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PRD Hydrogen Release and Dispersion, a Comparison of CFD Results Obtained From Using Ideal and Real Gas Law Properties 2005 Conference Paper Z. Cheng; V.M. Agranat; A.V. Tchouvelev; W. Houf; S.V. Zhubrin 110090.pdf (64.17 KB)
Potential Models for Stand-alone and Multi-fuel Gaseous Hydrogen Refuelling Stations: Assessment of Associated Risk 2005 Conference Paper E. Galatola; R. Nava; L. Di Clemente 230079.pdf (1.03 MB)
Phenomena of Dispersion and Explosion of High Pressurized Hydrogen 2005 Conference Paper K. Takeno; K. Okabayashi; T. Ichinose; A. Kouchi; T. Nonaka; K. Hashiguchi; K. Chitose 100044.pdf (875.52 KB) , ICHS-MHI-100044.ppt (3.34 MB)
On Numerical Simulation of Liquefied and Gaseous Hydrogen Releases At Large Scales 2005 Conference Paper V.V. Molkov; D.V. Makarov; E. Prost 110132.pdf (3.7 MB) , Simulation of LH2 and GH2 releases.ppt (7.91 MB)
Numerical Study of a Higly Under-expanded Hydrogen Jet 2005 Conference Paper B.P. Xu; J.P. Zhang; J.X. Wen; S. Dembele; J. Karwatzki 110122.pdf (368.04 KB) , Hydrogen jet.ppt (931 KB)
Numerical Simulation of Hydrogen Explosion Tests with a Barrier Wall for Blast Mitigation-Paper 2005 Conference Paper T. Nozu; R. Tanaka; T. Ogawa; K. Hibi; Y. Sakai Numerical Simulation of Hydrogen Explosion Tests with a Barrier Wall for Blast Mitigation.pdf (2.45 MB)
Numerical Simulation of Hydrogen Explosion Tests With a Barrier Wall for Blast Mitigation 2005 Conference Paper T. Nozu; R. Tanaka; T. Ogawa; K. Hibi; Y. Sakai 130028.pdf (2.45 MB)
Numerical Modeling of Hydrogen Release, Mixture and Dispersion in Atmosphere 2005 Conference Paper E.A. Granovskiy; V.A. Lyfar; Y.A. Skob; M.L. Ugryumov 110021.pdf (286.77 KB)
Novel Safe Method of Manufacturing Hydrogen Metallic Hydrides 2005 Conference Paper F. Seco; I. Agote; E. Ezponda; I.N. Guisasola; M.A. Lagos; S.L. Kharatyan; A.R. Sargsyan 220024.pdf (282.16 KB)
National Training Facility for Hydrogen Safety. Five Year Plan for HAMMER 2005 Conference Paper B.R. Kinzey; L.L. Fassbender; B.M. Akers 100052.pdf (120.85 KB) , 100052 HAMMER Training Facility for Hydrogen Safety.ppt (1.29 MB)
National Training Facility for Hydrogen Safety, Five Year Plan for HAMMER-Paper 2005 Conference Paper B.R. Kinzey; L.L. Fassbender; B.M. Akers National Training Facility for Hydrogen Safety, Five Year Plan for HAMMER.pdf (120.85 KB)
Modelling of H2 Dispersion and Combustion Phenomena Using CFD Codes 2005 Conference Paper H. Paillere; E. Studer; A. Beccantini; S. Kudriakov; F. Dabbene; C. Perret 100071.pdf (1.35 MB) , Presentation_100071_PAILLERE.ppt (440 bytes)
Mixing of Dense Or Light Gases With Turbulent Air: A Fast-running Model for Lumped Parameter Codes 2005 Conference Paper W. Ambrosini; N. Forgione; F. Oriolo; F. Parozzi 140025.pdf (196.34 KB)
Methodology of CFD Safety Analysis for Large-Scale Industrial Structures 2005 Conference Paper A. Kotchourko 120011.pdf (339.25 KB)
Measuring and Modelling Unsteady Radiation of Hydrogen Combustion 2005 Conference Paper V. Weiser; E. Roth; S. Kelzenberg; W. Eckl; N. Eisenreich; G. Langer 120047.pdf (726.52 KB)
Massive H2 Production with Nuclear Heating, Safety Approach for Coupling a VHTR with an Iodine Sulfur Process Cycle 2005 Conference Paper A. Bassi; F. Bertrand; D. Barbier; P. Aujollet, P. Anzieu 210048_0.pdf (338.29 KB) , ICHS-210048_0.ppt (826 KB)
Large Scale Experiments: Deflagration and Deflagration To Detonation Within a Partial Confinement Similar To a Lane 2005 Conference Paper H. Schneider 120018.pdf (273.03 KB)
ISO/technical Committee 197 - Hydrogen Technologies Status of Work 2005 Conference Paper R. Dey 600001.pdf (26.82 KB) , Sept 2005 Hyafe presentation.ppt (145 KB)
Industrial Prospective for Hydrogen Utilization - Safety Aspect (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries) 2005 Conference Paper K. Takeno Roundtable(Takeno_Japan)_0.ppt (5.8 MB)
ICHS Round Table: Industrial Perspective (Shell Global Solutions) 2005 Presentation L.C. Shirvill ICHS Round-Table.ppt (1.3 MB)
HYSAFE: The European Network of Excellence on Hydrogen Safety 2005 Conference Paper T. Jordan; L. Perrette; H. Paillere 150002.pdf (202.63 KB)
Hysafe European Network of Excellence on Hydrogen Safety 2005 Conference Paper T. Jordan; L. Perrette; H. Paillere HySafe European Network of Excellence on Hydrogen Safety_0.pdf (202.63 KB)
Hydrogen Vehicles Road-Map in FIAT 2005 Presentation G. Rovera Hydrogen Vehicles Road map3 in Fiat-Pisa 10.9.05.ppt (4.58 MB)
Hydrogen Safety: From Policies To Plans To Practices 2005 Conference Paper S.C. Weiner; R.A. Kallman; A. Ruiz; J.M. Schneider 100068.pdf (73.56 KB) , ICHS Weiner 100068 9-9-05.ppt (230 KB)
Hydrogen Safety in Transportation: Industry Perspective (GM) 2005 Presentation C.S. Sloane Sloane ICHS Roundtable Sept 05.ppt (4.47 MB)
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