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The conversion is based on the condition as determined from a variety of non-destructive techniques which are commonly used for pipeline mechanical integrity programs. Existing natural gas pipelines are frequently evaluated for conversion to hydrogen, hydrogen-natural gas blend, and other fluid services.
The conversion can be done safely if handled with the proper expertise and…

Category: Piping
Keywords: Natural Gas, Pipeline

Each installation should be evaluated based on the results of a hazard analysis considering both of these
scenarios. Separation distances as listed in documents such as NFPA 2, Hydrogen Technologies Code, are
a minimum starting point but may need to be adjusted based on analysis. Recent work by NFPA 2 has
also included overpressure criteria, but the consequences can vary depending on…

Category: Site Planning
Keywords: Separation Distance, Overpressure, Jet Fire, NFPA 2

Double pipes can be used in certain circumstances to reduce the likelihood of external leaks and increase
the likelihood of detection by monitoring the space between the two pipes. Vacuum jacketed piping is
double walled and is used in liquid hydrogen service to provide insulation. While not equipped with gas
detection in the annular space, loss of vacuum is used to indicate an…

Category: Piping
Keywords: Double Pipes, Leak Detection, Vacuum Jacketed Piping

Each system should be evaluated for exposure of equipment to jet fires. The design team should develop
a plan to mitigate exposure as part of the hazard analysis. Fire barriers, walls, enclosures, and insulation
systems are frequently installed to meet code requirements where separation distances are not
sufficient or where the probability of exposure to a jet fire is high. Barriers…

Category: Site Planning
Keywords: Fire Protection, Jet Fire, Fire Barriers, Hazards Analysis

Codes and standards to address issues like this one are under development, along with applied research and field trials. As with any new application, appropriate codes and standards must be developed to meet public risk targets.

Category: Site Planning
Keywords: Heating, Explosion, Setback Distance

Systems should be sited in accordance with national and local standards such as NFPA 2, Hydrogen
Technologies Code. The nature of a trailer filling operation is not much different than a vehicle fueling
station, so the hazards are comparable and similar safeguards such as walls and sensors will apply. These
facilities might be larger and industrial standards and regulations will also…

Category: Site Planning
Keywords: NFPA 2

Exposure between these products is bidirectional. A hazard analysis should consider what happens to
alternate fueling equipment if an incident with one of the fuels occurs. Care must be taken to have the
appropriate separation distance and mitigations according to the applicable codes. Limited experience
with existing stations has shown that these multi-fuel stations can be successful…

Category: Site Planning
Keywords: Multi-fuel Stations, Separation Distance

The code used for repair and alterations of an existing system depends on the code used for construction as well as on the requirements imposed by the jurisdiction. Note that getting a permit from the jurisdiction may be necessary for an extensive alteration.

Code of ConstructionGenerally Accepted Code for Repair and Alterations…
Category: Piping
Keywords: Piping, Codes

The requirements of the code used for the original construction apply. The piping may meet the requirements of more than one code. In which case, the code used for changing the rating may be different than the original code of construction. In any case, the re-rated system should meet all of the requirements of the selected code. Note that if the original proof test of the system was…

Category: Piping
Keywords: Codes, Piping, Requirements

At least three of the ASME B31 piping codes are logical choices:

  • ASME B31.1, Power Piping
  • ASME B31.3, Process Piping
  • ASME B31.12 Hydrogen Piping and Pipelines

Considerations for code selection include:

  • Requirements imposed by the authority having jurisdiction, whether by direct reference or…
Category: Piping
Keywords: Piping, Codes, Requirements
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