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In the U.S., there is no specific national requirement for fuel cell test equipment to be certified. There may be requirements from the local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). Local building codes will likely point to compliance with NFPA 2/55 for the hydrogen and other gas supply systems, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for vessels, ASME B31 piping codes for piping, and National…

Category: Miscellaneous
Keywords: Fuel Cells, Laboratory, Certification, AHJ

Because a small spark can ignite hydrogen-air mixtures, precautions such as using spark-resistant tools is one method that can be considered to reduce the probability of an ignition. However, there is little evidence that spark-resistant tools make a significant difference.   

Spark-resistant tools are made of nonferrous materials that are inherently weaker than the steels…

Category: Miscellaneous
Keywords: Spark-resistant, Spark-proof, Non-Sparking, Tools

It depends on the construction and location of the lights. Assuming the typical practice of using non-classified lighting on vehicles, operation of those lights during a delivery could provide an ignition source if located within the classified area near the delivery or venting activity. A more modern LED lighting systems may present a lower risk.

Category: Miscellaneous
Keywords: Delivery, Ignition, Lights, Hazards, Flashing
Category: Miscellaneous
Keywords: Ignite, Static Charge, Electrolyzer, Ignition, Electrical Classification, Release, Vent Stack, Vent, Atmosphere, Flare, Fire, Separation Distance, Flame Arrestor, Toroidal Ring, Airfield, Pipeline, Materials, Compatibility, Cast Iron, Piping, Leak, Gas detector, Calibration Detector, Portable, Outdoors, Truck, Attributes, Set Point, Extinguish, Explosion, Deluge, Relief, TPRD, Indoors, Threshold, Natural Gas, Blending, Material Compatibility, Odorant, PRD, Pressure, Mobile, Helium, Fueling Station, Railroad, Train, Oxygen, Overpressure, Korea, Composite, Tank, Cylinder, Laboratory, Odor, Fuel Cells, Conversion, Delayed Ignition, Jet Fire, Hazards Analysis, Jacketed, Barriers, Liquid, Residential, Furnace, Risk, Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion (BLEVE), Emergency Response, Deflagration, Detonation, Training, Underground, Storage, Tube Trailer, Fueling Station, Gasoline, Diesel, Electric Charging, Rupture Panel, Instruments, Valves, Actuator, Procedure, Dispersion, Model

There are many manufacturers of multiple  types of flame detectors and it’s best to seek their input for the advantages of different types for specific applications. Regarding flame detector technology, UV detectors have been prone to false alarms from outside sources such as sunlight, lightning, and welding/cutting torches. The newer triple-IR detectors that are specifically designed and…

Category: Detectors
Keywords: Detector, Sensor, Ultraviolet

One pertinent reference is a Sandia National Laboratories paper by Schefer et al: Spatial and radiative properties of an open-flame hydrogen plume, Intl J. Hydrogen Energy, 31 (2006): 1332-1340. Information on this and other similar papers are available at Further information can probably be obtained from the author of this paper and other papers reporting…

Category: Detectors
Keywords: Detector, Sensor, Flame

The Panel is not aware of any standard for hydrogen detectors for onboard vehicle applications. Some information is available in the SAE Technical Information Report: TIR J3089 Characterization of On-Board Vehicular Hydrogen Sensors, which was published in 2018.

Category: Detectors
Keywords: Detector, Sensor, Standard

It is common to have combustible materials and fuels in a building during construction activities. Commissioning is typically considered part of construction. It is good to see that fire suppression is available. However, given the lack of alarm capabilities, it would seem prudent to have a fire watch posted when hazardous materials are present or being used. Regarding requirements, the…

Category: Miscellaneous
Keywords: Safety, Building, Construction
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