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Guidance for location of vent stacks is provided by NFPA 2, Hydrogen Technologies Code, which also references CGA G5.5, Hydrogen Vent Systems, for additional guidance. Minimum distances to vent stack outlets should be determined from dispersion and radiation analyses. The height of the vent stack and orientation of the release will affect the minimum separation distance.

Category: Site Planning
Keywords: Vent Stack, Separation Distance, Dispersion, NFPA 2

Dispersion and radiation analysis should be conducted to ensure that the hydrogen cloud will not interfere with the flight path of aircraft. In addition, there may be maximum height requirements due to airport requirements depending on the location of the stack.

Category: Site Planning
Keywords: Vent Stack, Airfield, Dispersion Analysis

Documents such as NFPA 2, Hydrogen Technologies Code, and the International Fire Code have quantity thresholds that differentiate requirements for the design of systems and enclosures. However, even the smaller quantities present a hazard under specific conditions, especially for systems that have the potential to release hydrogen into a confined or unvented space. Good engineering judgement…

Category: Site Planning
Keywords: Safeguards, NFPA 2, Indoors

Each installation should be evaluated based on the results of a hazard analysis considering both of these
scenarios. Separation distances as listed in documents such as NFPA 2, Hydrogen Technologies Code, are
a minimum starting point but may need to be adjusted based on analysis. Recent work by NFPA 2 has
also included overpressure criteria, but the consequences can vary depending on…

Category: Site Planning
Keywords: Separation Distance, Overpressure, Jet Fire, NFPA 2

Each system should be evaluated for exposure of equipment to jet fires. The design team should develop
a plan to mitigate exposure as part of the hazard analysis. Fire barriers, walls, enclosures, and insulation
systems are frequently installed to meet code requirements where separation distances are not
sufficient or where the probability of exposure to a jet fire is high. Barriers…

Category: Site Planning
Keywords: Fire Protection, Jet Fire, Fire Barriers, Hazards Analysis

Codes and standards to address issues like this one are under development, along with applied research and field trials. As with any new application, appropriate codes and standards must be developed to meet public risk targets.

Category: Site Planning
Keywords: Heating, Explosion, Setback Distance

Systems should be sited in accordance with national and local standards such as NFPA 2, Hydrogen
Technologies Code. The nature of a trailer filling operation is not much different than a vehicle fueling
station, so the hazards are comparable and similar safeguards such as walls and sensors will apply. These
facilities might be larger and industrial standards and regulations will also…

Category: Site Planning
Keywords: NFPA 2

Exposure between these products is bidirectional. A hazard analysis should consider what happens to
alternate fueling equipment if an incident with one of the fuels occurs. Care must be taken to have the
appropriate separation distance and mitigations according to the applicable codes. Limited experience
with existing stations has shown that these multi-fuel stations can be successful…

Category: Site Planning
Keywords: Multi-fuel Stations, Separation Distance

Liquid hydrogen is rarely vented as a liquid. If liquid hydrogen is vented, there should be a means to ensure that it is fully vaporized. The vent systems for LH2 tanks are connected to the vapor space on the tanks to ensure in most instances, this occurs. Most vents from a liquid hydrogen system will vent gaseous hydrogen, but this gas, may still be as cold as -420 F. There are no code…

Category: Miscellaneous
Keywords: Temperature, LH2, Vent System, Liquid Hydrogen

All vent stacks/systems should be bonded and grounded to minimize ignition sources. Higher pressure streams from higher velocities have a greater risk of igniting for several reasons, including particle impingement. Adding mesh could create more impact points for particulate, which would increase the potential for ignition, but would not increase the probability of a DDT. Similarly, high flow…

Category: Miscellaneous
Keywords: Ignite, Vent Stack, Vent System, Deflagration, Detonation, DDT
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