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There is currently a published ASME BPV Code Case describing pressure design requirements for pressure design of electrolyzers. If the Code Case is adopted by the jurisdiction where a new electrolyzer will be installed, the new electrolyzer will have to meet the requirements in the Code Case. The responsible ASME committee is working to revise the Code Case and intends to incorporate the Code…

Category: System Design
Keywords: Electrolyzer, Pressure Vessel, Codes

There are several levels of documents which can be used to assist with the design, sizing, selection, and installation of the pressure relief device settings for LH2 tanks. 

Pressure vessel design codes, such as the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code will provide minimum requirements for design of pressure vessels (including LH2 tanks), relief devices, and relief systems. However…

Category: Pressure Relief Devices
Keywords: Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion (BLEVE), LH2, Fire, NFPA 2, Storage, Pressure Relief Device

Generally flaring is not recommended. Normally GH2 is not flared for most hydrogen equipment as the piping diameters are smaller. The largest stacks are the LH2 vent stacks on trailers and on tanks for the main safety valves are 3”. For GH2 systems the flare stacks are generally smaller in diameter. 

Flaring is a deliberate ignition of a hydrogen stream. If the hydrogen stream is to…

Category: System Design
Keywords: Venting, LH2, Flaring, Vent Stack

Yes, for all stacks. GH2 has a minimum prescriptive height of 10 ft. There is no minimum prescriptive height for LH2. However, 25 ft has been a best practice for the industry for years. Vent stack outlets that orient the release vertically help reduce the radiation exposure at ground level. Care must be taken to consider varying weather conditions, particularly wind, as well as surrounding…

Category: System Design
Keywords: LH2, GH2, Flare, Vent Stack

Liquid hydrogen is rarely vented as a liquid. If liquid hydrogen is vented, there should be a means to ensure that it is fully vaporized. The vent systems for LH2 tanks are connected to the vapor space on the tanks to ensure in most instances, this occurs. Most vents from a liquid hydrogen system will vent gaseous hydrogen, but this gas, may still be as cold as -420 F. There are no code…

Category: Miscellaneous
Keywords: Temperature, LH2, Vent System, Liquid Hydrogen

Vent systems are typically open to the atmosphere, so it’s easy to overlook that they must be designed to withstand significant internal pressure. The two primary sources of pressure within vent systems are: 1) backpressure from the flowing gas, and 2) internal deflagration/detonation.

The large flows of gas exiting relief devices and vents will create backpressure within the vent system…

Category: System Design
Keywords: Vent System, Deflagration, Detonation
Category: System Design
Keywords: LH2, Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion (BLEVE), Tank, Flaring, Flame, Fire, Flow, Vent Stack, Pressure, Purge, Temperature, Valves, Disc, Vapor, Radiation, Water, Heat, Exhaust, TPRD, Ignition, Flare

When it is necessary or desirable to work on a part of a hydrogen system while another part of the system remains in operation or in standby condition. An example is a system with two compressors, where one is normally operating and the other acts as an installed spare. The two block valves are closed, and the bleed (vent) valve is open. This arrangement assures that any hydrogen leaking…

Category: System Design
Keywords: Valves, Double block

This can be a complex problem and response to insulation failure should be considered in the emergency response guidelines and procedures. 
First, a tank with an insulation failure may boil off at an elevated rate which applicable codes build into the relief device and vent system design.
Second, ice and oxygen enriched liquefied air can form where inadequately insulated surfaces…

Category: Storage
Keywords: Storage, Oxygen, Leak, Safety, Tank

This is not an easy question since many factors influence how much hydrogen can be transferred from one vessel at a higher pressure to another one at a lower pressure and the rate at which it can be transferred. The pressure in the higher vessel will fall while that in the lower vessel will rise as gas is transferred, so the flow rate will typically slow down and eventually stop as the…

Category: Properties
Keywords: Properties, Density, Volume, FC Vehicles, Fueling Station
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