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Title | Year | Type | Author(s) |
Numerical Simulation of Hydrogen Release in a Private Garage | 2001 | Journal Article | S. Rui, Q. Li, J. Guo, X. Sun |
Hydrogen Monitoring Requirements in the Global Technical Regulation on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Vehicles | 2015 | Conference Proceedings | A. Kovac, M. Paranos, D. Marcius |
Overview of the DOE Hydrogen Safety, Codes and Standards Program Part 4: Hydrogen sensors | 2015 | Conference Proceedings | A. Tchouvelev, W. Buttner, D. Melideo, D. Baraldi, B. Angers |
Performance and Certification Testing of Insulated Pressure Vessels for Vehicular Hydrogen Storage | 2001 | Journal Article | I. Tolias, A. Kanaev, N. Koutsourakis, V Glotov, A. Venetsanos |
Analysis of Acoustic Pressure Oscillation During Vented Deflagration | 2015 | Conference Proceedings | M. Schiavetti, M. Carcassi |
IEA HIA Activities - R, D&D Collaboration in the Evolving Hydrogen World | 2015 | Audiovisual | T.U. Riis, M.R. de Valladares |
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