
(1.39 MB)
, paper_25.pdf
(86.66 KB)