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Title Year Type Author(s)
Vented Explosion Overpressures From Combustion of Hydrogen and Hydrocarbon Mixtures 2009 Conference Proceedings C.R. Bauwens, J. Chaffee, S.B. Dorofeev
Experimental Investigation of Hydrogen Jet Fire Mitigation by Barrier Walls 2009 Conference Proceedings R.W. Schefer, E.G. Merilo, M.A. Groethe, W.G. Houf
Catalysts for Hydrogen Removal - Kinetic Paradox and Functioning at High Concentration of Hydrogen 2009 Conference Proceedings V. Shepelin, D. Koshmanov, E. Chepelin
Influence of Temperature on the Fatigue Strength of Compressed Hydrogen Tanks for Vehicles 2009 Conference Proceedings J. Tomioka, K. Kiguchi, Y. Tamura, H. Mitsuishi
Experimental Results on the Dispersion of Buoyant Gas in a Full Scale Garage From a Complex Source 2009 Conference Proceedings B. Cariteau, J. Brinster, E. Studer, I. Tkatschenko, G. Joncquet
Numerical Modeling of Hydrogen Deflagration Dynamics in Enclosed Space 2009 Conference Proceedings Y.A. Skob, M.L. Ugryumov, K.P. Korobchynskiy, V.V. Shentsov, E.A. Granovskiy, V.A. Lyfar
High Pressure PEM Water Electrolysis and Corresponding Saftey Issues 2009 Conference Proceedings V.N. Fateev, S.A. Grigoriev, P. Millet, S.V. Korobtsev, V.I. Porembskiy, F. Aupretre
Risk Modelling of a Hydrogen Refuelling Station Using a Bayesian Network 2009 Conference Proceedings G.P. Haugom, F. Hansen, E. Haland
A Barrier Analysis of a Generic Hydrogen Refuelling Station 2009 Conference Proceedings F. Markert, A. Engebo, S. Nilsen
Wide Area and Distributed Hydrogen Sensors 2009 Conference Proceedings R. Zalosh, N. Barilo
Detonability of Binary H2 CH4-Air Mixtures 2009 Conference Proceedings O. Bozier, R. Sorin, F. Virot, R. Zitoun, D. Desbordes
Assessment of the Effects of Inert Gas and Hydrocarbon Fuel Dilution on Hydrogen Flames 2009 Conference Proceedings Y. Wu, M.D. Hamid
Improvements in Two-Step Model of Hydrogen Detonative Combustion - Model Description and Sensitivity to its Parameters 2009 Conference Proceedings I.A. Zaev, I.A. Kirillov
An Overview of Hydrogen Safety Sensors and Requirements 2009 Conference Proceedings W.J. Buttner, M.B. Post, R. Burgess, C. Rivkin
Numerical Investigation of Hydrogen Dispersion into Air 2009 Conference Proceedings R. Khaksarfard, M. Paraschivoiu
Numerical Simulation of Hydrogen Release From High-Pressure Storage Vessel 2009 Conference Proceedings J.Y. Zheng, H.Y. Bie, P. Xu, Y.Z. Zhao, Y.L. Liu
Hydrogen-Air Explosive Envelope Behavior in Confined Space at Different Leak Velocities 2009 Conference Proceedings V.P. Denisenko, I.A. Kirillov, S.V. Korobtsev, I.L. Nikolaev
A Lagrangian Reaction-Diffusion Model for Predicting the Ignitability of Pressurized Hydrogen Releases 2009 Conference Proceedings B.M. Maxwell, R. M.I.
Performance-Based Requirements for Hydrogen Detection Allocation and Actuation 2009 Conference Proceedings I.A. Kirillov, M.I. Strelkova, A.V. Panasenko, D. Roekaerts
Achievements of the EC Network of Excellence HySafe 2009 Conference Proceedings T. Jordan,
Hydrogen Release and Atmospheric Dispersion - Experimental Studies and Comparison with Parametric Simulations 2009 Conference Proceedings F. Ganci, A. Carpignano, N. Mattei, M.N. Carcassi
Risk Assessment of Hydrogen Explosion for Private Car with Hydrogen-Driven Engine 2009 Conference Proceedings A. Rodionov, H. Wilkening, P. Moretto
Consequences of Catastrophic Releases of Ignited and Unignited Hydrogen Jet Releases 2009 Conference Proceedings M. Royle, D.B. Willoughby
The Interaction of Hydrogen Jet Releases with Walls and Barriers 2009 Conference Proceedings D.B. Willoughby, M. Royle
A National Set of Hydrogen Codes and Standards for the US 2009 Conference Proceedings C. Rivkin, C. Blake, R. Burgess, W. Buttner, M. Post
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