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Determination of Clearance Distances for Venting of Hydrogen Storage 2005 Conference Paper A.V. Tchouvelev; P. Benard; V. Agranat; Z. Cheng 410093.pdf (254.39 KB) , 410093_Venting_Clearance.ppt (1.3 MB)
Determination of Charateristic Parameters for the Thermal Decomposition of Epoxy Resin-Carbon Fiber Composites in Cone Calorimeter 2011 Conference Paper Q. Dao; J. Luche; F. Richard; T. Rogaume; C. Bourhy-Weber; S. Ruban paper_150.pdf (772.67 KB) , presentation_66.ppt (3.21 MB)
Detection of Hydrogen Released in a Full-Scale Residential Garage 2011 Conference Paper T.G. Cleary; E.L. Johnsson paper_108.pdf (1.32 MB) , presentation_17.pptx (6.89 MB)
Dependency of Equivalence Ratio on Hydrogen Cylindrical Detonation Induced by Direct Initiation 2011 Conference Paper M. Ashara; N. Tsuboi; A.K. Hayashi; E. Yamada presentation_25.pptx (141.34 MB) , paper_131.pdf (674.05 KB)
Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition in Hydrogen Oxygen Mixture with a Detailed Chemical Reaction Mechanism 2011 Conference Paper M.A. Liberman; M.F. Ivanov; A.D. Kiverin paper_129.pdf (293.82 KB)
Defining Hazardous Zones - Electrical Classification Distances-Paper 2005 Conference Paper G.W. Howard; A.V. Tchouvelev; Z. Cheng; V.M. Agranat Defining Hazardous Zones - Electrical Classification Distances.pdf (145.6 KB)
Defining Hazardous Zones - Electrical Classification Distances 2005 Conference Paper G.W. Howard; A.V. Tchouvelev; Z. Cheng; V.M. Agranat 410092.pdf (145.6 KB) , 410092_Hazardous_Zones.ppt (1.14 MB)
Data for the Evaluation of Hydrogen Risks Onboard Vehicles - Outcomes From the French Project Drive 2011 Conference Paper O. Gentilhomme; C. Proust; D. Jamois; I. Tkatschenko; B. Cariteau; E. Studer; F. Masset; G. Joncquet; M. Amielh; F. Anselmet paper_144.pdf (1.2 MB) , presentation_61.ppt (6.97 MB)
Comparison of NFPA and ISO Approaches for Evaluating Separation Distances 2011 Conference Paper J.L. LaChance; B. Middleton; K.M. Groth paper_74.pdf (194.85 KB) , presentation_13.ppt (3.41 MB)
Comparison of Modeling Approaches For CFD Simulations of High Pressure Hydrogen Releases 2011 Conference Paper E. Papanikolaou; D. Baraldi paper_52.pdf (424.25 KB) , presentation_8.ppt (971.5 KB)
Combustion 2011 Presentation A. Kotchouko presentation_42.ppt (6.91 MB)
Collaborative Activities on Hydrogen Safety Under the International Energy Agency's Hydrogen Implementing Agreement-Paper 2005 Conference Paper W. Hoagland Collaborative Activities on Hydrogen Safety Under the International Energy Agency's Hydrogen Implementing Agreement.pdf (53.41 KB)
Collaborative Activities On Hydrogen Safety Under the International Energy Agency?s Hydrogen Implementing Agreement 2005 Conference Paper W. Hoagland 150001.pdf (53.41 KB) , Hoagland ICHS Presentaton Pisa.ppt (1.29 MB)
Characterization of the Hazards From Jet Releases of Hydrogen 2005 Conference Paper L.C. Shirvill; P. Roberts; C.J. Butler; T.A. Roberts; M. Royle 120005.pdf (745.69 KB)
Characterization of Materials in Pressurized Hydrogen Under Cyclic Loading At Service Conditions in Hydrogen Powered Engines 2005 Conference Paper R. Sindelar; H. Kaufmann; U. May; G. Krainz; F. Hofmeister 220006.pdf (1.04 MB) , 220006 pressurized hydrogen - cyclic loading - 2.ppt (15.22 MB)
CFD Simulation on Diffusion of Leaked Hydrogen Caused By Vehicle Accident in Tunnels 2005 Conference Paper S. Mukai; J. Suzuki; H. Mitsuishi; K. Oyakawa; S. Watanabe 320033.pdf (542.75 KB)
CFD Modelling of Large-Scale LH2 Spills in Open Environment 2005 Conference Paper A.G. Venetsanos 110126.pdf (373.25 KB) , Venetsanos_110126.ppt (2.07 MB)
CFD Modeling of LH2 Dispersion Using the ADREA-HF Code 2011 Conference Paper S.G. Giannissi; A.G. Venetsanos; J.G. Bartzis; N. Markatos; D.B. Willoughby; M. Royle paper_44.pdf (303.54 KB) , presentation_3_0.ppt (4.97 MB)
CFD Modeling for Helium Releases in a Private Garage Without Forced Ventilation 2005 Conference Paper E.A. Papanikolaou; A.G. Venetsanos 320121.pdf (250.59 KB) , present_pisa.ppt (764.5 KB)
CFD Computations of Liquid Hydrogen Releases 2011 Conference Paper M. Ichard; O.R. Hansen; P. Middha; D. Willoughby paper_43.pdf (446.72 KB) , presentation_2.ppt (5.4 MB)
CFD and VR For Risk Communication and Safety Training 2011 Conference Paper O.R. Hansen; D.M. Ulvang; T. Langeland; P. Middha paper_71.pdf (593.12 KB)
CFD Analysis 2011 Presentation D. Baraldi; E. Papanikolaou; M. Heitsch; P. Moretto; R.S. Cant; D. Roekaerts; S. Dorofeev; A. Kotchourko; P. Middha; A.V. Tchouvelev; S. Ledin; J. Wen; A. Venetsanos; V.V. Molkov presentation_21.ppt (6.18 MB)
Cell Failure Mechanism in PEM Water Electrolyzers 2011 Conference Paper P. Millet; A. Ranjbari; F. Guglielmo; S.A. Grigoriev; C. Etievant paper_99.pdf (2.02 MB)
Case of Compressed Gaseous Tube Trailer 2005 Conference Paper F. Pilo; L. Munaro; A. Zanardo 230001.pdf (1.92 MB) , presentazione pilo.ppt (14.81 MB)
Attained Temperature During Gas Fueling and Defueling Cycles of Compressed Hydrogen Tanks for FCV 2011 Conference Paper Y. Matsuno; Y. Maeda; N. Otsuka; Y. Tamura; H. Mitsuishi paper_100.pdf (956.85 KB) , presentation_16.pptx (3.01 MB)
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