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No, this is not a common or preferred approach. Isolating the source of hydrogen is the best safety practice. Water systems could extinguish the flame but allow the gas to continue leaking and result in an explosion if reignited.
Cylinders used within a laboratory can be used safely by meeting the requirements prescribed in NFPA 2,
Hydrogen Technologies Code, and NFPA 45, Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals.
Special consideration should be given to both safe handling and storage of cylinders. Regarding lecture
size cylinders, their small size can make them susceptible to damage and…
Flammable hydrogen releases can result in deflagration and transition to a detonation. Whether the
deflagration transitions to a detonation depends on numerous parameters such as cloud size, hydrogen
concentration, confinement, and congestion. Releases into confined or congested areas are more
susceptible to generating significant deflagration over-pressures and more likely to…
There are numerous models that can be used to assess the consequence and risk of leaks and releases.
One such model is HYRAM which is publicly available from Sandia and the US DOE.
Emergency response procedures must be developed for each system based on its design. The
procedures generally include steps to clear personnel from the immediate area, isolate the hydrogen,
shut down the equipment, contact local responders, and protect surrounding equipment/structures until
the hazard is mitigated or the incident is over.
CGA G-5.5 states: All vent stacks shall be grounded and meet the requirements of NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, for integrity and system design and also references NFPA 77, Recommended Practice on Static Electricity, and NFPA 780, Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems.
For lightening refer to NFPA 780 and for grounding of the Hydrogen equipment, refer to…
AICHE ELA253 CHS ” Introduction to Hydrogen Safety for First Responders” is a good reference and discusses both LH2 and GH2. LH2 fires are very unusual. LH2 releases usually are GH2 so the fires at either ambient for low flow or the GH2 is a cryo temperature for high flow. Fires from LH2 tanks ignite less frequently than GH2 high-velocity releases. The colder the gas the less potential for…
It is difficult to provide trustworthy answers to these questions without understanding the design and configuration of the specific installation. It may be best to consult with a pressure systems expert to evaluate the specific installation and uses. The gas provider may also be a good resource for specifics on gas equipment use. Other beneficial resources include the…
While HSP members have limited experience with MFCs in experimental setups, the Panel does not consider them to be reliable to provide a positive flow shutoff. For safety, a shutoff valve in series is recommended. Projects will also need to consider hazardous electrical rating and location when flowing H2. Regarding Coriolis mass flow measuring devices, Coriolis flow meters measure mass rate…
It is always recommended that the area in which this work would be done be adequately ventilated and in accordance with the Building Code, NFPA 2 and NFPA 45 if applicable. In the Panel’s opinion, it’s recommended that the weight measuring equipment as you’ve described it be designed for Class 1, Group B, Division 2. Also consult with the local authority having jurisdiction as to the…
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