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Experimental Study of the Spontaneous Ignition of Partly Confined Hydrogen Jets 2011 Conference Paper B.M. Maxwell; P. Tawagi; M.I. Radulescu paper_123.pdf (6.55 MB) , presentation_52.ppt (2.68 MB)
Experimental Study of the Effects of Vent Geometry on the Dispersion of a Buoyant Gas in a Small Enclosure 2011 Conference Paper B. Cariteau; I. Tkatschenko paper_94.pdf (435.88 KB) , presentation_29.ppt (1.2 MB)
Experimental Study of the Concentration Build-Up Regimes in an Enclosure Without Ventilation 2011 Conference Paper B. Cariteau; I. Tkatschenko paper_93.pdf (536.21 KB) , presentation_28.ppt (1003.5 KB)
Experimental Study of Ignited Unsteady Hydrogen Releases From a High Pressure Resevoir 2011 Conference Paper J. Grune; K. Sempert; M. Kuznetsov; T. Jordan paper_120.pdf (1.62 MB)
Experimental Study of Hydrogen Releases in the Passenger Compartment of a Piaggio Porter 2011 Conference Paper M. Schiavetti; V. Mattoli; G. Lutzemberger; P. Dario; M. Carcassi paper_91_0.pdf (1.11 MB) , presentation_26_0.ppt (5.36 MB)
Experimental Releases of Liquid Hydrogen 2011 Conference Paper P. Hooker; D.B. Willoughby; M. Royle paper_42.pdf (450.57 KB) , presentation_1.ppt (4.23 MB)
Experimental Investigation of Hydrogen Release and Ignition From Fuel Cell Powered Forklifts in Enclosed Spaces 2011 Conference Paper I.W. Ekoto; E.G. Merilo; W.G. Houf; G.H. Evans; M.A. Groethe paper_60.pdf (8.88 MB) , presentation_5.pptx (12.82 MB)
Evaluation of Safety Distances Related to Unconfined Hydrogen Explosions-Paper 2005 Conference Paper S.B. Dorofeev 100129.pdf (122.9 KB) , Safety_distances3.ppt (2.14 MB)
Evaluation of Metal Materials for Hydrogen Fuel Stations 2005 Conference Paper Y. Wada; R. Ishigaki; Y. Tanaka; T. Iwadate; K. Ohnishi 220113.pdf (1.39 MB) , ICHSwada.ppt (23.87 MB)
European Initiatives in the field of Hydrogen Safety, Regulations, Codes and Standards 2005 Presentation A. Perez-Sainz; M. Steen ICHS_EC_MS1.ppt (7.54 MB)
Estimation of Uncertainty in Risk Assessment of Hydrogen Applications 2011 Conference Paper F. Markert; V. Krymsky; I. Kozine paper_59.pdf (194.08 KB) , presentation_4_0.pptx (2.12 MB)
Effectiveness Evaluation of Facilities Protecting From Hydrogen-Air Explosion Overpressure 2011 Conference Paper Y.A. Skob; M.L. Ugryumov; E.A. Granovskiy; V.A. Lyfar paper_58.pdf (573.75 KB)
Effect of Hydrogen Concentration on Vented Explosion Overpressures From Lean Hydrogen-Air Deflagrations 2011 Conference Paper C.R. Bauwens; J. Chao; S.B. Dorofeev paper_137.pdf (247.83 KB) , presentation_27.pptx (7.54 MB)
Effect of Carbon Dioxide, Argon and Hydrocarbon Fuels on the Stability of Hydrogen Jet Flames-Paper 2005 Conference Paper Y. Wu; I.S. Al-Rahbi; Y. Lu; G.T. Kalghatgi Effect of Carbon Dioxide, Argon and Hydrocarbon Fuels on the Stability of Hydrogen Jet Flames.pdf (254.36 KB)
Effect of Carbon Dioxide, Argon and Hydrocarbon Fuels on the Stability of Hydrogen Jet Flames 2005 Conference Paper Y. Wu; I.S. Al-Rahbi; Y. Lu; G.T. Kalghatgi presentation_Pisa.ppt (52.09 MB) , 130106.pdf (254.36 KB)
Dynamics of Vented Hydrogen-Air Deflagrations 2011 Conference Paper J. Daubech; C. Proust; D. Jamois; E. Leprette paper_136.pdf (541.76 KB) , presentation_56.ppt (3.87 MB)
Dynamic Crush Test on Hydrogen Pressurized Cylinder 2005 Conference Paper H. Mitsuishi; K. Oshino; S. Watanabe 310001.pdf (825.05 KB)
Dispersion and Burning Behavior of Hydrogen Released in a Full-Scale Residential Garage in the Presence and Absence of Conventional Automobiles 2011 Conference Paper W.M. Pitts; J.C. Yang; M. Blais; A. Joyce paper_57.pdf (1.25 MB) , presentation_10.ppt (22.84 MB)
Development of Tools for Risk Assessment and Risk Communication for Hydrogen Applications-Paper 2005 Conference Paper E. Funnemark; A. Engebo Development of Tools for Risk Assessment and Risk Communication for Hydrogen Applications.pdf (187.63 KB)
Development of Tools for Risk Assessment and Risk Communication for Hydrogen Applications 2005 Conference Paper E. Funnemark; A. Engebo 140031.pdf (187.63 KB) , ICHS_Presentation_N 140031.ppt (418 bytes)
Development of Hydrogen Sensors and Recombiners-Paper 2005 Conference Paper G.S. Baronov; S.A. Grigoriev; A.A. Kalinnikov; V.N. Fateev Development of Hydrogen Sensors and Recombiners.pdf (774.45 KB)
Development of Hydrogen Sensors and Recombiners 2005 Conference Paper G.S. Baronov; S.A. Grigoriev; A.A. Kalinnikov; V.N. Fateev 140062.pdf (774.45 KB)
Development of Hydrogen Safety Technologies in Japan 2005 Presentation T. Ikeya PISA050908.ppt (12.08 MB)
Development of an Italian Fire Prevention Technical Rule for Hydrogen Pipelines 2011 Conference Paper N. Mattei; M.N. Carcassi; N. Ciannelli; F. Pilo paper_80.pdf (269.13 KB) , presentation_18.ppt (6.02 MB)
Determination of Clearance Distances for Venting of Hydrogen Storage-Paper 2005 Conference Paper A.V. Tchouvelev; P. Benard; V. Agranat; Z. Cheng Determination of Clearance Distances for Venting of Hydrogen Storage.pdf (254.39 KB)
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