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Wide Area and Distributed Hydrogen Sensors 2009 Conference Paper R. Zalosh; N. Barilo Wide Area and Distributed Hydrogen Sensors.pdf (379.95 KB)
Visualisation of Jet Fires From Hydrogen Release 2009 Conference Paper L. Deimling; V. Weiser; A. Blanc; E. N.; G. Billeb; A. Kessler paper_31.pdf (1.37 MB) , presentation_29.pdf (610.79 KB)
Vertical Turbulent Buoyant Helium Jet - CFD Modeling and Validation 2005 Conference Paper C. Z; A. V.M.; T. A.V. 110089.pdf (273.98 KB)
Vented Explosion Overpressures From Combustion of Hydrogen and Hydrocarbon Mixtures 2009 Conference Paper C.R. Bauwens; J. Chaffee; S.B. Dorofeev presentation_13.pdf (1.24 MB) , paper_15.pdf (687.29 KB)
Validation of Flacs-hydrogen CFD Consequence Prediction Model Against Large Scale H2 Explosion Experiments in the Flame Facility 2005 Conference Paper O.R. Hansen; J. Renoult; M.P. Sherman; S.R. Tieszen 120075.pdf (1.64 MB) , ICHS_GexCon.ppt (431 bytes)
Validation of CFD Modelling of LH2 Spread and Evaporation Against Large-Scale Spill Experiments 2009 Conference Paper P. Middha; M. Ichard; B.J. Arntzen Validation of CFD Modelling of LH2 Spread and Evaporation Against Large-Scale Spill Experiments.pdf (333.7 KB)
Using Hydrogen Safety Best Practices and Learning From Safety Events 2009 Conference Paper S.C. Weiner; L.L. Fassbender; K.A. Quick presentation_0.pdf (1.09 MB) , paper_1.pdf (497.19 KB)
Unsteady Lumped-Parameter Modeling of Hydrogen Combustion in the Presence of a Water Spray 2009 Conference Paper C. Joseph-Auguste; A. Beccatini; S. Kudriakov Unsteady Lumped-Parameter Modeling of Hydrogen Combustion in the Presence of a Water Spray.pdf (1.63 MB)
Towards Hydrogen Safety Education and Training-Paper 2005 Conference Paper A.E. Dahoe; V.V. Molkov Towards Hydrogen Safety Education and Training.pdf (188 KB)
Towards Hydrogen Safety Education and Training 2005 Conference Paper A.E. Dahoe; V.V. Molkov presentdahoe.pdf (760.84 KB) , 100116.pdf (188 KB)
The Structure and Flame Propagation Regimes in Turbulent Hydrogen Jets 2009 Conference Paper A. Veser; M. Kuznetsov; G. Fast; A. Freidrich; N. Kotchourko; G. Stern; M. Schwall; W. Breitung presentation_27.pdf (1.59 MB) , paper_29.pdf (951.73 KB)
The Safe Use of the Existing Natural Gas System for Hydrogen (Overview of the Naturalhy-Project) 2005 Conference Paper O. Florisson; R.R. Huizing The Safe Use of the Existing Natural Gas System for Hydrogen (Overview of the Naturalhy-Project).pdf (487.25 KB) , Pres ICHSv2 new format.ppt (575 KB)
The Role of Trust and Familiarity in Risk Communication 2009 Conference Paper R. Zimmer; M. Zschiesche; N. Holzinger presentation_23.pdf (1.39 MB) , paper_25.pdf (86.66 KB)
The International Energy Agency Hydrogen Implementing Agreement Task on Hydrogen Safety 2009 Presentation B. Hoagland presentation_35.pdf (737.26 KB)
The Interaction of Hydrogen Jet Releases with Walls and Barriers 2009 Conference Paper D.B. Willoughby; M. Royle presentation_21.pdf (7.33 MB) , paper_23.pdf (1.19 MB)
The Hydrogen Safety Program of the U.s. Department of Energy 2005 Conference Paper B.R. Kinzey; A. Ruiz; P.B. Davis 400067.pdf (151.51 KB) , DavisPisa.ppt (1.73 MB)
The EOS Project: A SOFC Pilot Plant in Italy, Safety Aspects 2005 Conference Paper M. Cali; E. Fontana; V. Giaretto; G. Orsello; M. Santarelli 330110.pdf (539.39 KB) , ICHS- EOS project.ppt (421 bytes)
Testing of Hydrogen Safety Sensors in Service Simulated Conditions 2005 Conference Paper P. Castello; O. Salyk 130002.pdf (538.14 KB) , 130002_Castello_Salyk_H2Sensor testing in SS cond.ppt (21.64 MB)
Temperature Change of a Type IV Cylinder During Hydrogen Fueling Process 2009 Conference Paper S.H. Lee; Y.G. Kim; S.C. Kim; K.B. Yoon Temperature Change of a Type IV Cylinder During Hydrogen Fueling Process.pdf (1.28 MB)
Synthesis of the Conference 2009 Presentation J. Ohi; T. Jordan; S. Dorofeev presentation_45.pdf (86.43 KB)
Study of Hydrogen Enriched Premixed Flames 2005 Conference Paper V. Di Sarli; A. Di Benedetto 100032.pdf (186.8 KB)
Stress Corrosion Cracking of Stainless Steels in High-pressure Alkaline Electrolysers 2005 Conference Paper K. Haraldsen; H. Leth-Olsen 210029.pdf (3.25 MB) , HySafe presentasjon KH.ppt (10.87 MB)
Statistical Analysis of Electrostatic Spark Ignition of Lean H2-O2-Ar Mixtures 2009 Conference Paper S.P.M. Bane; J.E. Shepherd; E. Kwon; A.C. Day presentation_37.pdf (779.07 KB) , paper_38.pdf (559.65 KB)
Some Considerations on the Scaling of Experiments for Hydrogen Risk Assessment 2009 Conference Paper D. E.; M. Bucci; A. Monavon Some Considerations on the Scaling of Experiments for Hydrogen Risk Assessment.pdf (164.78 KB)
Simulations of Hydrogen Releases From a Storage Tanks: Dispersion and Consequences of Ignition 2005 Conference Paper B. Angers; A. Hourri; P. Benard; P. Tessier; J. Perrin 110045.pdf (198.1 KB) , Angers Benard Hourri Air liquide Pisa.ppt (448 bytes)
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