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Estimation of an Allowable Hydrogen Permeation Rate From Road Vehicle Compressed Gaseous Hydrogen Storage Systems in Garages; Part 3 2009 Conference Paper J.B. Saffers; D. Makarov; A.V. Molkov presentation-part_3.pdf (643.92 KB) , paper_-_part_3.pdf (377.91 KB)
Environmental Reactivity of Solid State Hydride Materials 2009 Conference Paper J.R. Gray; D.L. Anton Environmental Reactivity of Solid State Hydride Materials.pdf (3.39 MB)
Effects of Surface on the Flammable Extent of Hydrogen Jets 2009 Conference Paper P. Benard; A. Hourri; B. Angers; A. Tchouvelev; V. Agranat Effects of Surface on the Flammable Extent of Hydrogen Jets.pdf (304.3 KB)
Effects of Purity and Pressure on the Hydrogen Embrittlement of Steels and Other Metallic Materials 2009 Conference Paper H. Barthelemy presentation_4.pdf (1.37 MB) , paper_5.pdf (804.14 KB)
Effectiveness Evaluation of Facilities Protecting From Hydrogen-Air Explosion Overpressure 2011 Conference Paper Y.A. Skob; M.L. Ugryumov; E.A. Granovskiy; V.A. Lyfar paper_58.pdf (573.75 KB)
Effect of Hydrogen Concentration on Vented Explosion Overpressures From Lean Hydrogen-Air Deflagrations 2011 Conference Paper C.R. Bauwens; J. Chao; S.B. Dorofeev paper_137.pdf (247.83 KB) , presentation_27.pptx (7.54 MB)
Dynamics of Vented Hydrogen-Air Deflagrations 2011 Conference Paper J. Daubech; C. Proust; D. Jamois; E. Leprette paper_136.pdf (541.76 KB) , presentation_56.ppt (3.87 MB)
Dispersion and Burning Behavior of Hydrogen Released in a Full-Scale Residential Garage in the Presence and Absence of Conventional Automobiles 2011 Conference Paper W.M. Pitts; J.C. Yang; M. Blais; A. Joyce paper_57.pdf (1.25 MB) , presentation_10.ppt (22.84 MB)
Discrete Event Simulation in Support to Hydrogen Supply Reliability 2009 Conference Paper L. Kozine; F. Markert; A. Alapetite Discrete Event Simulation in Support to Hydrogen Supply Reliability.pdf (228.48 KB)
Development of Uniform Harm Criteria for Use in Quantitative Risk Analysis of the Hydrogen Infrastructure 2009 Conference Paper J. LaChance; A. Tchouvelev; A. Engebo presentation_10.pdf (403.02 KB) , paper_12.pdf (88.57 KB)
Development of an Italian Fire Prevention Technical Rule for Hydrogen Pipelines 2011 Conference Paper N. Mattei; M.N. Carcassi; N. Ciannelli; F. Pilo paper_80.pdf (269.13 KB) , presentation_18.ppt (6.02 MB)
Detonability of Binary H2 CH4-Air Mixtures 2009 Conference Paper O. Bozier; R. Sorin; F. Virot; R. Zitoun; D. Desbordes paper_19.pdf (2.09 MB) , presentation_17.pdf (4.59 MB)
Determination of Charateristic Parameters for the Thermal Decomposition of Epoxy Resin-Carbon Fiber Composites in Cone Calorimeter 2011 Conference Paper Q. Dao; J. Luche; F. Richard; T. Rogaume; C. Bourhy-Weber; S. Ruban paper_150.pdf (772.67 KB) , presentation_66.ppt (3.21 MB)
Detection of Hydrogen Released in a Full-Scale Residential Garage 2011 Conference Paper T.G. Cleary; E.L. Johnsson paper_108.pdf (1.32 MB) , presentation_17.pptx (6.89 MB)
Dependency of Equivalence Ratio on Hydrogen Cylindrical Detonation Induced by Direct Initiation 2011 Conference Paper M. Ashara; N. Tsuboi; A.K. Hayashi; E. Yamada presentation_25.pptx (141.34 MB) , paper_131.pdf (674.05 KB)
Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition in Hydrogen Oxygen Mixture with a Detailed Chemical Reaction Mechanism 2011 Conference Paper M.A. Liberman; M.F. Ivanov; A.D. Kiverin paper_129.pdf (293.82 KB)
Defect Assessment on Pipe Used for Transport of Mixture of Hydrogen and Natural Gas 2009 Conference Paper J. Capelle; J. Gilgert; G. Pluvinage Defect Assessment on Pipe Used for Transport of Mixture of Hydrogen and Natural Gas.pdf (1.4 MB)
Data for the Evaluation of Hydrogen Risks Onboard Vehicles - Outcomes From the French Project Drive 2011 Conference Paper O. Gentilhomme; C. Proust; D. Jamois; I. Tkatschenko; B. Cariteau; E. Studer; F. Masset; G. Joncquet; M. Amielh; F. Anselmet paper_144.pdf (1.2 MB) , presentation_61.ppt (6.97 MB)
Consequences of Catastrophic Releases of Ignited and Unignited Hydrogen Jet Releases 2009 Conference Paper M. Royle; D.B. Willoughby presentation_20.pdf (2.62 MB) , paper_22.pdf (948.43 KB)
Consequence Assessment of the BBC Hydrogen Refueling Station, Using the ADREA-HF Code 2009 Conference Paper E. Papanikolaou; A.G. Venetsanos; M. Schiavetti; A. Marangon; M. Carcassi; N. Markatos presentation_26.pdf (697.22 KB) , paper_28.pdf (869.29 KB)
Comparison of Two Simplified Models Predictions with Experimental Measurements for Gas Release Within an Enclosure 2009 Conference Paper S. Benteboula; A. Bengaouer; B. Cariteau Comparison of Two Simplified Models Predictions with Experimental Measurements for Gas Release Within an Enclosure.pdf (674.12 KB)
Comparison of NFPA and ISO Approaches for Evaluating Separation Distances 2011 Conference Paper J.L. LaChance; B. Middleton; K.M. Groth paper_74.pdf (194.85 KB) , presentation_13.ppt (3.41 MB)
Comparison of Modeling Approaches For CFD Simulations of High Pressure Hydrogen Releases 2011 Conference Paper E. Papanikolaou; D. Baraldi paper_52.pdf (424.25 KB) , presentation_8.ppt (971.5 KB)
Combustion 2011 Presentation A. Kotchouko presentation_42.ppt (6.91 MB)
CFD Simulations on Small Hydrogen Releases Inside a Ventilated Facility and Assessment of Ventilation Efficiency 2009 Conference Paper E.A. Papanikolaou; A.G. Venetsanos; G.M. Cerchiara; M. Carcassi; N. Markatos CFD Simulations on Small Hydrogen Releases Inside a Ventilated Facility and Assessment of Ventilation Efficiency.pdf (2.35 MB)
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