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This is a complicated subject. Thermally activated pressure relief devices can be an important safeguard for hydrogen vessels if properly designed and installed in accordance with code requirement. Requirements vary globally and often depend on the type of vessel and its intended service (e.g. mobile or stationary). However, as with any device, TPRD’s offer both advantages and disadvantages.…

Category: Pressure Relief Devices
Keywords: Temperature Actuated Pressure Relief Device, Pressure Relief Device, Storage, Overpressure

Requirements for TPRD/PRD’s depend on the local regulations. Some jurisdictions require them, some do not. Others make them optional based on results of performance testing.

Category: Pressure Relief Devices
Keywords: Temperature Actuated Pressure Relief Device, Pressure Relief Device, Regulations, Storage

All systems must be designed for the applicable operating parameters such as pressure, temperature,
and flow. The sub-cooled liquid hydrogen (sLH2) approach for fueling is comparable to other processes
commonly used to handle cryogenic liquids in the industrial gas industry where remaining gas is
condensed during the fill operation. These processes often operate above the critical…

Category: FC Electric Vehicles
Keywords: Sub-cooled Hydrogen, Cryogenic Liquids, Fueling Safety, Low-pressure systems

Hydrogen has been used as a fuel to operate cars, buses, trucks, submarines, aircraft, forklifts, trains and virtually every type of mobile equipment. Each has special considerations which often drive specific requirements for that vehicle type. For example, higher g-loadings of rail operations and operations within tunnels are a couple considerations, but there are no significant barriers…

Category: FC Electric Vehicles
Keywords: Train

In most cases, it is not necessary to depressurize hydrogen systems in an emergency. Pressure vessels are usually isolated in an emergency. The best actions to assure safety during an emergency should be identified during the hazard analysis.

Category: Pressure Relief Devices
Keywords: Emergency Response

There are several levels of documents which can be used to assist with the design, sizing, selection, and installation of the pressure relief device settings for LH2 tanks. 

Pressure vessel design codes, such as the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code will provide minimum requirements for design of pressure vessels (including LH2 tanks), relief devices, and relief systems. However…

Category: Pressure Relief Devices
Keywords: Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion (BLEVE), LH2, Fire, NFPA 2, Storage, Pressure Relief Device

Researchers from Sandia National Laboratories have conducted extensive research on these topics. They have reviewed the current literature, identified knowledge gaps in alternate fuel vehicles and tunnel safety, and developed a generalizable framework to assess tunnel safety for a diverse range of alternate fuel vehicles. Supported by…

Category: FC Electric Vehicles
Keywords: FC Vehicles, Safety

The Hydrogen Safety Panel is not aware of any detailed guidelines or requirements. There are general requirements for personal protective equipment (PPE) in relevant codes and standards, but these often defer to the manufacturers requirements or a material safety data sheet (MSDS) for specifics. Ultimately, PPE selection is a matter between the employer and the employee and may need to…

Category: FC Electric Vehicles
Keywords: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

Safety codes globally have a requirement to provide a positive means to isolate energy sources and hazardous substances prior to performing maintenance. For gaseous hydrogen systems, methods such as a blind flange, a double block valve arrangement or a double block and bleed valve arrangement can provide that positive isolation.

Installing a blind flange requires breaking the supply line…

Category: Pressure Relief Devices
Keywords: Valves, Codes

Hydrogen gas storage and fuel cell systems are typically closed systems with a variety of monitoring and control functions to prevent leaks. Please check with the bus manufacturer and authority having jurisdiction to verify this is acceptable per their direction. However, a good safety practice would be to minimize the time spent indoors for these activities. Hydrogen vehicles maintained in a…

Category: FC Electric Vehicles
Keywords: FC Vehicles, Indoor Carwash
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