Numerical Investigation on the Self-Ignition Behavior of High Pressure Hydrogen Released from the Tube |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
H. Watanabe; A. Matsuo |
Numerical investigation of hydrogen leakage from a high pressure tank and pipeline |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Yuri Nagase, Yuka Taira, Yuta Sugiyama, |
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Numerical and Experimental Investigation of H2-Air and H2-O2 Detonation Parameters in a 9 m Long Tube, Introduction of a New Detonation Model |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
K. Malik;, M. Zbikowski; P. Lesiak |
(842.62 KB)
Novel Safe Method of Manufacturing Hydrogen Metallic Hydrides |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
F. Seco; I. Agote; E. Ezponda; I.N. Guisasola; M.A. Lagos; S.L. Kharatyan; A.R. Sargsyan |
(282.16 KB)
Non-steady characteristics of dispersion and ignitability for high-pressurized hydrogen jet discharged from a pinhole |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Kazuki Okabayashi, Kenji Tagashira, Kohei Kawazoe, |
(933.04 KB)
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(567.72 KB)
Non-adiabatic blowdown model: a complimentary tool for the safety design of tank-TPRD system |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Mohammad Dadashzadeh, Dimitry Makarov, Vladimir Molkov |
(460.51 KB)
, 3_ID186.pptx
(3.02 MB)
National Training Facility for Hydrogen Safety. Five Year Plan for HAMMER |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
B.R. Kinzey; L.L. Fassbender; B.M. Akers |
(120.85 KB)
, 100052 HAMMER Training Facility for Hydrogen Safety.ppt
(1.29 MB)
National Training Facility for Hydrogen Safety, Five Year Plan for HAMMER-Paper |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
B.R. Kinzey; L.L. Fassbender; B.M. Akers |
National Training Facility for Hydrogen Safety, Five Year Plan for HAMMER.pdf
(120.85 KB)
Multistage risk analysis and safety study of a hydrogen energy station |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Bo Zhao, Pengcheng Zhao, Meng Niu, et al. |
(732.74 KB)
Monte-Carlo-analysis of minimum load cycle requirements for composite cylinders for hydrogen |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Georg Mair, Ben Becker |
(2.09 MB)
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Monitoring H2 bubbles by real time H2 sensor |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Takashi Nohmi, Toshio Mogi |
(911.39 KB)
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Modelling of H2 Dispersion and Combustion Phenomena Using CFD Codes |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
H. Paillere; E. Studer; A. Beccantini; S. Kudriakov; F. Dabbene; C. Perret |
(1.35 MB)
, Presentation_100071_PAILLERE.ppt
(440 bytes)
Modelling liquid hydrogen release and spread on water |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Farhad Nazarpour, Siaka Dembele, Jernnifer Wen |
(724.34 KB)
, 2_ID152.pptx
(22.72 MB)
Modeling of hydrogen pressurization and extraction in cryogenic pressure vessels due to vacuum insulation failure |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Julio Moreno-Blanco, Francisco Elizalde-Blancas, Armando Gallegos-Munoz, |
(397.41 KB)
, 1_ID153.pptx
(4.22 MB)
Modeling of Hydrogen Flame Dynamics in Narrow Gap with Bendable Walls |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
A. Kotchourko; A. Lelyakin; T. Jordan |
(1.35 MB)
Modeling of hydrogen flame dynamics in narrow gap with bendable walls |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
(1.35 MB)
Model of 3D conjugate heat transfer and mechanism of compressed gas storage failure in a fire |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Sergii Kashkarov, Dmitriy Makarov, Vladimir Molkov |
(929.14 KB)
Mixing of Dense Or Light Gases With Turbulent Air: A Fast-running Model for Lumped Parameter Codes |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
W. Ambrosini; N. Forgione; F. Oriolo; F. Parozzi |
(196.34 KB)
Mixing and warming of cryogenic hydrogen releases |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Ethan Hecht, Pratikash Panda |
(1.95 MB)
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Methodology of CFD Safety Analysis for Large-Scale Industrial Structures |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
A. Kotchourko |
(339.25 KB)
Measuring and Modelling Unsteady Radiation of Hydrogen Combustion |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
V. Weiser; E. Roth; S. Kelzenberg; W. Eckl; N. Eisenreich; G. Langer |
(726.52 KB)
Measurements of Flow Velocity and Scalar Concentration in Turbulent Multi-Component Jets |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
M. Soleimani nia, B. Maxwell; P. Oshkai |
(2.45 MB)
, Presentation-ID160.pdf
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Measurements of flow velocity and scalar concentration in turbulent multi-component jets |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
M. Soleimani nia; B.M. Maxwell; P. Oshkani; N. Djinali |
(6.42 MB)
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Measurement of hydrogen mixing process by high response hydrogen sensor |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Toshio Mogi, Takashi Nohmi, Ritsu Dobashi |
(642.69 KB)
, 2_ID234.pptx
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Massive H2 Production with Nuclear Heating, Safety Approach for Coupling a VHTR with an Iodine Sulfur Process Cycle |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
A. Bassi; F. Bertrand; D. Barbier; P. Aujollet, P. Anzieu |
(338.29 KB)
, ICHS-210048_0.ppt
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