Dependency of Equivalence Ratio on Hydrogen Cylindrical Detonation Induced by Direct Initiation |
2011 |
Conference Paper |
M. Ashara; N. Tsuboi; A.K. Hayashi; E. Yamada |
(141.34 MB)
, paper_131.pdf
(674.05 KB)
Dependence of Hydrogen Embrittlement on Hydrogen in the Surface Layer in Type 304 Stainless Steel |
2013 |
Conference Paper |
L. Zhang; Z.Y. Li; J.Y. Zheng; Y.Z. Zhao; P. Xu; C.L. Zhou |
(541.59 KB)
Delayed Explosion of Hydrogen High Pressure Jets: An Inter Comparison Benchmark Study |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
E. Vyazmina; S. Jallais; L. Gastaldo |
(2.7 MB)
Delayed Explosion of Hydrogen High Pressure Jets in a Highly Obstructed Geometry |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
E. Vyazmina; S. Jallais; J. Daubech |
(1.63 MB)
Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition in Hydrogen Oxygen Mixture with a Detailed Chemical Reaction Mechanism |
2011 |
Conference Paper |
M.A. Liberman; M.F. Ivanov; A.D. Kiverin |
(293.82 KB)
Deflagration Safety Study of Mixtures of Hydrogen and Natural Gas in a Semi-Open Space-Paper |
2007 |
Conference Paper |
E.G. Merilo; M.A. Groethe |
Deflagration Safety Study of Mixtures of Hydrogen and Natural Gas in a Semi-Open Space.pdf
(2.03 MB)
Deflagration Safety Study of Mixtures of Hydrogen and Natural Gas in a Semi-Open Space |
2007 |
Conference Paper |
E.G. Merilo; M.A. Groethe |
(2.03 MB)
Defining Hazardous Zones - Electrical Classification Distances-Paper |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
G.W. Howard; A.V. Tchouvelev; Z. Cheng; V.M. Agranat |
Defining Hazardous Zones - Electrical Classification Distances.pdf
(145.6 KB)
Defining Hazardous Zones - Electrical Classification Distances |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
G.W. Howard; A.V. Tchouvelev; Z. Cheng; V.M. Agranat |
(145.6 KB)
, 410092_Hazardous_Zones.ppt
(1.14 MB)
Defect Assessment on Pipe Used for Transport of Mixture of Hydrogen and Natural Gas |
2009 |
Conference Paper |
J. Capelle; J. Gilgert; G. Pluvinage |
Defect Assessment on Pipe Used for Transport of Mixture of Hydrogen and Natural Gas.pdf
(1.4 MB)
Data for the Evaluation of Hydrogen Risks Onboard Vehicles - Outcomes From the French Project Drive |
2011 |
Conference Paper |
O. Gentilhomme; C. Proust; D. Jamois; I. Tkatschenko; B. Cariteau; E. Studer; F. Masset; G. Joncquet; M. Amielh; F. Anselmet |
(1.2 MB)
, presentation_61.ppt
(6.97 MB)
Cylinders and Tubes Used as Buffers in Filling Stations |
2015 |
Conference Paper |
H. Barthelemy |
(402.61 KB)
, Presentation_ID139_Cylinders-and-Tubes-used-as-Buffers-in-the-Filling-Stations-V4.ppt
(5.21 MB)
Cost Effective Inherent Saftey Index for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Systems |
2013 |
Conference Paper |
N.N. Nordin; A. Ahmad; M. Mohamad; M.W. Ali |
(458.14 KB)
, presentation_89.pdf
(906.7 KB)
Continuous Codes and Standards Improvement (CCSI) |
2015 |
Conference Paper |
C. Rivkin; R. Burgess; W. Buttner |
(471.12 KB)
, Presentation_ID120_CCSI.pptx
(3.3 MB)
Consequences of Catastrophic Releases of Ignited and Unignited Hydrogen Jet Releases |
2009 |
Conference Paper |
M. Royle; D.B. Willoughby |
(2.62 MB)
, paper_22.pdf
(948.43 KB)
Consequence models for vented hydrogen deflagrations: CFD vs. engineering models |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Trygve Skjold, Helene Hisken, Gordon Atanga |
(2.79 MB)
Consequence Assessment of the BBC Hydrogen Refueling Station, Using the ADREA-HF Code |
2009 |
Conference Paper |
E. Papanikolaou; A.G. Venetsanos; M. Schiavetti; A. Marangon; M. Carcassi; N. Markatos |
(697.22 KB)
, paper_28.pdf
(869.29 KB)
Computational Modeling of Pressure Effects From Hydrogen Explosions-Paper |
2007 |
Conference Paper |
E.A. Granovskiy; V.A. Lifar; Y.A. Skob; M.L. Ugryumov |
Computational Modeling of Pressure Effects From Hydrogen Explosions.pdf
(465.19 KB)
Computational Modeling of Pressure Effects From Hydrogen Explosions |
2007 |
Conference Paper |
E.A. Granovskiy; V.A. Lifar; Y.A. Skob; M.L. Ugryumov |
(465.19 KB)
Computational Analysis of Hydrogen Diffusion in Polycrystalline Nickel and Anisotropic Polygonal Micro, Nano Grain Size Effects |
2013 |
Conference Paper |
S. Jothi; T.N. Croft; S.G.R. Brown; deSouza Neto |
(1.72 MB)
, paper_242.pdf
(1.48 MB)
Composite Gas Cylinders Probabilistic Analysis of Minimum Burst and Load Cycle Requirements |
2015 |
Conference Paper |
G.W. Mair; B. Becker; E. Duffner; C. Gregor; H. Saul; A. Schoppa |
(1.86 MB)
, paper_259.pdf
(879.07 KB)
Component availability effects for pressure relief valves used at hydrogen fueling stations |
2017 |
Conference Paper |
Moussin Daboya-Toure, Robert Burgess, Aaron Harris |
(383.1 KB)
, 3_ID192.pptx
(10.58 MB)
Complex Hydrides As Solid Storage Materials: First Safety Tests |
2007 |
Conference Paper |
W. Lohstroh; M. Fichtner; W. Breitung |
(246.56 KB)
Complex Hydrides as Solid Storage Materials - First Safety Tests-Paper |
2007 |
Conference Paper |
W. Lohstrah; M. Fichtner; W. Breitung |
Complex Hydrides as Solid Storage Materials - First Safety Tests.pdf
(246.56 KB)
Compatibility Of Metallic Materials With Hydrogen Review Of The Present Knowledge |
2007 |
Conference Paper |
H. Barthelemy |
(1.15 MB)