Vertical Turbulent Buoyant Helium Jet - CFD Modeling and Validation |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
C. Z; A. V.M.; T. A.V. |
(273.98 KB)
Vapour Cloud Explosions From the Ignition of Methane-Hydrogen-Air Mixtures in a Congested Region-Paper |
2007 |
Conference Paper |
M. Royle; L.C. Shirvill; T.A. Roberts |
Vapour Cloud Explosions From the Ignition of Methane-Hydrogen-Air Mixtures in a Congested Region.pdf
(736.53 KB)
Validation of Flacs-hydrogen CFD Consequence Prediction Model Against Large Scale H2 Explosion Experiments in the Flame Facility |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
O.R. Hansen; J. Renoult; M.P. Sherman; S.R. Tieszen |
(1.64 MB)
, ICHS_GexCon.ppt
(431 bytes)
Validation of CFD Calculations Against Ignited Impinging Jet Experiments-Paper |
2007 |
Conference Paper |
P. Middha; O. Hansen; J. Grune; A. Kotchourko |
Validation of CFD Calculations Against Ignited Impinging Jet Experiments.pdf
(443.85 KB)
Towards Hydrogen Safety Education and Training-Paper |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
A.E. Dahoe; V.V. Molkov |
Towards Hydrogen Safety Education and Training.pdf
(188 KB)
Towards Hydrogen Safety Education and Training |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
A.E. Dahoe; V.V. Molkov |
(760.84 KB)
, 100116.pdf
(188 KB)
Thermal Loading Cases of Hydrogen High Pressure Storage Cylinders-Paper |
2007 |
Conference Paper |
S. Anders |
Thermal Loading Cases of Hydrogen High Pressure Storage Cylinders.pdf
(207.96 KB)
The Safe Use of the Existing Natural Gas System for Hydrogen (Overview of the Naturalhy-Project) |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
O. Florisson; R.R. Huizing |
The Safe Use of the Existing Natural Gas System for Hydrogen (Overview of the Naturalhy-Project).pdf
(487.25 KB)
, Pres ICHSv2 new format.ppt
(575 KB)
The Hydrogen Safety Program of the U.s. Department of Energy |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
B.R. Kinzey; A. Ruiz; P.B. Davis |
(151.51 KB)
, DavisPisa.ppt
(1.73 MB)
The EOS Project: A SOFC Pilot Plant in Italy, Safety Aspects |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
M. Cali; E. Fontana; V. Giaretto; G. Orsello; M. Santarelli |
(539.39 KB)
, ICHS- EOS project.ppt
(421 bytes)
Testing Safety of Hydrogen Components-Paper |
2007 |
Conference Paper |
S. Wastiaux; F. Willot; E. Coffre; J.P. Schaaff |
Testing Safety of Hydrogen Components.pdf
(489.08 KB)
Testing of Hydrogen Safety Sensors in Service Simulated Conditions |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
P. Castello; O. Salyk |
(538.14 KB)
, 130002_Castello_Salyk_H2Sensor testing in SS cond.ppt
(21.64 MB)
Study of Hydrogen Enriched Premixed Flames |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
V. Di Sarli; A. Di Benedetto |
(186.8 KB)
Study of Hydrogen Diffusion and Deflagration in a Closed System-Paper |
2007 |
Conference Paper |
Y. Ishimoto; E. Merilo; M. Groethe; S. Chiba; H. Iwabuchi; K. Sakata |
Study of Hydrogen Diffusion and Deflagration in a Closed System.pdf
(1.8 MB)
Stress Corrosion Cracking of Stainless Steels in High-pressure Alkaline Electrolysers |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
K. Haraldsen; H. Leth-Olsen |
(3.25 MB)
, HySafe presentasjon KH.ppt
(10.87 MB)
Simulator Development Of Virtual Experience And Accident Scenarios Of Hydrogen Stations For Safety |
2007 |
Conference Paper |
E.J. Kim; Y.G. Kim; I. Moon; J. Kim |
Simulator Development of Virtual Experience and Accident Scenarios of Hydrogen Stations for Safety.pdf
(413.56 KB)
Simulations of Hydrogen Releases From a Storage Tanks: Dispersion and Consequences of Ignition |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
B. Angers; A. Hourri; P. Benard; P. Tessier; J. Perrin |
(198.1 KB)
, Angers Benard Hourri Air liquide Pisa.ppt
(448 bytes)
Simulation of Flame Acceleration and DDT in H2-Air Mixture With a Flux Limiter Centred Method |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
K. Vaagsaether; V. Knudsen; D. Bjerketvedt |
(359.88 KB)
, 120038_Vaagsaether_Knut.ppt
(603.5 KB)
Sensitivity to Detonation and Detonation Cellular Structure of H2-O2-Air-H2O2 Gas Mixtures-Paper |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
I.A. Kirillov; M.I. Strelkova; A.V. Panasenko; D. Roekaerts |
Sensitivity to Detonation and Detonation Cellular Structure of H2-O2-Air-H2O2 Gas Mixtures.pdf
(355.52 KB)
Sensitivity To Detonation and Detonation Cellular Structure of H2-o2-air-h2o2 Gas Mixtures |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
I.A. Kirillov; M.I. Strelkova; A.V. Panasenko; D. Roekaerts |
(355.52 KB)
Safety-Barrier Diagrams for Documenting Safety of Hydrogen Applications-Paper |
2007 |
Conference Paper |
N.J. Duijim; F. Markert |
Safety-Barrier Diagrams for Documenting Safety of Hydrogen Applications.pdf
(87.21 KB)
Safety Study of Hydrogen Supply Stations for the Review of High Pressure Gas Safety Law in Japan-Paper |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
M. Komori; T. Yoshida; K. Onoue; S. Kikukawa; T. Mori; K. Takagi |
Safety Study of Hydrogen Supply Stations for the Review of High Pressure Gas Safety Law in Japan.pdf
(385.42 KB)
Safety Study of Hydrogen Supply Stations for the Review of High Pressure Gas Safety Law in Japan |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
M. Komori; T. Yoshida; K. Onoue; S. Kikukawa; T. Mori; K. Takagi |
(385.42 KB)
, 2005_9_10_JPEC_rev6.ppt
(3.16 MB)
Safety of Hydrogen-fueled Motor Vehicles With Ic Engines |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
S. Furst; M. Dub; M. Gruber; W. Lechner; C. Muller |
(2.58 MB)
Safety Distances - Definition and Values-Paper |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
A. Marangon; M.N. Carcassi; A. Engebo; S. Nilsen |
Safety Distances - Definition and Values.pdf
(262.52 KB)