In industrial buildings explosion relief panels or doors are often used to reduce damages caused by gas explosion. Decades of research produced a significant contribution to the understanding of the phenomena involved, nevertheless, among the aspects that need further research, interaction between acoustic oscillation and the flame front is one of the more important. Interaction between the flame front and acoustic oscillation has raised technical problem in lots of combustion applications as well, and had been studied theoretically and experimentally in such cases. Pressure oscillation had been observed in vented deflagration and in certain cases they are responsible for the highest pressure peak generated during the event. At Scalbatraio laboratory of Pisa University CVE test facility was built in order to investigate vented hydrogen deflagration. This paper is aimed to present an overview of the results obtained during several experimental campaigns which tests are analysed with the focus on the investigation of flame acoustic interaction phenomenon. Qualitative and quantitative analysis is presented and the possible physic generating the phenomenon investigated.
Year of Conference