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Title Year Type Author(s)
Numerical modelling of release of subsonic and sonic hydrogen jets 2019 Journal Article S. Lakshmipathy, T. Skjold, H. Hisken, G. Atanga
Humidity tolerant hydrogen-oxygen recombination catalysts for hydrogen safety applications 2017 Conference Proceedings M. Kuznetsov, J. Grune
A comparison study into low leak rate buoyant gas dispersion in a small fuel cell enclosure using plain and louvre vent passive ventilation schemes 2017 Conference Proceedings K. Malik, M. Zbikowski, D. Bak, P. Lesiak, A. Teodorczyk
A study on the effectivity of hydrogen leakage detection for hydrogen fuel cell 2017 Conference Proceedings W. Qu, C. Gu, J Zheng, Y. Zhao, Z. Hua
Monte-Carlo-analysis of minimum load cycle requirements for composite cylinders for hydrogen 2017 Conference Proceedings Y. Tamura, K. Yamazaki, K. Maeda, K. Sato
Fatigue and fracture of high-hardenability steels for thick-walled hydrogen pressure vessels 2017 Conference Proceedings K. Vaagsaether, K. Rai, D. Bjerketvedt
TPR-XAFS study for hydrogen recombination reaction of platinum metal nanoparticle catalysts 2017 Conference Proceedings Daiju Matsumura, Masashi Taniguchi, Takuya Tsuji, et al.
Large eddy simulations of asymmetric turbulent hydrogen jets issuing from realistic pipe geometries 2017 Conference Proceedings F. Verbecke, S. Bertau, V. Molkov
Large eddy simulations of asymmetric turbulent hydrogen jets issuing from realistic pipe geometries 2017 Conference Proceedings J. Xiao, X. Wang, X. Zhou, P. Benard, R. Chahine
Effect of Rotation on Ignition Thresholds of Stoichiometric Hydrogen Mixtures 2017 Conference Proceedings E. Vyazmina, S. Jallais, J. Daubech
Effects of the injector direction on the temperature distribution during filling of hydrogen tanks 2017 Conference Proceedings Daniele Melideo, Daniele Baraldi, Nerea Echevarria
Polymer behaviour in high pressure hydrogen, helium and argon environments as applicable to the Hydrogen infrastructure 2017 Conference Proceedings Nalini Menon, A.M. Kruizenga, A. Nissen, B.E. Mills, et al.
Ignition of Hydrogen-Air Mixtures Under Volumetric Expansion Conditions 2017 Conference Proceedings R. Mevel, J. Melguizo-Gavilanes, D. Davidenko
MEASUREMENT OF HYDROGEN MIXING PROCESS BY HIGH RESPONSE HYDROGEN SENSOR 2017 Conference Proceedings Elena Vyazmina, Simon Jallais, Mikhail Kuznetsov
Modeling of hydrogen pressurization and extraction in cryogenic pressure vessels due to vacuum insulation failure 2017 Conference Proceedings Julio Moreno-Blanco, Francisco Elizalde-Blancas, Armando Gallegos-Munoz, et al.
Security Risk Analysis of a Hydrogen Fueling Station with an On-site Hydrogen Production System Involving Methylcyclohexane 2017 Conference Proceedings Pierre Blanc-Vannet, Olivier Bardoux, Noémie Alexandre
Modelling liquid hydrogen release and spread on water 2017 Conference Proceedings Farhad Nazarpour, Siaka Dembele, Jernnifer Wen
Measurements of Flow Velocity and Scalar Concentration in Turbulent Multi-Component Jets 2017 Conference Proceedings Soleimani nia, B. Maxwell, P. Oshkai
Measurements of flow velocity and scalar concentration in turbulent multi-component jets 2017 Conference Proceedings T.K. Bose, D. Allard
Monitoring H2 bubbles by real time H2 sensor 2017 Conference Proceedings Takashi Nohmi, Toshio Mogi
Characterising the performance of hydrogen sensitive coatings for nuclear safety applications 2017 Conference Proceedings Roxana O’Hara, James Ingram, Paul Holborn, et al.
Modeling of hydrogen flame dynamics in narrow gap with bendable walls 2017 Conference Proceedings William Buttner, Rivkin Carl, Kara Schmidt, et al.
Non-steady characteristics of dispersion and ignitability for high-pressurized hydrogen jet discharged from a pinhole 2017 Conference Proceedings Rafael Cebolla, Eveline Weidner, Christian Bonato, et al.
Experimental Measurements of Structural Displacement During Hydrogen Vented Deflagrations for FE Model Validation 2017 Conference Proceedings T. Pini, A. Hanssen, M. Schiavetti
Effect of plastic deformation at room temperature on hydrogen diffusion of hot-rolled S30408 2017 Conference Proceedings Wenmin Qu, Chaohua Gu, Jinyang Zheng, et al.
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