Determination of Clearance Distances for Venting of Hydrogen Storage |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
A.V. Tchouvelev; P. Benard; V. Agranat; Z. Cheng |
(254.39 KB)
, 410093_Venting_Clearance.ppt
(1.3 MB)
Determination of Charateristic Parameters for the Thermal Decomposition of Epoxy Resin-Carbon Fiber Composites in Cone Calorimeter |
2011 |
Conference Paper |
Q. Dao; J. Luche; F. Richard; T. Rogaume; C. Bourhy-Weber; S. Ruban |
(772.67 KB)
, presentation_66.ppt
(3.21 MB)
Detection of Hydrogen Released in a Full-Scale Residential Garage |
2011 |
Conference Paper |
T.G. Cleary; E.L. Johnsson |
(1.32 MB)
, presentation_17.pptx
(6.89 MB)
Dependency of Equivalence Ratio on Hydrogen Cylindrical Detonation Induced by Direct Initiation |
2011 |
Conference Paper |
M. Ashara; N. Tsuboi; A.K. Hayashi; E. Yamada |
(141.34 MB)
, paper_131.pdf
(674.05 KB)
Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition in Hydrogen Oxygen Mixture with a Detailed Chemical Reaction Mechanism |
2011 |
Conference Paper |
M.A. Liberman; M.F. Ivanov; A.D. Kiverin |
(293.82 KB)
Defining Hazardous Zones - Electrical Classification Distances-Paper |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
G.W. Howard; A.V. Tchouvelev; Z. Cheng; V.M. Agranat |
Defining Hazardous Zones - Electrical Classification Distances.pdf
(145.6 KB)
Defining Hazardous Zones - Electrical Classification Distances |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
G.W. Howard; A.V. Tchouvelev; Z. Cheng; V.M. Agranat |
(145.6 KB)
, 410092_Hazardous_Zones.ppt
(1.14 MB)
Data for the Evaluation of Hydrogen Risks Onboard Vehicles - Outcomes From the French Project Drive |
2011 |
Conference Paper |
O. Gentilhomme; C. Proust; D. Jamois; I. Tkatschenko; B. Cariteau; E. Studer; F. Masset; G. Joncquet; M. Amielh; F. Anselmet |
(1.2 MB)
, presentation_61.ppt
(6.97 MB)
Comparison of NFPA and ISO Approaches for Evaluating Separation Distances |
2011 |
Conference Paper |
J.L. LaChance; B. Middleton; K.M. Groth |
(194.85 KB)
, presentation_13.ppt
(3.41 MB)
Comparison of Modeling Approaches For CFD Simulations of High Pressure Hydrogen Releases |
2011 |
Conference Paper |
E. Papanikolaou; D. Baraldi |
(424.25 KB)
, presentation_8.ppt
(971.5 KB)
Combustion |
2011 |
Presentation |
A. Kotchouko |
(6.91 MB)
Collaborative Activities on Hydrogen Safety Under the International Energy Agency's Hydrogen Implementing Agreement-Paper |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
W. Hoagland |
Collaborative Activities on Hydrogen Safety Under the International Energy Agency's Hydrogen Implementing Agreement.pdf
(53.41 KB)
Collaborative Activities On Hydrogen Safety Under the International Energy Agency?s Hydrogen Implementing Agreement |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
W. Hoagland |
(53.41 KB)
, Hoagland ICHS Presentaton Pisa.ppt
(1.29 MB)
Characterization of the Hazards From Jet Releases of Hydrogen |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
L.C. Shirvill; P. Roberts; C.J. Butler; T.A. Roberts; M. Royle |
(745.69 KB)
Characterization of Materials in Pressurized Hydrogen Under Cyclic Loading At Service Conditions in Hydrogen Powered Engines |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
R. Sindelar; H. Kaufmann; U. May; G. Krainz; F. Hofmeister |
(1.04 MB)
, 220006 pressurized hydrogen - cyclic loading - 2.ppt
(15.22 MB)
CFD Simulation on Diffusion of Leaked Hydrogen Caused By Vehicle Accident in Tunnels |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
S. Mukai; J. Suzuki; H. Mitsuishi; K. Oyakawa; S. Watanabe |
(542.75 KB)
CFD Modelling of Large-Scale LH2 Spills in Open Environment |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
A.G. Venetsanos |
(373.25 KB)
, Venetsanos_110126.ppt
(2.07 MB)
CFD Modeling of LH2 Dispersion Using the ADREA-HF Code |
2011 |
Conference Paper |
S.G. Giannissi; A.G. Venetsanos; J.G. Bartzis; N. Markatos; D.B. Willoughby; M. Royle |
(303.54 KB)
, presentation_3_0.ppt
(4.97 MB)
CFD Modeling for Helium Releases in a Private Garage Without Forced Ventilation |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
E.A. Papanikolaou; A.G. Venetsanos |
(250.59 KB)
, present_pisa.ppt
(764.5 KB)
CFD Computations of Liquid Hydrogen Releases |
2011 |
Conference Paper |
M. Ichard; O.R. Hansen; P. Middha; D. Willoughby |
(446.72 KB)
, presentation_2.ppt
(5.4 MB)
CFD and VR For Risk Communication and Safety Training |
2011 |
Conference Paper |
O.R. Hansen; D.M. Ulvang; T. Langeland; P. Middha |
(593.12 KB)
CFD Analysis |
2011 |
Presentation |
D. Baraldi; E. Papanikolaou; M. Heitsch; P. Moretto; R.S. Cant; D. Roekaerts; S. Dorofeev; A. Kotchourko; P. Middha; A.V. Tchouvelev; S. Ledin; J. Wen; A. Venetsanos; V.V. Molkov |
(6.18 MB)
Cell Failure Mechanism in PEM Water Electrolyzers |
2011 |
Conference Paper |
P. Millet; A. Ranjbari; F. Guglielmo; S.A. Grigoriev; C. Etievant |
(2.02 MB)
Case of Compressed Gaseous Tube Trailer |
2005 |
Conference Paper |
F. Pilo; L. Munaro; A. Zanardo |
(1.92 MB)
, presentazione pilo.ppt
(14.81 MB)
Attained Temperature During Gas Fueling and Defueling Cycles of Compressed Hydrogen Tanks for FCV |
2011 |
Conference Paper |
Y. Matsuno; Y. Maeda; N. Otsuka; Y. Tamura; H. Mitsuishi |
(956.85 KB)
, presentation_16.pptx
(3.01 MB)