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Conference Paper


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Hydrogen Fuelling Station, CEP-Berlin - Safety Risk Assessment and Authority Approval Experience and Lessons Learned-Paper 2005 Conference Paper B.G. Halvorsen; S. Hoiset Hydrogen Fuelling Station, CEP-Berlin - Safety Risk Assessment and Authority Approval Experience and Lessons Learned.pdf (141.3 KB)
Hydrogen Fuelling Station, CEP-Berlin - Safety Risk Assesment and Authority Approval Experience and Lessons Learned 2005 Conference Paper B.G. Halvorsen; S. Hoiset 100020.pdf (141.3 KB) , 2005_09_09_BGH_100020_ICHS_Pisa _CEP_Berlin-final.ppt (436 bytes)
Hydrogen Detection: Visualisation of Hydrogen Using Non Invasive Optical Schlieren Technique BOS 2005 Conference Paper A. Kebler; W. Ehrhardt; G. Langer Hydrogen Detection - Visualisation of Hydrogen Using Non Invasive Optical Schlieren Technique BOS.pdf (1.37 MB) , Hydrogen Detection - Visualisation of Hydrogen Using Non Invasive Optical Schlieren Technique BOS.ppt (403 bytes)
Gaseous Hydrogen Refuelling Stations : Selection of Materials for Hydrogen High Pressure Fuelling Connectors 2005 Conference Paper H. Barthelemy; L. Allidieres 230003.pdf (334.94 KB) , Gaseous hydrogen refuelling station.ppt (1.21 MB)
Flame Characteristics of High-pressure Hydrogen Gas Jet 2005 Conference Paper T. Mogi; H. Nishida; S. Horiguchi 120119.pdf (896.02 KB)
Fire Safety of Hydrogen-fueled Vehicles: System-level Bonfire Test 2005 Conference Paper R.R. Stephenson 410082.pdf (234.89 KB) , ICHS 410082 - Stephenson.ppt (999.5 KB)
Fire Safety of Hydrogen-Fueled Vehicles - System-Level Bonfire Test-Paper 2005 Conference Paper R.R. Stephenson Fire Safety of Hydrogen-Fueled Vehicles - System-Level Bonfire Test.pdf (234.89 KB)
Fire Prevention Technical Rule for Gaseous Hydrogen Refuelling Stations-Paper 2005 Conference Paper N. Grasso; N. Ciannelli; F. Pilo; M. Carcassi; F. Cecceherini Fire Prevention Technical Rule for Gaseous Hydrogen Refuelling Stations.pdf (49.13 KB)
Fire Prevention Technical Rule for Gaseous Hydrogen Refuelling Stations 2005 Conference Paper N. Grasso; N. Ciannelli; F. Pilo; M. Carcassi; F. Ceccherini 420064.pdf (49.13 KB) , 420064_Grasso_Nicola.ppt (224.5 KB)
Facilitating the Safest Possible Transition From Fossil To Hydrogen Fuels: Hydrogen Executive Leadership Panel 2005 Conference Paper Wp. Chernicoff; G.A. Miller 130115.pdf (159.83 KB)
Facilitating the Safest Possible Transition from Fossil to Hydrogen Fuels - Hydrogen Executive Leadership Panel-Paper 2005 Conference Paper W.P. Chernicoff; G.A. Miller Facilitating the Safest Possible Transition from Fossil to Hydrogen Fuels - Hydrogen Executive Leadership Panel.pdf (159.83 KB)
Explosion Characteristics of Hydrogen-air and Hydrogen-oxygen Mixtures At Elevated Pressures 2005 Conference Paper V. Schroeder; K. Holtappels 120001.pdf (294.29 KB) , ICHS_Schroeder.ppt (1.1 MB)
Evaluation of Safety Distances Related to Unconfined Hydrogen Explosions-Paper 2005 Conference Paper S.B. Dorofeev 100129.pdf (122.9 KB) , Safety_distances3.ppt (2.14 MB)
Evaluation of Metal Materials for Hydrogen Fuel Stations 2005 Conference Paper Y. Wada; R. Ishigaki; Y. Tanaka; T. Iwadate; K. Ohnishi 220113.pdf (1.39 MB) , ICHSwada.ppt (23.87 MB)
Effect of Carbon Dioxide, Argon and Hydrocarbon Fuels on the Stability of Hydrogen Jet Flames-Paper 2005 Conference Paper Y. Wu; I.S. Al-Rahbi; Y. Lu; G.T. Kalghatgi Effect of Carbon Dioxide, Argon and Hydrocarbon Fuels on the Stability of Hydrogen Jet Flames.pdf (254.36 KB)
Effect of Carbon Dioxide, Argon and Hydrocarbon Fuels on the Stability of Hydrogen Jet Flames 2005 Conference Paper Y. Wu; I.S. Al-Rahbi; Y. Lu; G.T. Kalghatgi presentation_Pisa.ppt (52.09 MB) , 130106.pdf (254.36 KB)
Dynamic Crush Test on Hydrogen Pressurized Cylinder 2005 Conference Paper H. Mitsuishi; K. Oshino; S. Watanabe 310001.pdf (825.05 KB)
Development of Tools for Risk Assessment and Risk Communication for Hydrogen Applications-Paper 2005 Conference Paper E. Funnemark; A. Engebo Development of Tools for Risk Assessment and Risk Communication for Hydrogen Applications.pdf (187.63 KB)
Development of Tools for Risk Assessment and Risk Communication for Hydrogen Applications 2005 Conference Paper E. Funnemark; A. Engebo 140031.pdf (187.63 KB) , ICHS_Presentation_N 140031.ppt (418 bytes)
Development of Hydrogen Sensors and Recombiners-Paper 2005 Conference Paper G.S. Baronov; S.A. Grigoriev; A.A. Kalinnikov; V.N. Fateev Development of Hydrogen Sensors and Recombiners.pdf (774.45 KB)
Development of Hydrogen Sensors and Recombiners 2005 Conference Paper G.S. Baronov; S.A. Grigoriev; A.A. Kalinnikov; V.N. Fateev 140062.pdf (774.45 KB)
Determination of Clearance Distances for Venting of Hydrogen Storage-Paper 2005 Conference Paper A.V. Tchouvelev; P. Benard; V. Agranat; Z. Cheng Determination of Clearance Distances for Venting of Hydrogen Storage.pdf (254.39 KB)
Determination of Clearance Distances for Venting of Hydrogen Storage 2005 Conference Paper A.V. Tchouvelev; P. Benard; V. Agranat; Z. Cheng 410093.pdf (254.39 KB) , 410093_Venting_Clearance.ppt (1.3 MB)
Defining Hazardous Zones - Electrical Classification Distances-Paper 2005 Conference Paper G.W. Howard; A.V. Tchouvelev; Z. Cheng; V.M. Agranat Defining Hazardous Zones - Electrical Classification Distances.pdf (145.6 KB)
Defining Hazardous Zones - Electrical Classification Distances 2005 Conference Paper G.W. Howard; A.V. Tchouvelev; Z. Cheng; V.M. Agranat 410092.pdf (145.6 KB) , 410092_Hazardous_Zones.ppt (1.14 MB)
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