Vertical Turbulent Buoyant Helium Jet - CFD Modeling and Validation |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
C. Z; A. V.M.; T. A.V. |
(273.98 KB)
Vented hydrogen deflagrations in containers: effect of congestion for homogeneous mixtures |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Trygve Skjold, Helene Hisken, Sunil Lakshmipathy |
(4.64 MB)
Vented hydrogen deflagrations in an ISO container |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
C. Madhav Rao Vendra, Jennifer X Wen |
(741.13 KB)
, 5_ID154.pptx
(5.61 MB)
Vented explosion of hydrogen / air mixtures: influence of vent cover and stratification |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Elena Vyazmina, Simon Jallais, Mikhail Kuznetsov |
(1.63 MB)
, 146.pdf
(942.64 KB)
Vented explosion of hydrogen / air mixture: an inter comparison benchmark exercise |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Elena Vyazmina, Simon Jallais, Laurent Krumenacker |
(1.57 MB)
, 149.pdf
(3.91 MB)
Validation of Flacs-hydrogen CFD Consequence Prediction Model Against Large Scale H2 Explosion Experiments in the Flame Facility |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
O.R. Hansen; J. Renoult; M.P. Sherman; S.R. Tieszen |
(1.64 MB)
, ICHS_GexCon.ppt
(431 bytes)
Validation of a 3d multiphase-multicomponent CFD model for accidental liquid and gaseous hydrogen releases |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Christian Jäkel, Stephan Kelm, Karl Verfondern, |
(47.35 MB)
, 119.pdf
(6.86 MB)
US Hydrogen Safety Panel Experience |
2017 |
Presentation |
Nick Barilo |
(37.69 MB)
U.S. DOE Hydrogen & Fuel Cells Program Overview |
2017 |
Presentation |
W. James |
(15.69 MB)
TPRD Jet fire release simulation in tunnels |
2017 |
Presentation |
G.B. Anleu; M. Blaylock; C. LeFleur |
1_TRPD_Tunnel_Presentation_Germany_Final_WD (1).pptx
(7.39 MB)
TPR-XAFS study for hydrogen recombination reaction of platinum metal nanoparticle catalysts |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Daiju Matsumura, Masashi Taniguchi, Takuya Tsuji, |
(368.14 KB)
, 5_ID183.pptx
(2.27 MB)
Towards Hydrogen Safety Education and Training-Paper |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
A.E. Dahoe; V.V. Molkov |
Towards Hydrogen Safety Education and Training.pdf
(188 KB)
Towards Hydrogen Safety Education and Training |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
A.E. Dahoe; V.V. Molkov |
(760.84 KB)
, 100116.pdf
(188 KB)
Tokyo Gas’ Efforts Regarding Impact Assessment on Surroundings and Emergency Response Training |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
S. Uchida |
(372.96 KB)
Thermal radiation from cryogenic hydrogen jet fires |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Donatella Cirrone, Dmitriy Makarov, Vladimir Molkov |
(770.51 KB)
, 2_ID145.pptx
(3.75 MB)
The Safe Use of the Existing Natural Gas System for Hydrogen (Overview of the Naturalhy-Project) |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
O. Florisson; R.R. Huizing |
The Safe Use of the Existing Natural Gas System for Hydrogen (Overview of the Naturalhy-Project).pdf
(487.25 KB)
, Pres ICHSv2 new format.ppt
(575 KB)
The role of the flow field generated by venting process on the pressure time history of a vented deflagration |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Martino Schiavetti, Tommaso Pini, Marco Nicola Carcassi |
(2.82 MB)
, 108.pdf
(983.3 KB)
The residual strength of automotive hydrogen cylinders after exposure to flames |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Yohsuke Tamura, Koji Yamazaki, Kiyotaka Maeda |
(1.24 MB)
, 4_ID104.ppt
(8.31 MB)
The Hydrogen Safety Program of the U.s. Department of Energy |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
B.R. Kinzey; A. Ruiz; P.B. Davis |
(151.51 KB)
, DavisPisa.ppt
(1.73 MB)
The EOS Project: A SOFC Pilot Plant in Italy, Safety Aspects |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
M. Cali; E. Fontana; V. Giaretto; G. Orsello; M. Santarelli |
(539.39 KB)
, ICHS- EOS project.ppt
(421 bytes)
The effect of vacancy concentration on hydrogen diffusion in alpha-Fe by molecular dynamics |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Xiongying Li, Yongzhi Zhao, Jinyang Zheng, |
(1.09 MB)
Testing of Hydrogen Safety Sensors in Service Simulated Conditions |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
P. Castello; O. Salyk |
(538.14 KB)
, 130002_Castello_Salyk_H2Sensor testing in SS cond.ppt
(21.64 MB)
Test methodologies for hydrogen sensor performance assessment: chamber vs. flow-through test apparatus |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Rafael Ortiz Cebolla, Eveline Weidner, Christian Bonato, |
(649.86 KB)
Study of Hydrogen Enriched Premixed Flames |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
V. Di Sarli; A. Di Benedetto |
(186.8 KB)
Study of Fire Risk and Accidents Emergency Disposal Technology System of Hydrogen Fuel Vehicles |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
X. Liu; Y. Chen |
(187.86 KB)