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Title Year Type Author(s)
Modeling of Hydrogen Explosion on a Pressure Swing Absorbtion Facility 2011 Conference Proceedings D. Makarov, F. Verbecke, V. Molkov, A. Kotchourko, A. Lelyakin, J. Yanez, D. Baraldi, M. Heitsch, A. Efimenko, A. Gavrikov
Applying Risk Management Strategies Prudently 2011 Conference Proceedings M.A. Pero, D.M. Rode
Simulation of DDT in Hydrogen-Air Behind a Single Obstacle 2011 Conference Proceedings A.V. Gaathaug, K. Vaagsaether, D. Bjerketvedt
CFD Modeling of LH2 Dispersion Using the ADREA-HF Code 2011 Conference Proceedings S.G. Giannissi, A.G. Venetsanos, J.G. Bartzis, N. Markatos, D.B. Willoughby, M. Royle
Hydrogen Risk Assessment in Sao Paulo State - Brazil 2011 Conference Proceedings S.R. Tomaz, G.G. Michelino, N P.Neves
Let's Go Green With Hydrogen! The General Public's Perspective 2011 Conference Proceedings R. Zimmer, J. Welke
Modeling of the Flame Acceleration in Flat Layer for Hydrogen-Air Mixtures 2011 Conference Proceedings J. Yanez, A. Kotchourko, M. Kuznetsov, A. Lelyakin, T. Jordan
CFD and VR For Risk Communication and Safety Training 2011 Conference Proceedings O.R. Hansen, D.M. Ulvang, T. Langeland, P. Middha
Application of Reactive Discrete Equation Method to the ENACCEF Test 13H 2011 Conference Proceedings S. Kudriakov, A. Beccantini
LES Modelling of Hydrogen Release and Accumulation Within a Non-Ventilated Ambient Pressure Garage Using the ADREA-HF CFD Code 2011 Conference Proceedings N. Koutsourakis, A.G. Venetsanos, J.G. Bartzis
Numerical Investigation of Subsonic Hydrogen Jet Release 2011 Conference Proceedings E.A. Papanikolaou, A.G. Venetsanos, M. Heitsch, D. Baraldi, A. Huser, J. Pujol, D. Makarov, V. Molkov, J. Garcia, N. Markatos
Full Hydrogen Explosion Suppression Using Phlegmatization Additives in Experiments of Different Scale 2011 Conference Proceedings S.H. Lee, Y.G. Kim, S.C. Kim, K.B. Yoon
Numerical Investigation of a Vertical Surface on the Flammable Extent of Hydrogen and Methane Vertical Jets 2011 Conference Proceedings L. Melani, I. Sochet, X. Rocourt, S. Jallais
Safety Strategy for the First Deployment of a Hydrogen-Based Green Public Building in France 2011 Conference Proceedings E. Yamada, N. Kitabayashi, A.K. Hayashi, N. Tsuboi
Pressure Cycling of Type 1 Pressure Vessels with Gaseous Hydrogen 2011 Conference Proceedings C. San Marchi, D.E. Dedrick, P. Van Blarigan, B.P. Somerday, K.A. Nibur
Experimental Study of the Spontaneous Ignition of Partly Confined Hydrogen Jets 2011 Conference Proceedings J. Capelle, J. Gilgert, G. Pluvinage
A Numerical Simulation of Hydrogen Diffusion for the Hydrogen Leakage From a Fuel Cell Vehicle in an Underground Parking Space 2011 Conference Proceedings S.P.M. Bane, J.E. Shepherd, E. Kwon, A.C. Day
Assessment of Safety for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle 2011 Conference Proceedings K.B. Lee, J.W. Lee, G.J. Yong
Dependency of Equivalence Ratio on Hydrogen Cylindrical Detonation Induced by Direct Initiation 2011 Conference Proceedings M. Ashara, N. Tsuboi, A.K. Hayashi, E. Yamada
Single Step Compact Steam Methane Reforming Process for Hydrogen-CNG (H-CNG) Production From Natural Gas 2011 Conference Proceedings R.M. Badhe, A. Sharma, K. Brijesh, S. Rajagopal, R.K. Malhotra
Licensing a Fuel Cell Bus and a Hydrogen Fuelling Station in Brazil 2011 Conference Proceedings B. Hoagland
Risk Informed Separation Distances for Hydrogen Refuelling Stations 2011 Conference Proceedings J. Ohi, T. Jordan, S. Dorofeev
The Crucial Role of the Lewis Number in Jet Ignition 2011 Conference Proceedings R. Schefer, G. Evans, Y. Zhang, A. Ruggles, R. Greif
Introduction to Hydrogen Safety Engineering 2011 Conference Proceedings T. Jordan
Fundamental Study on Accidental Explosion Behavior of Hydrogen-Air Mixtures in Open Space 2011 Conference Proceedings G. Vercauteren
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