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PropertyUnitsHydrogenMethanePropaneMethanolEthanolGasolineChemical Formula H2CH4C3H8CH3OHC2H5OHCxHy (x = 4 - 12)Molecular Weight [a, b] 2.0216.0444.132.0446.07100 - 105Density, NTP [3, a, c]kg/m³0.08380.6681.87791789751 lb/ft³0.…
Contains a comparison of the amount of fuel necessary to provide the same energy unit based on the lower heating values.
Hydrogen Compressibility at different temperatures and pressures.
Hydrogen Density at different temperatures and pressures.
Hydrogen Enthalpy at different temperatures and pressures.
Hydrogen Entropy at different temperatures and pressures.
Entropy (SI).xls (120.5 KB)
Hydrogen mass and volume conversion factors at common temperatures and pressures. Data from NIST.
Hydrogen Specific Heat at different temperatures and pressures.
Hydrogen Thermal Conductivity at different temperatures and pressures.
Hydrogen Viscosity at different temperatures and pressures.
Contains lower and higher heating values for hydrogen and various solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels.
Properties of Hydrogen at Normal Boiling Point.
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