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ISO/technical Committee 197 - Hydrogen Technologies Status of Work 2005 Conference Paper R. Dey 600001.pdf (26.82 KB) , Sept 2005 Hyafe presentation.ppt (145 KB)
Introduction to Hydrogen Safety Engineering 2011 Conference Paper V.V. Molkov; J.B. Saffers presentation_51.pdf (1.16 MB) , paper_85.pdf (1.14 MB)
Influence of Pressure and Temperature on the Fatigue Strength of Type-3 Compressed-Hydrogen Tanks 2011 Conference Paper J. Tomioka; K. Kiguchi; Y. Tamura; H. Mitsuishi paper_146.pdf (1.29 MB) , presentation_29.pptx (1.02 MB)
Industrial Prospective for Hydrogen Utilization - Safety Aspect (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries) 2005 Conference Paper K. Takeno Roundtable(Takeno_Japan)_0.ppt (5.8 MB)
Ignition and Heat Radiation of Cryogenic Hydrogen Jets 2011 Conference Paper A. Friedrich; W. Breitung; G. Stern; A. Veser; M. Kuznetsov; G. Fast; B. Oechsler; N. Kotchourko; T. Jordan; J.R. Travis; J. Xiao; M. Schwall; M. Rottenecker paper_126.pdf (2.46 MB) , presentation_53.ppt (25.67 MB)
Ignitability and Mixing of Under Expanded Hydrogen Jets 2011 Conference Paper A.J. Ruggles; I.W. Ekoto paper_116.pdf (485.75 KB) , presentation_46.ppt (1.67 MB)
ICHS Round Table: Industrial Perspective (Shell Global Solutions) 2005 Presentation L.C. Shirvill ICHS Round-Table.ppt (1.3 MB)
IA-HySafe Standard Benchmark Exercise SBEP-V21 - Hydrogen Release and Accumulation Within a Non-Ventilated Ambient Pressure Garage at Low Release Rates 2011 Conference Paper A.G. Venetsanos; I. Tolias; D. Baraldi; S. Benz; B. Cariteau; J. Garcia; O.R. Hansen; C. Jakel; S. Ledin; P. Middha; E.A. Papanikolaou paper_88.pdf (994.11 KB) , presentation_23_0.ppt (1.53 MB)
HYSAFE: The European Network of Excellence on Hydrogen Safety 2005 Conference Paper T. Jordan; L. Perrette; H. Paillere 150002.pdf (202.63 KB)
Hysafe European Network of Excellence on Hydrogen Safety 2005 Conference Paper T. Jordan; L. Perrette; H. Paillere HySafe European Network of Excellence on Hydrogen Safety_0.pdf (202.63 KB)
Hypothetical Accident Scenario Modeling for Condensed Hydrogen Storage Materials 2011 Conference Paper M.R. Kesterson; D.A. Tamburello; J.A. Cortes-Concepcion; C.W.James Jr.; D.L. Anton paper_142.pdf (847.03 KB) , presentation_60.ppt (3.63 MB)
Hydrogen-Methane Mixtures - Dispersion and Stratification Studies 2011 Conference Paper A. Marangon; M.N. Carcassi paper_46.pdf (366.81 KB) , presentation_4.ppt (8.22 MB)
Hydrogen Venting Under Variable Flow Conditions 2011 Conference Paper D.B. Willoughby; M. Royle; S. Nilsen; T. Gautier paper_111.pdf (714.78 KB) , presentation_41.ppt (36.32 MB)
Hydrogen Vehicles Road-Map in FIAT 2005 Presentation G. Rovera Hydrogen Vehicles Road map3 in Fiat-Pisa 10.9.05.ppt (4.58 MB)
Hydrogen Tank Filling Experiments at the JRC-IE GASTEF Facility 2011 Conference Paper B. Acosta; P. Moretto; N. Frischauf; F. Harskamp; C. Bonato paper_101.pdf (431.8 KB) , presentation_33.ppt (3.16 MB)
Hydrogen Storage - Industrial Perspectives 2011 Conference Paper H. Barthelemy paper_114.pdf (740.72 KB) , presentation_45.ppt (5.57 MB)
Hydrogen Safety: From Policies To Plans To Practices 2005 Conference Paper S.C. Weiner; R.A. Kallman; A. Ruiz; J.M. Schneider 100068.pdf (73.56 KB) , ICHS Weiner 100068 9-9-05.ppt (230 KB)
Hydrogen Safety Training for Researchers and Technical Personnel 2011 Conference Paper S.M. Aceves; F. Espinosa-Loza; G. Petitpas; T.O. Ross; V.A. Switzer paper_72.pdf (616.37 KB) , presentation_10.pptx (4.43 MB)
Hydrogen Safety in Transportation: Industry Perspective (GM) 2005 Presentation C.S. Sloane Sloane ICHS Roundtable Sept 05.ppt (4.47 MB)
Hydrogen Safety - From Policies to Plans to Practices-Paper 2005 Conference Paper S.C. Weiner; R.A. Kallman; A. Ruiz; J.M. Schneider Hydrogen Safety - From Policies to Plans to Practices.pdf (73.56 KB)
Hydrogen Risk Assessment in Sao Paulo State - Brazil 2011 Conference Paper S.R. Tomaz; G.G. Michelino; N.P.Neves Jr. paper_77.pdf (999.45 KB) , presentation_16.ppt (3.68 MB)
Hydrogen Refueling Stations: Safe Filling Procedures 2005 Conference Paper J.Y. Faudou; J.Y. Lehman; S. Pregassame 230100.pdf (56.92 KB) , ICHS_ALStation_ref n°230100.ppt (425 bytes)
Hydrogen Onboard Storage - An Insertion of the Probabilistic Approach Into Standards & Regulations? 2005 Conference Paper G.W. Mair 220001.pdf (931.36 KB) , ICHS 2005-09-09 final.ppt (6.29 MB)
Hydrogen Onboard Storage - An Insertion of the Probabilistic Approach into Standards & Regulations-Paper 2005 Conference Paper G.W. Mair Hydrogen Onboard Storage - An Insertion of the Probabilistic Approach into Standards & Regulations.pdf (931.36 KB)
Hydrogen Fuelling Station, CEP-Berlin - Safety Risk Assessment and Authority Approval Experience and Lessons Learned-Paper 2005 Conference Paper B.G. Halvorsen; S. Hoiset Hydrogen Fuelling Station, CEP-Berlin - Safety Risk Assessment and Authority Approval Experience and Lessons Learned.pdf (141.3 KB)
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