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Numerical Study of Spontaneous Ignition of Pressurized Hydrogen Release Into Air-Paper 2007 Conference Paper B.P. Xu; E.L. Hima; J.X. Wen; S. Dembele; V.H.Y. Tam Numerical Study of Spontaneous Ignition of Pressurized Hydrogen Release Into Air.pdf (535.17 KB)
Numerical Study of a Higly Under-expanded Hydrogen Jet 2005 Conference Paper B.P. Xu; J.P. Zhang; J.X. Wen; S. Dembele; J. Karwatzki 110122.pdf (368.04 KB) , Hydrogen jet.ppt (931 KB)
Numerical Studies of Dispersion and Flammable Volume of Hydrogen in Enclosures-Paper 2007 Conference Paper J. Zhang; J. Hereid; M. Hagen; D. Bakirtzis; M.A. Delichatsios; A.G. Venetsanos Numerical Studies of Dispersion and Flammable Volume of Hydrogen in Enclosures.pdf (635.09 KB)
Numerical Simulation of Hydrogen Explosion Tests with a Barrier Wall for Blast Mitigation-Paper 2005 Conference Paper T. Nozu; R. Tanaka; T. Ogawa; K. Hibi; Y. Sakai Numerical Simulation of Hydrogen Explosion Tests with a Barrier Wall for Blast Mitigation.pdf (2.45 MB)
Numerical Simulation of Hydrogen Explosion Tests With a Barrier Wall for Blast Mitigation 2005 Conference Paper T. Nozu; R. Tanaka; T. Ogawa; K. Hibi; Y. Sakai 130028.pdf (2.45 MB)
Numerical Modeling of Hydrogen Release, Mixture and Dispersion in Atmosphere 2005 Conference Paper E.A. Granovskiy; V.A. Lyfar; Y.A. Skob; M.L. Ugryumov 110021.pdf (286.77 KB)
Novel Wide-Area Hydrogen Sensing Technology-Paper 2007 Conference Paper W. Hoagland; D.K. Benson; R.D. Smith Novel Wide-Area Hydrogen Sensing Technology.pdf (461.27 KB)
Novel Safe Method of Manufacturing Hydrogen Metallic Hydrides 2005 Conference Paper F. Seco; I. Agote; E. Ezponda; I.N. Guisasola; M.A. Lagos; S.L. Kharatyan; A.R. Sargsyan 220024.pdf (282.16 KB)
National Training Facility for Hydrogen Safety. Five Year Plan for HAMMER 2005 Conference Paper B.R. Kinzey; L.L. Fassbender; B.M. Akers 100052.pdf (120.85 KB) , 100052 HAMMER Training Facility for Hydrogen Safety.ppt (1.29 MB)
National Training Facility for Hydrogen Safety, Five Year Plan for HAMMER-Paper 2005 Conference Paper B.R. Kinzey; L.L. Fassbender; B.M. Akers National Training Facility for Hydrogen Safety, Five Year Plan for HAMMER.pdf (120.85 KB)
Molecular Transport Effects of Hydrogen Addition on Turbulent Hydrogen Flame Propagation-Paper 2007 Conference Paper S. Muppala; J.X. Wen; N.K. Aluri; F. Dinkelacker Molecular Transport Effects of Hydrogen Addition on Turbulent Hydrogen Flame Propagation.pdf (237.16 KB)
Modelling of H2 Dispersion and Combustion Phenomena Using CFD Codes 2005 Conference Paper H. Paillere; E. Studer; A. Beccantini; S. Kudriakov; F. Dabbene; C. Perret 100071.pdf (1.35 MB) , Presentation_100071_PAILLERE.ppt (440 bytes)
Model-Based Determination of Hydrogen System Emissions of Motor Vehicles Using Climate-Chamber Test Facilities-Paper 2007 Conference Paper M. Weilenmann; C. Bach; P. Novak; A. Fischer; M. Hill Model-Based Determination of Hydrogen System Emissions of Motor Vehicles Using Climate-Chamber Test Facilities.pdf (123.59 KB)
Mixing of Dense Or Light Gases With Turbulent Air: A Fast-running Model for Lumped Parameter Codes 2005 Conference Paper W. Ambrosini; N. Forgione; F. Oriolo; F. Parozzi 140025.pdf (196.34 KB)
Methodology of CFD Safety Analysis for Large-Scale Industrial Structures 2005 Conference Paper A. Kotchourko 120011.pdf (339.25 KB)
Measuring and Modelling Unsteady Radiation of Hydrogen Combustion 2005 Conference Paper V. Weiser; E. Roth; S. Kelzenberg; W. Eckl; N. Eisenreich; G. Langer 120047.pdf (726.52 KB)
Materials Considerations in Hydrogen Production 2007 Conference Paper S. Ovland; R.S. Hansen Materials Considerations in Hydrogen Production.pdf (99.5 KB)
Massive H2 Production with Nuclear Heating, Safety Approach for Coupling a VHTR with an Iodine Sulfur Process Cycle 2005 Conference Paper A. Bassi; F. Bertrand; D. Barbier; P. Aujollet, P. Anzieu 210048_0.pdf (338.29 KB) , ICHS-210048_0.ppt (826 KB)
Large-Scale Hydrogen Release in an Isothermal Confined Area-Paper 2007 Conference Paper J.M. Lacome; Y. Dagba; D. Jamois; L. Perrette; C. Proust Large-Scale Hydrogen Release in an Isothermal Confined Area.pdf (687.32 KB)
Large Scale Experiments: Deflagration and Deflagration To Detonation Within a Partial Confinement Similar To a Lane 2005 Conference Paper H. Schneider 120018.pdf (273.03 KB)
ISO/technical Committee 197 - Hydrogen Technologies Status of Work 2005 Conference Paper R. Dey 600001.pdf (26.82 KB) , Sept 2005 Hyafe presentation.ppt (145 KB)
Initial Assessment of the Impact of Jet Flame Hazard From Hydrogen Cars in Road Tunnels and the Implication on Hydrogen Car Design-Paper 2007 Conference Paper Y. Wu 1.1.158.pdf (364.86 KB)
Industrial Prospective for Hydrogen Utilization - Safety Aspect (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries) 2005 Conference Paper K. Takeno Roundtable(Takeno_Japan)_0.ppt (5.8 MB)
Incident Reporting - Learning From Experience-Paper 2007 Conference Paper S.C. Weiner; B.R. Kinzey; J. Dean; P.B. Davis; A. Ruiz Incident Reporting - Learning From Expreience.pdf (233.57 KB)
Identification and Monitoring of a PEM Electrolyser Based on Dynamical Modelling-Paper 2007 Conference Paper M.E. Lebbal; S. Lecoeuche Identification and Monitoring of a PEM Electrolyser Based on Dynamical Modelling.pdf (214.72 KB)
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