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A scalable silicon micro-reactor for preferential CO oxidation with an integrated platinum heater

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A. Dhingra; H.G. Im; S. Srinivas; E. Gulari;

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Recent advances in PEM fuel cell systems have demonstrated their role in the production of clean and efficient power. However, due to complexities and safety concerns in the storage and transport of hydrogen, development of on-board fuel processing of hydrocarbon into hydrogen is being considered a critical issue in the success of the fuel cell technology in transportation application. In this paper; a novel concept of scalable silicon micro-reactor with an integrated platinum heater is developed for preferential CO oxidation. The performance of the micro-reactor is assessed and compared to a packed-bed reactor model. Complementary experimental and modeling efforts are made to identify the optimal thermal design parameters. It is demonstrated that the silicon micro-reactors successfully achieves the objectives of scalability without suffering from loss of efficiency due to the mass transfer limitations.




Times Cited: 0 Im, Hong/J-4317-2012 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Nov 05-11, 2005 Orlando, FL ASME, Proc Ind Div; ASME, Rail Transportat Div; ASME, Noise Control & Acoust Div; ASME, Triol Div; ASME, Pressure Vessels & Piping Div; ASME, Bioengn Div; ASME, Mat Div; ASME, Appl Mech Div; ASME, Fluids Engn Div; ASME, Micro Elect Mech Syst Div; ASME, Heat Transfer Div; ASME, Nucl Engn Div; ASME, Power Div; ASME, Solar Energy Div; ASME, Safety Engn & Risk Anal Div; ASME, Technol & Soc Div; ASME, Adv Energy Syst Div; ASME, Aerosp Div; ASME, Comp & Informat Engn Div 0



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