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Title Year Type Author(s)
Effect of Mechanical Ventilation on Accidental Hydrogen Releases-Large-Scale Experiments 2021 Journal Article J.A. Barclay
Effect of perforated plate with high blockage rate on detonation re-initiation in H-2-O-2-Ar mixture 2021 Journal Article F. Markert, A. Marangon, M. Carcassi, N.J. Duijm
Role of the National Hydrogen Association in codes and standards activities 1998 Book T. Matsumoto, M. Kubota, S. Matsuoka, P. Ginet, J. Furtado, F. Barbier
Ignition behavior and critical distance of flammable liquids by radiant heat flux from adjacent pool fire 2021 Journal Article D. Matsumura, M. Tanigushi, H. Tanaka, Y. Nishihata
Hydrogen recombination scaling experiments at CNL's hydrogen safety test facility 2021 Journal Article L. Gardner, B. Ibeh, J. Murphy, J. Allain, S. Yeung, C. Chenard
External explosions of vented hydrogen-air deflagrations in a cubic vessel 2021 Journal Article S. Rui, C. Wang, X. Luo, R. Jing, Q. Li
Hydrogen-air explosion with concentration gradients in a cubic enclosure 2021 Journal Article S. Rui, C. Wang, S. Guo, R. Jing, Q. Li
Numerical investigation of light gas release, stratification and dissolution in TH22 test facility using 3-D CFD code GASFLOW-MPI 2021 Journal Article N.F. Barilo, J.J. Hamilton, S.C. Weiner
Review of hydrogen safety during storage, transmission, and applications processes 2021 Journal Article J. Melguizo-Gavilanes, S. Coronel, R. Mevel, J.E. Shepherd
Strange wave formation and detonation onset in narrow channels 2021 Journal Article J. Melguizo-Gavilanes, R. Mevel, J.E. Shepherd
A mechanistic analysis of H2O and CO2 diluent effect on hydrogen flammability limit considering flame extinction mechanism 2021 Journal Article Daniele Melideo, Daniele Baraldi
Liquid Hydrogen Spills on Water-Risk and Consequences of Rapid Phase Transition 2021 Journal Article Daniele Melideo, Daniele Baraldi
Review on hydrogen safety issues: Incident statistics, hydrogen diffusion, and detonation process 2021 Journal Article D. Melideo, D. Baraldi, B. Acosta-Iborra, O. Cebolla, P. Moretto
CFD Simulation Study to Investigate the Risk From Hydrogen Vehicles in Tunnels-Paper 2007 Conference Proceedings B. Meng, C.H. Gu, L. Zhang, C.S. Zhou, Y.Z. Zhao, J.Y. Zheng, X.Y. Chen, Y. Han
Numerical investigation on the flow around an inclined prolate spheroid 2021 Journal Article Z. Wang, J. Yang, H. Andersson, X. Zhu, M. Liu, L. Wang, X. Lu
Empirical profiling of cold hydrogen plumes formed from venting of LH2 storage vessels 2021 Journal Article W. Buttner, M. Ciotti, K. Hartmann, K. Schmidt, H. Wright, E. Weidner
Simulation of Hydrogen-Air-Diluents Mixture Combustion in an Acceleration Tube with FlameFoam Solver 2021 Journal Article M. Povilaitis, J. Jaseliunaite
Quantifying the performance evolution of solid oxide fuel cells during initial aging process 2021 Journal Article R. Mevel, J. Sabard, J. Lei, N. Chaumeix
RANS- and TFC-Based Simulation of Turbulent Combustion in a Small-Scale Venting Chamber 2021 Journal Article Y. Miyamoto, S. Shiozawa, M. Ogawa, K. Hada, Y. Inagaki, T. Takeda, T. Nishihara
Model identification of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell using hybrid Elman Neural Network/Quantum Pathfinder algorithm 2021 Journal Article H. Miyazaki, H. Tanjyoh, K. Suzuki, T. Iwami
Recombination of hydrogen-air catalyzed by Pt/C catalyst in a confined vessel at ambient temperature 2021 Journal Article V. Molkov, S. Kashkarov
Effect of vent area on the vented methane-air deflagrations in a 1 m3 rectangular vessel with and without obstacles 2022 Journal Article S.H. Murray, V.H. Desai
Performance of hydrogen storage tank with TPRD in an engulfing fire 2021 Journal Article J. Nakayama, J. Sakamoto, N. Kasai, T. Shibutani, A. Miyake
Influence of a Bulk Layer of a Catalyst on the Passage of a Hydrogen-Air Flame in a Restricted Space 2021 Journal Article S. Kozlov, A. Tereza, S. Medvedev
Stress Corrosion Cracking of Stainless Steels in High-Pressure Alkaline Electrolysers-Paper 2005 Conference Proceedings K. Haraldsen, H. Leth-Olsen
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