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Evaluation of Metal Materials for Hydrogen Fuel Stations 2005 Conference Paper Y. Wada; R. Ishigaki; Y. Tanaka; T. Iwadate; K. Ohnishi 220113.pdf (1.39 MB) , ICHSwada.ppt (23.87 MB)
European Union Policies and Initiatives Towards Transitioning to a Hydrogen Society 2015 Presentation M. Steen European Union Policies and Initiatives Towards Transitioning to a Hydrogen Society.pdf (1.7 MB)
European Initiatives in the field of Hydrogen Safety, Regulations, Codes and Standards 2005 Presentation A. Perez-Sainz; M. Steen ICHS_EC_MS1.ppt (7.54 MB)
Estimation of Final Hydrogen Temperature From Refueling Parameters 2015 Conference Paper J.S. Xiao; P. Benard; R. Chahine presentation_120_0.pdf (1.04 MB) , paper_348.pdf (285.97 KB)
Enhancing Safety of Hydrogen Containment Components Through Materials Testing Under In-Service Conditions 2015 Conference Paper B.P. Somerday; J.A. Campbell; K.L. Lee; J.A. Ronevich; C. San Marchi paper_342.pdf (379.97 KB) , Presentation_ID159_ICHS_Oct2015.pptx (2.74 MB)
Engineering Safety in Hydrogen-Energy Applications 2015 Conference Paper A. Duclos; C. Proust; J. Daubech; F. Verbecke paper_281.pdf (548.94 KB) , Presentation_ID138_ICHS-2015-ADu-v4.pptx (3.65 MB)
Effects of Radiation on the Flame Front of Hydrogen-Air Explosions 2015 Conference Paper A. Kessler; C. Wassmer; S. Knapp; V. Weiser; K. Sachsenheimer; A. Raab; G. Langer; N. Eisenreich paper_271.pdf (623.8 KB) , Presentation_ID149_H2_Explos_ICHS_2015_fin_o.pptx (10.44 MB)
Effect of Carbon Dioxide, Argon and Hydrocarbon Fuels on the Stability of Hydrogen Jet Flames-Paper 2005 Conference Paper Y. Wu; I.S. Al-Rahbi; Y. Lu; G.T. Kalghatgi Effect of Carbon Dioxide, Argon and Hydrocarbon Fuels on the Stability of Hydrogen Jet Flames.pdf (254.36 KB)
Effect of Carbon Dioxide, Argon and Hydrocarbon Fuels on the Stability of Hydrogen Jet Flames 2005 Conference Paper Y. Wu; I.S. Al-Rahbi; Y. Lu; G.T. Kalghatgi presentation_Pisa.ppt (52.09 MB) , 130106.pdf (254.36 KB)
Dynamic Crush Test on Hydrogen Pressurized Cylinder 2005 Conference Paper H. Mitsuishi; K. Oshino; S. Watanabe 310001.pdf (825.05 KB)
Development of Tools for Risk Assessment and Risk Communication for Hydrogen Applications-Paper 2005 Conference Paper E. Funnemark; A. Engebo Development of Tools for Risk Assessment and Risk Communication for Hydrogen Applications.pdf (187.63 KB)
Development of Tools for Risk Assessment and Risk Communication for Hydrogen Applications 2005 Conference Paper E. Funnemark; A. Engebo 140031.pdf (187.63 KB) , ICHS_Presentation_N 140031.ppt (418 bytes)
Development of Hydrogen Sensors and Recombiners-Paper 2005 Conference Paper G.S. Baronov; S.A. Grigoriev; A.A. Kalinnikov; V.N. Fateev Development of Hydrogen Sensors and Recombiners.pdf (774.45 KB)
Development of Hydrogen Sensors and Recombiners 2005 Conference Paper G.S. Baronov; S.A. Grigoriev; A.A. Kalinnikov; V.N. Fateev 140062.pdf (774.45 KB)
Development of Hydrogen Safety Technologies in Japan 2005 Presentation T. Ikeya PISA050908.ppt (12.08 MB)
Development of Hydrogen Behavior Simulation Code System 2015 Conference Paper A. Terada; M. Matsumoto; H. Sugiyama; Y. Kamiji; R. Hino paper_283.pdf (1.43 MB)
Development of High-Pressure Hydrogen Gas Barrier Materials 2015 Conference Paper M. Shibutani; T. Kanda; A. Inakuma; F. Maki paper_345.pdf (278.91 KB)
Development of a Model Evaluation Protocol for CFD Analysis of Hydrogen Safety Issues 2015 Conference Paper D. Baraldi; D. Melideo; A. Kotchourko; K. Ren; J. Yanex; O. Jedicke; S.G. Giannissi; I.C. Tolias; A.G. Venetsanos; J. Keenan; D. Makarov; V. Molkov; S. Slater; F. Verbecke; A. Duclos paper_262.pdf (632.23 KB) , Presentation_ID141_ICHS2015_SUSANA_DM_6_templ.pptx (2.32 MB)
Detonation Wave Propagation in Semi-Confined Layers of Hydrogen-Air and Hydrogen-Oxygen Mixtures 2015 Conference Paper J. Grune; K. Sempert; A. Friedrich; M. Kuznetsov; T. Jordan paper_264.pdf (1.79 MB)
Determination of Clearance Distances for Venting of Hydrogen Storage-Paper 2005 Conference Paper A.V. Tchouvelev; P. Benard; V. Agranat; Z. Cheng Determination of Clearance Distances for Venting of Hydrogen Storage.pdf (254.39 KB)
Determination of Clearance Distances for Venting of Hydrogen Storage 2005 Conference Paper A.V. Tchouvelev; P. Benard; V. Agranat; Z. Cheng 410093.pdf (254.39 KB) , 410093_Venting_Clearance.ppt (1.3 MB)
Defining Hazardous Zones - Electrical Classification Distances-Paper 2005 Conference Paper G.W. Howard; A.V. Tchouvelev; Z. Cheng; V.M. Agranat Defining Hazardous Zones - Electrical Classification Distances.pdf (145.6 KB)
Defining Hazardous Zones - Electrical Classification Distances 2005 Conference Paper G.W. Howard; A.V. Tchouvelev; Z. Cheng; V.M. Agranat 410092.pdf (145.6 KB) , 410092_Hazardous_Zones.ppt (1.14 MB)
Cylinders and Tubes Used as Buffers in Filling Stations 2015 Conference Paper H. Barthelemy paper_313.pdf (402.61 KB) , Presentation_ID139_Cylinders-and-Tubes-used-as-Buffers-in-the-Filling-Stations-V4.ppt (5.21 MB)
Continuous Codes and Standards Improvement (CCSI) 2015 Conference Paper C. Rivkin; R. Burgess; W. Buttner paper_258.pdf (471.12 KB) , Presentation_ID120_CCSI.pptx (3.3 MB)
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