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Contribution to the French program dedicated to cementitious and clayey materials behavior in the context of Intermediate Level Waste management - Hydrogen transfer and materials durability

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B. Bary; P. Bouniol; L. Chomat; W. Dridi; C. Gatabin; C. Imbert; V. L'Hostis; P. Le Bescop; B. Muzeau; S. Poyet


This article illustrates a contribution of the CEA Laboratory of Concrete and Clay Behavior ("LECBA") for the assessment and modeling of the Long-Term behavior of cementitious and clayey materials in the context of nuclear ILW (Intermediate Level Waste) management. In particular, we aim at presenting two main topics that are studied at the Lab. The first one is linked to safety aspects and concern hydrogen transfer within cementitious as well as clayey materials (host rock for French nuclear waste disposal). The second point concerns the assessment of durability properties of reinforced concrete structures in the disposal (pre-closure and post-closure) conditions. Experimental specific tests and phenomenological modelling are presented.






Times Cited: 0 LHostis, V Gens, R 3rd International Workshop on NUCPERF Nov 12-15, 2012 Cadarache, FRANCE European Federat Corros; Nucl Corros (WP 4) Working Party; CEA; ONDRAF NIRAS; RILEM; Nucl Energy Agcy; MINOS 978-2-7598-1046-8

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